My Little Greenhouse

Got spores and rye cakes today. Got Penis Envy, PES Hawaiian, Golden Teacher, and Treasure Coast. Other supplies are being gathered as well. Almost there...
Got spores and rye cakes today. Got Penis Envy, PES Hawaiian, Golden Teacher, and Treasure Coast. Other supplies are being gathered as well. Almost there...

SWEET!!! Start a journal up, would like to see your success. I just returned from picking up some WBS (wild bird seed) and will be using it instead of rye berries this round. Have done both with no real difference. I will be doing PES Hawaiian and Burma for the next run.
Got spores and rye cakes today. Got Penis Envy, PES Hawaiian, Golden Teacher, and Treasure Coast. Other supplies are being gathered as well. Almost there...

It may be a bit premature for me to say it, but I will.
I love it when a plan comes together.
SWEET!!! Start a journal up, would like to see your success. I just returned from picking up some WBS (wild bird seed) and will be using it instead of rye berries this round. Have done both with no real difference. I will be doing PES Hawaiian and Burma for the next run.

Been watching the vids and such I see one method is just birthing the cakes then coating in verm and then put in the fruiting chamber. Can this method be replicated with the 3lb rye berry spawn bags? or do I have to prep the bulk substrate? Basically I'm trying to avoid anything that requires pressure cooking for sterilization. I guess that's the only step I'm not 100% on. Fruiting seems strait forward, place it in the chamber and keep the humidity right. I also understand I need to leave the colonization bag about a week after full colonization to allow the mycellium to fully take hold of the substrate? Great having you to bounce ideas off of. I will surely start a journal up so you can see the PF Hawaiian...assuming I don't fuck it up. lol I was also wondering if I should use the entire syringe on each 3 lb rye bag or half? Any advice there would be great thanks again.
Alot of people case with coco coir and prepare it without pressure cooking. You can use a bucket with a lid like from home depot. Or go out and get an oven bag. You can even prepare manure without pressure cooking. Pasteurization, not sterilization.
Alot of people case with coco coir and prepare it without pressure cooking. You can use a bucket with a lid like from home depot. Or go out and get an oven bag. You can even prepare manure without pressure cooking. Pasteurization, not sterilization.

Sprout is correct, you do yourself no favors by sterilizing casing or even bulk substrates. You do not need a pressure cooker for casing, bring your casing up to 160 - 170 degrees for about an hour in any way you can - the oven works well if you bring your casing to field moisture before you cook.
Been watching the vids and such I see one method is just birthing the cakes then coating in verm and then put in the fruiting chamber. Can this method be replicated with the 3lb rye berry spawn bags? or do I have to prep the bulk substrate? Basically I'm trying to avoid anything that requires pressure cooking for sterilization. I guess that's the only step I'm not 100% on. Fruiting seems strait forward, place it in the chamber and keep the humidity right. I also understand I need to leave the colonization bag about a week after full colonization to allow the mycellium to fully take hold of the substrate? Great having you to bounce ideas off of. I will surely start a journal up so you can see the PF Hawaiian...assuming I don't fuck it up. lol I was also wondering if I should use the entire syringe on each 3 lb rye bag or half? Any advice there would be great thanks again.

If you use a loose substrate you do not need to let the mycelium "take hold", you only need to shake the bag a few times, when each kernel is coated with mycelium you are done, it is best to keep the grain from "knitting", or growing together until you put it in its final resting place. That should be a tray or some other sterilized container (well you needn't sterilize but you had better wash it well in 10 or 15 percent bleach.

As for how much of your syringe - it depends on how loaded the syringe is. If you see purple in the solution, you only need a cc or so. If you do not, use more - times have changed and you really don't get as many spores as you used to. I have seen situations where the solution can't possibly be holding more than a few hundred spores and that isn't enough for anything but agar work.
Oh, and a tip, you should strain or sift your coir through a fairly fine mesh before you mix it with your vermiculite. Coir has hairs and bits that invite trich - in fact, some coir is actually intentionaly contaminated with trich, if you don't pastureize it well, you will see the results as green mold - that usually starts on the little stems and hairs.
If you use a loose substrate you do not need to let the mycelium "take hold", you only need to shake the bag a few times, when each kernel is coated with mycelium you are done, it is best to keep the grain from "knitting", or growing together until you put it in its final resting place. That should be a tray or some other sterilized container (well you needn't sterilize but you had better wash it well in 10 or 15 percent bleach.

As for how much of your syringe - it depends on how loaded the syringe is. If you see purple in the solution, you only need a cc or so. If you do not, use more - times have changed and you really don't get as many spores as you used to. I have seen situations where the solution can't possibly be holding more than a few hundred spores and that isn't enough for anything but agar work.
yeah i think the syringes i got were real shitty. it took a week and a half for them to begin colonization. i made my own spore print last night so hopefully that will be better.
Oh, and a tip, you should strain or sift your coir through a fairly fine mesh before you mix it with your vermiculite. Coir has hairs and bits that invite trich - in fact, some coir is actually intentionaly contaminated with trich, if you don't pastureize it well, you will see the results as green mold - that usually starts on the little stems and hairs.

Yeah I bought some canna coco thinking the texture felt perfect...then realized when I got home it has Trichoderma added DOH. I can return it and get a block like I was planning or sterilize it I suppose, cannot find the temp and time required to kill the stuff tho. I would just bake it in the oven in a turkey bag probably...or just get something else all together.

Made my own thread for the sake of not cluttering yours BatCave, hope some of ya'll will join me there.
canna coco has nutrients and stuff at pet stores they have coir bricks as reptile bedding and that is what you want for bulk. you would need brf and verm if you are doing the pf tek or you could use the grain tek
I use Cocogro and Hydrotek blocks for my coco needs, blocks mainly when they have them. The Cocogro is great for MJ and fungus, clean stuff for bagged.

22qt pressure cooker is currently ticking away with 10 jars of WBS, will nock them up tommorow sometime.
I use Cocogro and Hydrotek blocks for my coco needs, blocks mainly when they have them. The Cocogro is great for MJ and fungus, clean stuff for bagged.

22qt pressure cooker is currently ticking away with 10 jars of WBS, will nock them up tommorow sometime.

Sweet thanks. Coco gro is Botanicares product right? I'm sure I can find that somewhere.

What are you spawning this time?
Sweet thanks. Coco gro is Botanicares product right?QUOTE]

Yes the cocogro is just their plain bagged straight coco. I use it for my fungus and I use it to mix 50/50 with FFOF for my MJ. Its pretty clean with only a few small chunks you may have to break apart out of the bag