my indoor grow bagseed from some good mids


Well-Known Member
does anybody have an idea of when i can sex the plant by putting them in 12/12 without harming them by doing it too early i dont wanna waste time and money on males?
by the way.. just help educate you a little more, you can switch over to 12/12 (flower) at any time you wish. You can do it as soon as the plant sprouts out of the soil.. its called '12/12 from seed (sprout)' and theres actually quite a few ppl around here that practice this method.

anyhow, either way.. good luck man. Be gentle with them.. and just make sure you keep them watered and the plant(s) will pretty much do the rest. ;)




here is a pic update ... and i have some bat guano should i start using that yet? the soil i have was bought from meijer its mericle grow moisture control and help is appreciated :bigjoint:


if i veg for another 3 weeks and put into flowering how much yeild would anyone guess that i could possibly get i know ppl hate this question im just looking for an estimate lets say there are four females?

feedback please!



Well-Known Member
Be careful using guano with Miracle grow soil. It usually contains a 3 month fert. I'd make the guano into tea and use it every few waterings in flower or something similar. Don't just go dumping it on your plants. As far as guessing your yield, it just depends on what your lighting is like. Two identical clones will look alot different if one is flowered under a 150 HPS and the other under 1000.


ok i only used it with one watering i wont use it until i flower them thank you and i hope using it doesnt fuck the plants up


i have two shop lights idk how to explain it but their are four bulbs total in both lamps and the box says 2 pies they are flouresent light and it said T8 its the lights with the skinnier tubes the box says 34 watts idk but in a bit im getting a bigger shop light when they need it... and thanks i think they are looking pretty good two i dont have a fan on them at all would that help or do i need it right now?


just put into 12/12 today lets see how many females i have! :D i have minumum space and i want all the males out of there and when im done sexing im gonna put half of the females outdoors so they can grow through the summer and reveg and ill get a way bigger yield and the other half ill just keep flowering indoors so i dont have to wait till the end of the year to test out my weed lol


Well-Known Member
just put into 12/12 today lets see how many females i have! :D i have minumum space and i want all the males out of there and when im done sexing im gonna put half of the females outdoors so they can grow through the summer and reveg and ill get a way bigger yield and the other half ill just keep flowering indoors so i dont have to wait till the end of the year to test out my weed lol
Sweet! Only 56-70 days to go!!!


Well-Known Member
Anywhere from 24 hrs to 2-3 weeks...I'm not gonna try to be specific, thats the range i've seen on here and in person...I'd say 2 weeks is pushing it, but genetics, not to mention growing conditions, are all different and individual to the grow.


Active Member
i think you will be really amazed at how they will take off outdoors. cannabis just seems to do so much better with actual sunlight especially if you are in a very warm and sunny region.


Active Member
I'd like to see how the MG dirt works for ya. I'm gonna end up doing a fox farm grow, but that will be after I get this hydro setup locked in.


yea i had a grow last year outdoors in nothing but a big pile of horse manure h 1aha it was planted like 2 months late in the season and i still got like 2 1/2 oz off of it and didnt see it through any of the flowering i just came back at the end of the year and i almost shit my pants lol.. and i will keep this updated till the end if anybody is interested how they are looking do you think when i get the females all rounded up i should put in bigger pots or would that shock during flowering?


Active Member
i transplanted one of mine today and they are on day 38 of flowering. the soil level had gotten way too low and it was holding water horribly. hopefully it wont mess it up too bad but they say to avoid as much stress as possible during flowering. I will let you know how mine does after a few days.