My humble little grow in Colorado.

OK, this is nuts. On my computer they are right side up and on my phone they are upside down. I also just looked at my Photobucket account and they are all right side up in there as well. This. Is. NUTS.
Same crap happened to me when I was using my iPad to take pictures..... I wanted to be able to take higher resolution photos, so I went out and got the Apple photo importer gadget from Walmart. So, I take the pics on a digital camera now and then import to iPad and then post. Having said all of that, I think all my shots with the regular camera were shot in standard aspect and didn't need rotating, so it could happen in this scenario also. It would be nice if RIU had pic rotation as an option when posting pics.
Well, Chef. I better post a couple of more pics then. :D

Here is my NastyNugz Very Berry Kush plant at seven days.

Some Michigan Burley Tobacco seed I started. Just something to mess with.
Way to grow! The picture thing I have issues with too lately. I just got an iPhone so I thought it was my issue, but it seems to be common.
Nice pics Kramer. I'm not familiar with that strain of tobacco, so I googled it. Sounds like this stuff can be 5' to 9' high, that's bigger than what I grew up working in. If you grow it out, would make delicious wraps. Better top it early though, and unlike weed, yank out the suckers that grow in between stem and leaf. Sorry, if you already knew all of that, just throwing my 2cents in.

Takes a long time to cure tobacco for high end cigar wraps though. I lived in CT for 23 months (that's 22.5 months longer than I would have liked). Anyway, they grow shade grown tobacco for cigar wraps, always cool to see those big fields covered with cheesecloth and the old school red curing barns. I'm done with nicotine, but tobacco being properly cured is a lush aroma.
Shit is cool tho, I got some from the local grow shop last year... In a two gallon bucket it reached five feet and the leaves were as big as my forearm!!!!
Exactly. The shade grown leaves are huge also. Talk about labor intensive. In those CT fields, each leaf gets picked separately and gets its own plastic tray to keep from bruising the leaf until it gets to the barn. They really baby that stuff, but its worth huge $. Last I heard CT grown shade wraps were the most sought after cigar wrap in the world.

Here's a bit of a disgusting fact though. Wear gloves when handling green tobacco if you're going to be handling much of it. Otherwise your hands will get stained yellow. At the end of each season that I worked in that stuff, the entire palm of both hands would be yellow and it would take a few weeks for it to wear off. Always assumed it was nicotine, but I really don't know for sure what the yellow was....
FoliageTrees - "lulz why would you grow tabbaco." - We grow all sorts of stuff at our house. My son has a HUGE carnivorous plant collection (you can actually see pics in the Gardening forum here). I grow tons of veggies and I also collect orchids. It's just fun to grow stuff. :D

Bubba - You are a Rockstar. Thank you for all of the information on the Tobacco plants. I figured I would keep 3-5 of them and grow them out and harvest them just for grins. Tobacco and I don't really get along all that well. That stuff gives me the spins so dang bad. The only time I ever used tobacco with any success was to put copenhagen in my eyes at some of my USMC schools so I didn't sleep. That stuff would BURN!!! I figure I will harvest them and give some to Chef for his blunt wraps. :D The worse that could happen is I compost the leaves.

Dankinmybrain - You are something, you have cost me some serious time out of my life. After seeing that Friskies box full of GDP Nugs, seeing your cat playing with your plant, and now knowing that you grow your cat frest catnip I spent a few hours today surfing... :D :D

Now onto a few pics since everyone likes pics.

A pic of my NastyNugz Nerdy Pak. It's starting to turn into something.

Since I hit 50 posts it says I can roll a joint, so I did. They are small but I don't smoke much. :)
The only time I ever used tobacco with any success was to put copenhagen in my eyes at some of my USMC schools so I didn't sleep. That stuff would BURN!!!

Copenhagen in the eyes, dude that's hardcore. I chewed Kodiak for years, and you learned not to rub your eyes after loadin a dip... I bet it did burn lol.:shock:
I used to be a little hardcore back in the day. Nothing like being young, dumb, and not worried about anything else other than graduating schools and getting even more hardcore and dumber. :D
How do u like those plastic pots w the holes in them? Always wonder, I'm locked into my air pots, but I think they look cool.