My Little Greenhouse

It is a bit more potent and the effect is different, more boyant, sparkley I suppose you could say. Yes it goes away after you dry them. Everyone is soooo afraid of heat in mushrooms but I have never found a significant decrease in potency when the fruit is dried in the oven at uner 140 degrees. Better to finish off the almost dry ones in a warming oven than risk them going bad or rotting due to insufficient drying - Cracker dry, nothing else will do and a packet of desicant is a good thing in your stored product. The freezer is best but they will last a long time in normal household temps. People are too fixated on such things when your loss rate is infinetesimal. Do you really care that your product loses 1 to 5 percent of it's potency?
interesting yeah i was never worried about a little heat i used i knew not to make it real hot tho. ill have to try fresh mushies one time to see the difference.
As usual your projects appear to be doing well. You have a ton of bags going/ready to go. Looks as though your about to assault all of reality. Are you planning upon opening a gate to another dimension? Alternate reality maybe?
Haven't you heard that the world is going to come to an end this year? I'm just preparing for it by having enough party favors to enjoy the show :hump:
Looking great BatCave. After seeing your WBS colonizing so fast I had to buy a PC...and after 5 days I have 10-15% colonization already! So thank you for the inspiration!
Looking great BatCave. After seeing your WBS colonizing so fast I had to buy a PC...and after 5 days I have 10-15% colonization already! So thank you for the inspiration!

Good deal man! Wait until you do a grain to grain with WBS, just did one 4 days ago and they are almost to 100%
looking at that tent

are you rotating in cycles?

or in the front left there is that a long bloomer?
looking at that tent

are you rotating in cycles?

or in the front left there is that a long bloomer?

I run 8 plants at a time, one week behind each other for a decent perpetual which I harvest 1 plant a week roughly. I keep only strains that finish in 56 days or less which keeps my rotation going. Plant on the front left is C99 that was vegged 40 days, topped multiple times and super cropped a couple of times and is currently 8 days into 12/12.
I will be adding some other Delicious Seed's strains soon, they really liked my journal on my 48 day "freak" Critical Super Silver Haze so they are sending me a selection of free seeds to grow out ;).
Hey man I was wonderin if you could drop by my thread and let me know if you think it's time to shake or if I should just leave it. 7/7 no contams yet! Thanks man.