My little experiment


Active Member
Satman :joint:
Thanks for the praises.. I think the girls did well. The early cut stuff gives a really quick heady high :blsmoke: lasts about 20 mins. It's just too bad it had seeds.:cry:

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
With practice comes perfection...I call it a grew beautiful healthy plants....and got to smoke....and live in hawaii....uh,tell me again what was it you were sad bout leaving a link to your page here...for all my visitors to enjoy?


Well-Known Member
? for u satman,i have these stick lookinghair typ ethings growing from the main stem at each node 2 on each side,what r these things do u know?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
To be honest,,,,no,I don't....I believe they are the plants defense against damage to the flower sites....but I may be way off...when flowering is beginning,I have noticed that they point out straighter,as if to keep stuff away from the flower


Well-Known Member
yea,they started to point out when i put the plant into flowering,and now they have nute burn lol! and all the new leaves r dieing should i flush the plant,ittl be my 2nd time in like 2 weeks but it might help alot,the first time did!

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
yes....if the new growth is going down hill,then you still have a problem...flush it using 3 times the pot size....3 gallon pot....9 gal water....go slow....then back under the light.


Active Member
With practice comes perfection...I call it a grew beautiful healthy plants....and got to smoke....and live in hawaii....uh,tell me again what was it you were sad bout leaving a link to your page here...for all my visitors to enjoy?
I have a link to my grow journal in my signature
but if you insist: For Medicinal Use Only

I'm sad because I have to dig seed out of really nice sticky bud. :joint: , but you have a point I am in paradise and I love it.
I have a wonderful life
yes, it suits me.
I think so anyway. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i just flushed like last time,soil was draining nice and clear,hopefully it works and allows some new green growth as last time,and btw the roots r getting huges i saw some sticking out the bottom of the pot! lol

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I think your little experiment is sweet. People on here will get very defense very quickly about traditional growing practices, especially with lighting. I am a proponent of the 36 hour darkness before flower and harvest. But many people would say that causes hermies. (I got hermies, but I can 100% guarantee it was due to a power outage)

If you say it worked- it worked. I believe ya. I will try it if my plants stall.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I think your little experiment is sweet. People on here will get very defense very quickly about traditional growing practices, especially with lighting. I am a proponent of the 36 hour darkness before flower and harvest. But many people would say that causes hermies. (I got hermies, but I can 100% guarantee it was due to a power outage)

If you say it worked- it worked. I believe ya. I will try it if my plants stall.[/quote

This experiment might not be as random as it seems...extended release ferts in the soil....hydroponics nutes....light games.....
this is my test grow.From it I will choose the plants for my next grow,from mothers that grew well,smoked well....and most important,showed no traits to go hermie....MJ is very tough.To be honest,I already have some clones,just in case things go awry.
In the event that I manage to screw it up(quite likely)...I will know what point in my process needs refinement....But,so far so good,My morning inspection showed nice healthy females.
Hey OB,good to see ya bro,was wondering how long it was gonna take ya to get caught up and come check me out?^^^^^:joint:


Well-Known Member
yea satman is the master! lol idk im just so bored and sad abiotu my plant,i guess ill have to germinate a new seed! haha

Dr Jones

Well-Known Member
Look the bizniz Satman. 3 months is such a special day for the girls, how long you planning on keeping them?
Run your eye over my set-up m8 and give us your valued comments

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Good Morning!,
Today's morning inspection looked great...:blsmoke:...Gonna be awhile
As You experienced growers know,Marijuana needs 12 hours of darkness to flower,a disruption of this cycle causes the plant to revert back to its veg stage.
The cycle that I put these plants through involved giving them 1 hour of normal light,at a scheduled time during their night cycle,every night for ten nights....I think seven would have been better....
What this did to fully flowering plants was this...New growth from every grow tip...with resin sacs,bud sites and trics intact...New branching from the sides of budded tops,with flowering taking place immediately...It is 7 days today since the end of the cycle,60 days flowering,and I have seven inches of newly flowering cola on every branch,all new growth looks like its at about week 3 flowering.The more mature bud has continued to grow,but hasn't ripened yet....Can you really double the size of your buds with ten hours of extra light?....Only if you are willing to wait....They gotta grow,right?
All plants that were fully flowering continued to flower,the one with preflowers,reverted immediately to delay...grew rapidly...bout a foot and half these last 2 weeks...and are just starting to flower.

Anyway,pics to come later,soon as the light goes off...So,I haven't heard a lot of negative opinion yet...I thought this would be a very controversial topic....With debate,new ideas are shared....So tell me,what do ya really think?


Well-Known Member
alrighty satman dude. glad to hear all's well. the light cycle really has made em shoot up them eh? it's really wierd cos all the reading i've done, all the books, forums etc, all say the same thing:even 2 mins if light during "darkness" can make the plants go ladyboy. i've said it b4..i think ur a nutter lol but pushing the envelope. we wouldn't use molasses and stuff without growers like u.
don't think my girls gone hermie after all. the little growths that really REALLY looked like sacs have spouted pistils and now just look like swollen calyx. wierd.really wierd. watching the fucker closely tho!!!
massive repsect for trying what you're doing dude!!!!!!!!! *bump*

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
I appreciate the *ell of it there,dixie....this method won't be for people in a hurry,just the ones who want to grow massive are uploading,I am gonna give you some before and after....tell me what you think.