My list of potential Smileys


Active Member
I've noticed that the emote/smile list has a couple repeat/duplicates in it and also a lack of originality. I was hoping maybe this could be fixed so there isn't a bunch of duplicates and instead some new useful smileys.

Here are some of the duplicates:
":?" and ":-?" and "???"
":-|" and ":|" and "neutral"
":-(" and ":(" and "sad"
":D" and ":-D" and "grin"
":-)" and ":)" and "smile"
":P" and ":p" and "razz"
";)" and ";-)" and "wink"
"8)" and "8-)" and "cool"

Why not just have one of each rather then 3 of the same?

Please feel free to post any smileys/emotes you want to see added to the list!


Hey sup,

The current list of smileys is nice, but short.
There are several smileys that repeat, and overall personally, I think the smileys issue needs an overhaul.

Here is the list of my very best, hand picked smileys for this specific community that could add some fun and emotes into the forum.
Some are good, some better haha and some can fit well into us smokers world.

Let's begin:

= :bow:

= :bow2:

= :crying:

= :darkside:

= : eek:

= :googleit:

= :its a girl!:

= : oscar:

= : peace:

= : popcorn:

= : pimp:

= :rockout:

= :rofl:

= :sexy:

= :shocked:

= :slap:

= :suspicious:

= :toast:

= :wave:

= :wow:

= :yep:


, a lot ^^
Here is the zip file with all of them together.
(lol.. I'm a stoner and I know how it's like to be one)

What do you think??
Some in here are great potentials!


New Member

and can't go wrong with Professor Smiley!

emot-eng101.gifHe goes in front of text when it is refuting false information!