My journal for my first grow - Hydro Super Silver Haze


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Im digging the new drip setup :D Much easier to work with than the old setup, much cleaner, and more reliable. And the nice thing is all the parts except the pump cost about $6. I picked up a bunch of extra distribution heads in case they clog. They are less than $2 each and even if I need to replace them every two weeks, its no big deal, but theyre easy to clean too. The plants are easier to move around as is the lid. I may have to occasionally remove the lid where I didnt have to before, but I think in the long run, it will be a better configuration.

I finally got my FoxFarm solubles today. A little late, I know, but better late than never :D The plants seem to be doing pretty well regardless, I think. What do you think?



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Last week, my basement started stinking like a litter box. I was not pleased with this as this is a smell I am not at all fond of. At first I thought my reservoir must have gone foul or something. I had to change it after a week anyway according to the foxfarm schedule, and I did find more funk than usual, but even after cleaning it, I realized my plants are just unpleasantly stinky. Now, if you rub the buds or stem, you get a nice piney/citrusy smell, just like I like, but my basement smells like a litterbox :D Its ok though, its not overly strong with my fans blowing. I moved my light/fan exhaust from going outside to pumping into the main floor of my house to save some energy, and my carbon filter is doing the trick, you cant smell the plants until you open the door to the basement. And weve had a few nights recently below freezing, and my heater hasnt come on once.

My plants are really starting to get frosty and to pack on some buds. Surprisingly enough, my plants havent hardly stretched at all since being switched to 12/12. Its kinda nice, and is encouraging me to build a larger table on top of my reservoir for my next grow :D

Here are some fresh pics. Tell me what you think!!

Question: When using the FoxFarm hydro nutrient schedule, when does the flush fit in? Is it after the entire schedule, or does it replace the last 2 weeks? I expected my plants to take longer being the sativa dominant that they are, but they seem to be moving along nicely, and I cant wait to see how they look in a few more weeks.



I think this is my 1st post on here, anyways, I like your ethics towards growing from what I've read of your posts. I'm a bit hangover still but what I wanted to say is that your lst technique looks like its gonna bring some weight in but I can't do this as I'm gonna be doing nft soon & it wil be my 1st scrog, otherwise if in pots this is how I'd do it. Good luck bruv ( not that you'll need it!)


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I dont think I mentioned it in this thread, but I had a mouse get in through my ventilation maybe 3 or 4 days after my grow was set up. It came in through the vent hose and chewed through. I thought I got rid of it, but I was wrong. Then I thought I only had one, I was wrong. Well, I have finally triumphed over the mice but not without a few hidden surprises. I originally thought there was only one, then I thought there was only 3, well Ive thrown out 5 dead mice the last few days. Traps didnt work, poison did the trick. Problem was, they built a nest inside my oven. Made a mess inside there, and then died in there. I had to take the oven apart to find 2 of them, and I think there must still be another one in there. Its stinky still. I was lucky with two of them, they crawled out into the middle of the room before they died, and one was just under the oven. Needless to say, Im not going to use this oven again. Luckily my grow exhausts into the house now and I dont have to worry about that kind of thing anymore, but this was(is) a really unpleasant ordeal.


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I finally made some more room in the basement and added a new shelf to hold my growing collection of nutes and supplements and chemicals and such and so forth. Just as soon as I cleared out a bunch of space in the basement, I found a sturdy entertainment center just out in the alley by the dumpster 20 feet from my house. Ive been meaning to build a veg cabinet and it seemed to fortuitous to pass up, so I hauled it inside, cleaned it up real good, and carefully got it down to the basement. Once I started test fitting things I realized that it will hold 3 pots, which is perfect for what I want to do, I had a spare 6" duct fan, Ive got a bunch of pc fans laying around, and Ive got a bunch of 2 foot T5 lights that I can use. I will break down my fixture and use probably 2 or 3 sets of lights(4 or 6 bulbs) in the main veg chamber, and CFLs in the lower clone chamber. I am not going to have a mother chamber since I can get clones anytime and dont want to deal with the hassle. I will need to go hunting for a reservoir that will fit nicely into the cabinet and get a new pump, and find or make a properly sized flood tray. I plan to run a drip hydro system in here.

