My leaves are turning pink??


Well-Known Member
From what i can see in pic it's one of two things. Most lickly its a nutrient prob. Many to much. I never feed them that young. Should not have to feed for first 3-4 weeks unless you are using a sterile medium. Looks like a potting soil to me and probably has nutients in it already. Have you concidered your tap water is probbly full of clorine and other oxidisers. At least let it sit in open container for 24 hours or buy bottled water.


New Member
it mite be burn what are your temps and what r u running as far as your step up, light distance wattage
the pink u see do u think it is the start of it turning purple? I have heard of colder temps turning a plant purple
but the yellow looks like burn but pics r blurry maybe update with one a little further away from plant
and i m sure later today someone more exp will answer so just hang tight


New Member
forgot to ask what r u using for nutes and what npk
im sure it says it in grow log but i dont have time to read the whole thing so others might not either


Well-Known Member
its in coir and perlite and just one really light feeding of thrive alive green and root 66 at like 12th strenght other plants show no symptoms even younger plants with same feeding