My journey


Well-Known Member
looking great there waffles...if you really want to know sex before you flower,take a small clone from the bottom,put it in a cup of water,and put it under 12/ will know pretty quick then,and if you plan on cloning,you will know your females and can still take clones before flowering...check out my new journal btw...I didn't start from the beginning,but you and hhm are the only ones who wanna look at sprouts.....lmao
it is pretty common to take clones (carefully labeled) from all your plants. Then when you switch the main grow room to 12/12 you'll know which clones are from females and which are from males.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
plants look great. one note about switching to 12/12 ... it is far better to wait to switch to 12/12 until after the plant preflowers since yield will be greater. BUT - plants at least double in size (sativas seem to never stop growing) most plants triple in size after switching to 12/12 so you have to compromise if you have limited vertical grow space.

also - there is no height requirement. If the stem is strong enough to hold massive buds it doesn't matter if it is 3 inches tall or 30 inches tall. The number of nodes (at least 7 or 8) is more important than height and the ability for the plant to hold large buds is most important of all (in my opinion).
Ok..........welllll i think i'm just wait till Shorty is about 10-11" i think by then i'll at least know the sex of two of them if not all three. So atleast seven nodes and I'll be good. If they do get to big in veg i'll LST.. thank email


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
It's all coming along nicely Blazin'

Something that might reassure you is that my two biggest plants were female, in fact my two males, one is the smallest of ten plants and the other is tall but not very bushy.

I read someone's comment that plants will not show their sex until you start flowering. That is a general rule but there are several strains that do.
I had 4 females and 2 males all show before I started flowering.

So far i have 6 females and 2 males and 2 more that have not shown yet.
I have a 'feeling' one is male and one female.
One (I think/hope is a female) is a sativa (bagseed) I still have that one in veg so may not know for a while what sex it is. the other has been in 12/12 for a few days so I will hopefully know soon. :hump:

Sorry for the long post. puff puff......pass,:joint:


Well-Known Member
to clarify - all marijuana plants will pre-flower (revealing sex) during vegetative state if left to grow long enough. most of us indoor growers do not have the space to allow the plants to grow to full height so we are forced to flower early. So most indoor growers have to switch to 12/12 to determine sex... make sense?


Well-Known Member
Ok..........welllll i think i'm just wait till Shorty is about 10-11" i think by then i'll at least know the sex of two of them if not all three. So atleast seven nodes and I'll be good. If they do get to big in veg i'll LST.. thank email

Hey, remember mine have more then doubled in height. I think I'm only 1/2 way thru flower maybe less.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
It's all coming along nicely Blazin'

Something that might reassure you is that my two biggest plants were female, in fact my two males, one is the smallest of ten plants and the other is tall but not very bushy.

I read someone's comment that plants will not show their sex until you start flowering. That is a general rule but there are several strains that do.
I had 4 females and 2 males all show before I started flowering.

So far i have 6 females and 2 males and 2 more that have not shown yet.
I have a 'feeling' one is male and one female.
One (I think/hope is a female) is a sativa (bagseed) I still have that one in veg so may not know for a while what sex it is. the other has been in 12/12 for a few days so I will hopefully know soon. :hump:

Sorry for the long post. puff puff......pass,:joint:
Thanks BM. I'm really happy with the improvement! I would like to know before flowering if its a m/f. I think if i wait for the little one to get to 10-11 in I should know what Droopy is. I probably will start 36 hrs of darkness on Sun. at 8am. Shorty is growing decent and is about 8" so the others may end up being 14" & 12".........oh well! :mrgreen:

BM you are more than welcome to take a whole page to yourself! Mi diario es su diario!

PUFF PUFF.......PASS!!!:joint:

to clarify - all marijuana plants will pre-flower (revealing sex) during vegetative state if left to grow long enough. most of us indoor growers do not have the space to allow the plants to grow to full height so we are forced to flower early. So most indoor growers have to switch to 12/12 to determine sex... make sense?
These are getting pretty defined growths where the calyx will be. I'm just impatient and want some hairs to burst through! lol
They are almost 40 days i think. I'll go back in the Journal and figure it out later. I'm glad your tuned in Email468!

Hey, remember mine have more then doubled in height. I think I'm only 1/2 way thru flower maybe less.
I know that shit is crazy! I don't think i'll be growing horse cock bud like you though!!! LOL Jesus those are nice colas sir! I figure if the tallest plant is 12-14 inches, i should be ok. I'm confident i could handle 4ft plants in my cab with no space issues. 4 1/2 is the max though.

I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump:


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Mine are about 30" wide also that's why I can't take them out any more. The are weaving together.
Thats sweet!!! 30in! Mine are about half that wide......i cant wait until flowering!

You know, this has been one of the biggest test of my patience ever!!!!!! And i'm ADHD and really not that patient.....i want that instant gratification. Growing has chilled me out though! So maybe i can get away with saying i'm only ADD?


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I saw your post in the 400watter thread. That looks sweet. Are you on 12/12 now?
Not quite yet. Shorty is about 10" now so i think i will start the 36 Hrs of darkness Tmrw. morning at 8am.

Then its time for the fun stuff! But i think droopy is dude. We'll see. But i'm pretty sure that Sweetness (purple) is a little lady!



Well-Known Member
Not quite yet. Shorty is about 10" now so i think i will start the 36 Hrs of darkness Tmrw. morning at 8am.

Then its time for the fun stuff! But i think droopy is dude. We'll see. But i'm pretty sure that Sweetness (purple) is a little lady!


Both my two drooys were guys, #6 that really droopy fast grow is the one I am smoking for now. It is so potent. Harvested about 1 week in flower.


Well-Known Member
Nice to read everything in going good...!:) u will get some upwards growth in the blm. Side of things in the beg. First 2wks then its mostly all out.~!!! Db.~tlb! :)

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Nice to read everything in going good...!:) u will get some upwards growth in the blm. Side of things in the beg. First 2wks then its mostly all out.~!!! Db.~tlb! :)

Sweet! Thats what i was hoping for. :mrgreen:
You think they'll get over 4ft in 10 in pots? Thats about my height limit.
I'ma have the lights come back on one more time tonight and then when they go out tmrw morn they'll stay in the dark for about 31 hrs of dark. I'll have pics from b4 and after!! I'm excited, the real fun stuff is coming up!!!


I'll post pics either tonight or tomorrow.

Glad you back DB, we were missing you. How'd you like my nursery rhyme i wrote for you? It was from the bottom of my liver just for you!!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
just wait till you start to see those sweet lil nuggets of bud start to pop!!! so nice
I get butterflies in my stomach thinking about it!!

Everytime i look in my cab i think 3 things

1: holy shit i can't believe i'm doing well growing this shit!

2: I can't wait to have them look like your guys'


It's really making me more introspective about a lot of things. It's pretty cool! :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yea its real nice, it starts to get hairy first, then the calyxes start to form along with some sugar, ahhh it gets nice.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on the above, for sure!... And yes ive gotten a 4 footer dam near outa a 6in pot... But the "needing water" issues will drive u mad...db.~tlb! :)