my ISO hash weekend


Well-Known Member
ok so ... iv had this little jar sitting around with about a good fistfull of stems from all grades of weed as well as .. if i had to guess... 500 seeds?

first i will say i was very skeptical of this...

got a wild hair up my ass sat night and decided i was going to make hash oil with rubbing alcohol. scrounged around and all i could find was about a cup of 50% alcohol... lame! well i said fuck it... ground it to a fine powder in a coffee grinder (it make a reaaaaaly sweet/skunky/piney sand... really smelled nice to me anyway :-) threw it in a old baby bottle and then poured the little alcohol over, shook like all hell for a couple of min and then strained it through 2 coffee filters and into a small pyrex stash jar i have (2-3cup cap)

then i marked the side of the jar with a sharpie and put it in a pan with some boiling water (on top of a eggpoacher)and then put a fan on the counter aimed at the top... an hour later... all was left was a gooey messi started to scrape together with a really flexible flat ended thin knife that im sure of which has some specialty... from now on it is the 'hash knife'. didnt weigh but i think i got about a little less than 1g

sat night i tried the hash somewhat in my gravity bong and went to bed
woke up today (sunday) and 100% forgotten i had made the hash.. and then kind of realized how fucked up i was... so i started looking around for more stems and shit ... picked through about 2oz of mids i have and just took out the big sticks... and with some seeds i had about a pillbottle full of what i would consider waste. and then i remembered the bag of fan leaves from last years grow... and i found about 2 big handfulls of brown/green dried leaf. ground it all up and repeated the precoces... with the shit from before its a marble sized 3.5g ball... tried to reuse the spent "dust" and resoak in alcohol... let dry again and ended du[ with 1g-2g of brown dust... looked like hot coco powder.
(oh yea i had to go to wally world and get more iso... all they had was 50%!!?! wtf)

so i had a date over and had to put off the testing and clean up (shes not down) and i have to say im pretty happy with the results :-) especially seeing as it was all made from shit i would of just thrown away... the "sticky" hash is a nice little ball that really warms up as you play with it. and the powder hash i ended up pressing between 2 coffee filters to dry and then pressing in a cig pack with a rolling pin into a flat coco brown brick.

the sticky shit is deff more potent but the powdery stuff is easier to work with...the best is to roll a few pin sized balls and roll em in the powder... then put that in a gravity bong :hump:

know i know what im going to do with all my fan leafs and stems!
trimmings and sugar leaf = bubble hash
this trash = iso hash

there you go.. another long winded post cuz im high...