my krown bleeds red


Active Member
i was chopping the top of my plant and usually the color of the juices is clear or white but ive never seen it bleed red like u cut your finger.Anyone have any answers...


Well-Known Member
Is it a species from outer space. At night it comes to life and creeps around the town sucking the townsfolk of their blood. Now you have hurt it and it will take revenge. The planet Ganja is targeting your house as we speak. Their anti-detection ray is aimed at you. Tonight they are gonna get you. Karma you hurt their friend.


Well-Known Member
i had this happen. fuckin' crazy shit. it was outdoors last year. topped a branch and it bled a BRIGHT RED drop right out the tip of the stem. looked just like blood.

i was using:
bat guanos
botanicare nutes
and turbanado sugar

could have been the nutes. i don't know.

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Well-Known Member
Want a real answer?

First off, I assume your are growing in soil. Right?

Secondly, this is in result to the ferts (nutes) you are using. It is high in something, like iron.

Thirdly, Some mexican dirt strains will do this when they get a rich diet. Over doing on the nutes.

In most likelyhood it is your nutes. Years ago you could buy some veg. garden fertilizer from Kroger (King Soopers) that would do this to any strain grown in soil. But mostly outdoors.


Active Member
fucken smart with the monkey i brought the seeds from amsterdam when i went to cannabis cup purlple indica. 2nd im growing indoors 400 hps:joint:


Well-Known Member
i have seen brownish juice coming from a plant so way not red, there is not so much in between i guess, but like blood, holy shit - that would freak me out a bit too!:D
can't wait to see those pics;)


Active Member
This is an old thread I know but, I am wondering the same thing.
Heres the low down on the plants.

4 plants (all the same strain) started from seed for use as mothers (not sexed yet)
2 cuttings taken from each to determine sex
2 plants had purple colored sap while the other 2 had clear sap.

All 4 are in hempy buckets and are fed the same nute mix.

Anyone have any ideas, other than smart comments and nutes for answers.