My Hydroponic/Airoponic grow room HOWS IT LOOK?

I think every body that works there is a stoner even the owner and he helps the most LOL, ppl walk in the sore every day looking stoned as fuck!!!
I just said I was growing quecombers and stuff if, I spelled that rite.
I think he was def on to me, but not in a bad way he ended up giving me free mediums to try and all kinds of shit LOL even on the store cards they have free games at the bowling ally. The owner let me get a hand full before I left.
I think he helped me out even better because he thought I was most likely a beginer!
If I owned that store I would encourage everyone that walks in to grow sum MJ....and the store website is CHECK IT OUT!!!
it's a growers pairadice they even have infraire berryers so cops can't see your op from hellicopters!
Sry for my spelling I am almost to baked to even talk!!!4:20 all day every day:joint:

Thanks man I figures they would be pretty laid back but I expect there's gotta be a few "birdwatcher" types there. You got some good prices at yours too bad I don't gotta sunshine hydro near me:cry:

+ rep for 4:20 every day:hump:
Thanks man I figures they would be pretty laid back but I expect there's gotta be a few "birdwatcher" types there. You got some good prices at yours too bad I don't gotta sunshine hydro near me:cry:

+ rep for 4:20 every day:hump:

:joint::hump:Damn I'm smoking rite now lol!!!
heres me:shock:
general hydroponics nuit. for me,.... thats all i have ever used and i don't have any problems!:joint::hump: Yeah boyyyyyyy!