My leaves are starting to get yellow!


Well-Known Member
Because they need to be fed, or you need to water less...if you overwater seedlings then they will start to look washed out...but they might just be hungry...


Well-Known Member
Well I answered my own either are feeding them, or overwatering, because I see that your leaf tips are a tiny bit space your watering in let the pot get totally utterly feather light and then water with whatever nutes you want to give in a small dose...then allow the pot to dry the plant gets larger they need watered more frequently, but the plants will grow way faster if you wait for the pots to get super super light before you water...
Well i fed them 3 days ago and it first started to appear alittle bit yesterday and today it just seems to be getting worse :/. I don´t know what my PH since i don't have a meter,


Well-Known Member
Ph is your problem. The plant can't absorb the nutrients, your ph should be about 6.0-6.7. Just go buy ph test drops from hydro or pet store and test the run off water from soil when feeding.


Well-Known Member
Possible light bleaching/heat stress. How close to the light are they and temps?
Isnt there anything i can do without getting a ph meter? because its still getting worse :/ also the lamp is aleast 3-4 inches away


Well-Known Member
Leaves also taco-ing so prob high temp & low RH as well as overwatering or PH lockout. If the soil is too wet then the drowning roots can't absorb the nutes.

Please get urself a PH meter and start the feed at 1/4 strength every other watering. Waits for pots to lighten up.

Picture of the whole plant would be good.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
Ph is your problem. The plant can't absorb the nutrients, your ph should be about 6.0-6.7. Just go buy ph test drops from hydro or pet store and test the run off water from soil when feeding.
Don't do that.Yes it's good to know the ph, but don't test the run off from the pot.What ever your soil ph is, that is what it will stay.

I grow at a 7ph