my lighting cfl


Alright guys in total I have 2, 45w 6400k and I have 2 dual filiment 200w 6400k and 2700k mix what should I start off with and when should I start adding them a'll together I understand with a cfl grow all the light you can chuck at it the better but I don't wanna fry the little lass when she pops out the ground?


Well-Known Member
Rule of thumb is 100watts per plant 50 for each additional. I started with two 23 watts to sprout it. Now in day 2 of flowering i gor 232 or 252 watts cant remember lol


Active Member
kick off with 2 45w 6400K veg light after they have sprouted 24/7….

to not fry, keep a good two three four inches away initially(they shoot up fast)

they as she looks sturdier add the rest of your lights…. go 18/6 maybe… its been said they like a rest…..

keep it humid as poss the initial week to ten days…. good luck chief….


Well-Known Member
kick off with 2 45w 6400K veg light after they have sprouted 24/7….

to not fry, keep a good two three four inches away initially(they shoot up fast)

they as she looks sturdier add the rest of your lights…. go 18/6 maybe… its been said they like a rest…..

keep it humid as poss the initial week to ten days…. good luck chief….
haha thanks but this isnt my thread xD
im trying to give him pointers because i am doing a CFL grow :D


Not to thread jack but how many plants are you vegging with 2 45w 6400k? If its 100w/plant wouldn't that barely be enough for 1 plant?