My kandy Kush doesn't like something or is getting a little too much of something?


Active Member
My Kandy Kush has a couple leaves like this one pictured and i'm not quit sure what the issue is.

I have a lemon skunk plant that I am feeding the exact same amount of nutes and has no leaves that looklike this


Active Member
for sure bugs and sorry to say got bugs bad. isolate that plant immediately and treat you flower room as well. return her when the infestation has subsided.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i too think you have bugs, and from the 3rd pic of the garden it looks like overfert, and infact maybe even water stressed, hence the folding over of the leaves in that pic. The water stress could be related to the overfet,

what medium are you in? Like soil or coco, expanded clay,,?
As i said maybe bugs in the first two pics, oaky in the first two garden pics, then that 3rd looks water/fert issues, hell the fert issue could just be your ph outta wack..

the first pics of the leaves look like mite damage, but with the black dots id maybe even say thrip damage and thats there poo.

Take it easy and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Follow up...

Maybe the water stress is related to the bugs,they are probly more reasponseable for the leaves folding over..., so deal with them first, and a tip for you is to water before you spray so the plant has more water in her. This will reduce phyotoxic-ity, sorry my spelling is bad but i hope you know what i mean.
that with other normal spray procedures will reduce phyotoxicity(spray burn).


Active Member
from my understanding of mite infestations, the plant will excrete sap dropplets as a natural defence. This is along with the famous " yellow peppering" we commonly see on the leaves .


Active Member
do you have any other plants in the house that are potentially infected? ie some orchid species are prone to bacterial and fungal diseases.


Active Member
These are the only 2 in the garden. ph level is pretty constant staying between 6 and 6.5. I guess i will treat for bugs. Its only a couple leaves on the one plant. I've noticed a that I have been doing a bit of over watering. I was watering about every 2 days about a gallon per plant, The one with the potential bug problem like to be watered more than the other one (as there is never any run off) noticed soil was still moist so I am backing off until soil is drier. I am going to treat with neem oil, anyone have any other suggestions.


Well-Known Member
Well if you are using neem i would recommend a wetter/surfactant, i have been using neem and dish soap for years and then this year igot coco wet. Was cheap and works a treat with neem oil. I didnt think it would of helped but really did help reduce the runoff.

anything you can do to slow them down you should do. First try i.d. the pest. Then wage war, if its mites, and as your not into full flower raise the humidty, and cool the room if possible to below 16 degree C , this will slow them down and help you. I have battled mites a few times and you need to get on to them. If you can rotate sprays, as in use neem, then use horticultral oil, or pyrethrum for example. I use pyrethrum 5ec. Its a contact insect/mite a cide, and effective yet fine to use till last week before harvest. When i have used it, it will slow your flower down by a few days, but kills everything. Use a night,with fans off for night, i spray plants then fog my room with the sprayer..
if its thrips then you dont want to raise the humidty,but lower temps will help.
you could maybe get away with a systemic insecticide, but you have to use it min a month before harvest to make sure it dissipates.
Now, some people will go off on one but, you could use a product with abamectin in it. E.g., plant vitality plus(note ,also contains theramoxihide,((i will have to check the label)) , ) as abamectin isnt truly systemic, but is translinar , and will dissipates in a few weeks, now people will go off as the people who sell pvp say you can use it till the last week before harvest, but i certainly wouldn't. Its one of those do you really want this chemical in the plant, as its still going to be in there,yes it may be harmless in the plant but what about when smoked,,.?

sorry im ranting abit now.. So.

there are home made sprays but the make lack the punch needed. Personally i would think its mites, so neem, lower temp, up r.humidity, can also use pyrethrum products, hell even soap in warm water will help.

Best o luck, and you will beat um.