My Little Greenhouse

Long Island. But an island that I could just visit every once in a while would be pretty nice. Just sit back and relax. Listen to the surf. Nobody around. Just trippin' balls and smoking every so often. Aaahhhhhhh. Good times.
oh haha dang i was thinking of a tropical island where you could just chill on the beach
I would enjoy a tropical island getaway. Someday. And then never leave. I like the pics of your boomers BC. I like the one with lone shroom being all evangelical atop the mound. Saying "The end is nigh my friends. Repent. For our days are numbered". "We too. Shall be picked".
those looks so nice!! i made a slurry syringe today and i am preparing popcorn so hopefully i end up with something good like you have!
Remember that tall mushy in the middle leading the pack? It is the largest and the last one of the first flush.

That last flush looked f'ing awesome. And those buds are hot. You got some great stuff going on man. Have fun. Cheers.
bat I sent you a pm

Turned my PM's off for awhile, getting too many unknowns trying to contact me with questions that have already been asked and answered in this journal. Sorry, but feel free to ask a question here that hasn't already been asked or answered.
I understand why you shut it off for awhile, I have read all of this and was curious if you could drop a link to the other site that you use I thought you had some journals there. I am jarred up with 1 qt jars for my very first run as we speak. Its penis envy, I suffer from cluster head aches and have read the shrooms will help with not having to deal with them.

The question that I am looking for an answer is I plan on going bulk instead of cakes and was curious how thick of a layer of case and popcorn in my situation you are doing with your bulk cakes. I have not settled on wether to use verm, cow poo, hourse, ect. I am up in the air with wich to use. I picked up a green house like the one you have and academy has the dehydrator on sale so I have 1 coming.I just need a controler and a humidifier, wich I read in hear you use a cool version.

I have read alot but all of the articles I have read do not say how thick to make the layers. I plan on using the large rubber maid bin to fruit with then get it out of the tub after the first flush. I think that is how you do yours and any input I would be gratefull for. Thank you for this article it has answered alot of questions already
I understand why you shut it off for awhile, I have read all of this and was curious if you could drop a link to the other site that you use I thought you had some journals there. I am jarred up with 1 qt jars for my very first run as we speak. Its penis envy, I suffer from cluster head aches and have read the shrooms will help with not having to deal with them.

The question that I am looking for an answer is I plan on going bulk instead of cakes and was curious how thick of a layer of case and popcorn in my situation you are doing with your bulk cakes. I have not settled on wether to use verm, cow poo, hourse, ect. I am up in the air with wich to use. I picked up a green house like the one you have and academy has the dehydrator on sale so I have 1 coming.I just need a controler and a humidifier, wich I read in hear you use a cool version.

I have read alot but all of the articles I have read do not say how thick to make the layers. I plan on using the large rubber maid bin to fruit with then get it out of the tub after the first flush. I think that is how you do yours and any input I would be gratefull for. Thank you for this article it has answered alot of questions already

If I am doing bags then I go by the pound, for the past tubs I have done they have been 3" deep to 4" deep. I do not case mine. I just mix my spawn with the substrate then put it away to do its thing until ready to fruit. I have had good success with substrate to spawn normally 4 to 1 or 5 to 1 ratio, like 4qts substrate to 1 qt spawn.
my gosh BC that center mush man lol told you that son of a bitch looked like the leader of the pack

looks like it will be a 4-6 grammer you thinnk?
Hey man got the PC in today, got my WBS cleaned and soaking can't wait to PC tomorrow for first time! Thanks for all the guidance hopefully I get better then 50% success this time lol