I got high and made a diagram of what I intend to do with it. I really hate the new version of MS Paint that comes with Windows 7! I miss XP. So much easier for ym stoned ass to use. What do you think of my veg chamber idea?



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I think this is my 1st post on here, anyways, I like your ethics towards growing from what I've read of your posts. I'm a bit hangover still but what I wanted to say is that your lst technique looks like its gonna bring some weight in but I can't do this as I'm gonna be doing nft soon & it wil be my 1st scrog, otherwise if in pots this is how I'd do it. Good luck bruv ( not that you'll need it!)
Thanks! I cant wait to see what these plants produce at the end! And the LST has also had the benefit or greatly reducing the stretch of the plants. Theyve been on 12/12 for over a month now, and have stretched maybe 10%, and I even raised the light about 8" and mounted it directly to the ceiling. They just stopped growing and started budding, I really expected more height out of these since they are a strong sativa dominant. I picked up some Gravity flower hardener and will be using it soon, so that should help. It is encouraging me though to build a table for a tray so I have room for 3 plants(flowering, my legal limit) but very trained. Adding a few inches in height for a table should be acceptable for the space and ease of res service it will gain.

Once I get my veg chamber and my tray table setup, Ill be pretty well setup to have a perpetual grow going on.

So far my cheapo filter is doing the trick. You cant smell the plants until you open the door to the basement, even when the exhaust fan is blowing into the kitchen. It may need to be replaced more often, but should do the trick for 2 plants for a flowering cycle. But Ill have to upgrade for the next grow.


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Boy oh boy are my plants starting to smell tasty and look juicy! The basement smells amazing now, no more litterbox smell! :D I spent a little time tonight tying down some of the higher branches to even things out and give some more light to the sides. My fingers are sticky as all hell and and has a pine cleaner/fruity smell with a spicy undertone. These plants havent stretched at all since switching to 12/12, theyve just bulked up. The flowers are nice and firm and are starting to really bulk up. The trichs are a mix of clear and cloudy and the hairs are just starting to turn brown. This is 35 days in to 12/12. What do you think? Comments????? How long do you think this one will take? By most accounts 9-10 weeks seems about standard for this one.

Did I mention I love growing this strain!!!



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Pics from day 39 or 40. Im starting to think these plants are going to be 8 weekers instead of 10+. About half of the hairs are brown, most of the trichomes are cloudy with very few clear ones. The larger plant has a few amber ones, but the smaller plant is about 10-20%. Theyre looking great and they smell so good. They branches are really packing on weight and the buds are fattening up. Last week, a bunch of new white hairs came in and the buds got noticeable bigger. I added a small does of gravity flower hardener a few days before my res is due to be changed to see how the plants respond.

A few days ago, I cut off a small test bud just for curiosity's sake, and to practice drying and curing to see what to expect come harvest time. I let it dry and cure for almost a week and right now as we speak, there is a loaded pipe sitting next to me waiting for me to finish typing this. This will be the first bowl I have ever smoked of my own home grown bud.

Ill be back later to tell you about it.



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The bud is pretty firm when dried and came apart in sticky chunks. They burn well and would have been better if I used a grinder, but I broke it up with my hands. I had enough for one bowl, so I didnt do my normal saturday wake and bake. I woke up early, took the dog to the vet, and then made this my first bowl of the day when I got home. It smells nice, but not very strong, and the smoke is pretty smooth, but not much flavor, but that was to be expected. Immediately after the first hit, my vision went a little funny, and theres a subtle, flashing psychedelic overlay to my vision now. After the first 2-3 hits I felt a profound sense of relaxation, but my heart was pounding. That calmed pretty quickly and now I feel all stony, and my eyes are kinda puffy, which rarely happens to me anymore. My head feels funny, and Im having trouble focusing. This buzz seems to have a nice combination of the indica/sativa high as is advertised for this hybrid strain, but the plant pheno looks like a very strong sativa dom. Im totally relaxed now and will get back to you later on the rest of this awesome bud.


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Sorry, been really busy and forgot to update my smoke report! The buzz lasted quite a while. I smoked at 1030am and was still going strong on only one bowl at 130pm. The buzz was a little jittery, yet I still had a profound sense of relaxation. But the bud was early, like 5 weeks or so.

Now we're at the end of week 7 and the buds are looking great. Pics in a moment...


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The plants are looking soooo good. Between the LST and the Gravity, the stems just cant take it. My plants are getting shorter from so much weight :D They smell so good. The hairs are about 60% red. The big plants trichs are about 10% amber, the small plant is about 50/50 amber/cloudy in places, and maybe 10% amber in others.

Right now is day 48. Im thinking the smaller plant will be ready in about a week or so, and the big plant maybe another week longer. I havent started flushing yet and Im not exactly sure when I should, but im thinking this weekend would be a good time to start. I thought that this sativa dominant plant would go longer, and most of the grow reports Ive seen for SSH mention longer flowering time, but my plants are moving along pretty nicely and should be closer to 8 week plants I think. Please correct me if Im wrong.

How much longer do you think they have? +rep!



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Took a test bud yesterday and quick (semi)dried it. Got off work early today and decided to smoke it. The doors are tilted and dont line up with the walls. My vision is flashing, and Im most definitely stoned. But its still a bit too racy, I feel anxious despite feeling really dopey. But otherwise, WOW!


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Started the flush. The little plant Im going to chop this weekend or early next week. Its trics are about 40% amber in places, and maybe 20% in others right now, the big plant is still less than 10% amber, so Im going to give it a while longer. My house reeks. I love it :D



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I harvested my smaller plant today on day 56! The trichs are mostly amber on the leaves, and about 50/50 elsewhere. I expected this strain to go much longer. I harvested 227g after trimming. Almost 10oz wet, what does that equate to dry?



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My larger plant has a bit longer to go, but is almost there I think! As I flush, the colors are starting to come out and there are streaks of purple showing up now too, and much faster than the smaller plant, which hardly changed color in a a little over a week. The buds are super heavy and the branches are sagging a lot. Ive got a few of them tied together to hold them up, but its not helping much. This plant is as big as my reservoir now. I couldnt be more pleased with how it turned out. And after seeing how much I harvested from my smaller plant today, I expect about twice as much from this plant when I chop it.

I am really surprised this strain is finishing so quickly, but am pleased. I must be doing something right, I guess. I really enjoyed growing this train and learned a lot in the process.



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2.5 oz from the smaller plant, and it all fit in a a 1.5L jar. The larger plant has been curing 5 days, the smaller 10. I havent weighed the 2nd plant yet, but it filled up (2) 1.5L jars, and a 1L jar.Im hoping for 5oz from that plant, but the buds are still a bit moist right now, so I cant get an accurate weight yet.

The buds are nice and tight, but not overly so. They have quite a bit of weight to them too, I am very impressed. And since I had so much, and am only allowed to have so much, I have been taking care of most of my Xmas gift giving among my friends. And so far everyone loves it, I love it! It starts out as a creeper buzz. You dont feel it the first 2 or 3 hits, then it sneaks up from behind you. It definitely what I would describe as a "buzz." Fuzzy headed, flashing vision, can really feel it around the eyes. Its really relaxing, and after about 30 to 60 minutes, I start getting really relaxed and sleepy, yawning often, even in the middle of the day. It last for hours, even on just a few puffs. I am so pleased with how it turned out. So far, I havent smoked my larger plant, just the smaller one. I gave away over an oz, smoked a bunch, and still have PLENTY left. I LOVE this strain, its an amazing smoke, and I am a hard one to please when it comes to go weed. I feel really good about this grow since this was my first try ever at growing anything, except a quick round of shrooms in a rubbermaid in college.

Now Ive gotta get set up for the next go round :D Which will be bigger and better.


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I weighed it out this morning. 5.2oz from the large plant, 2.5oz from the smaller for a total of 7.7oz from 2 plants. Not too shabby for my first grow I think.