My house is getting to smelly!

Get a twin fan controller, you need a neg pressure in ur room. If your intake is putting more air than the one taking it out its going to start to stink....
I am no expert but from what I have read online, there are two possible non-ventilation options you can consider.

1. ONA gel as someone else mentioned. I've read heaps of good things about this stuff.
2. CFL odor eating globes ...not for the grow room but the room where the tent is situated. I thought these things were a joke, but apparently they do an amazing job and are not that expensive.

Good luck
I am no expert but from what I have read online, there are two possible non-ventilation options you can consider.

1. ONA gel as someone else mentioned. I've read heaps of good things about this stuff.
2. CFL odor eating globes ...not for the grow room but the room where the tent is situated. I thought these things were a joke, but apparently they do an amazing job and are not that expensive.

Good luck
The problem is ONA just makes your house smell like ONA and marijuana:o It does not remove the odor. I have never tried the odor globes but I can testify that around week 6 - Week 8 if a carbon filter is not used your house will smell like a herb field and ONA won't do shit!

I am no expert but from what I have read online, there are two possible non-ventilation options you can consider.

1. ONA gel as someone else mentioned. I've read heaps of good things about this stuff.
2. CFL odor eating globes ...not for the grow room but the room where the tent is situated. I thought these things were a joke, but apparently they do an amazing job and are not that expensive.

Good luck

You will still smell it, well maybe not you yourself but it will have an odour. You need a carbon filter in my opinion with a decent sized fan pulling the smelly air out. :D
I am no expert but from what I have read online, there are two possible non-ventilation options you can consider.

1. ONA gel as someone else mentioned. I've read heaps of good things about this stuff.
2. CFL odor eating globes ...not for the grow room but the room where the tent is situated. I thought these things were a joke, but apparently they do an amazing job and are not that expensive.

Good luck

Those are both "meh"...

The actual two options are:

1. Carbon filter + fan. This is the most common and easy to use.
2. Ozone generator. This is less common but works even better at killing odor than #1. It is so powerful, it can actually make your plants lose their smell.

I know you said "non ventilation", but again, those are "meh". And both of those don't even work if you have a lot of really stinky plants.
lol i grew in a condo before. my neighbor upstairs complained to the management regarding my weed stink. i ended up having to get a carbon filter and a couple of ozium bottles.
I was in a bar awhile ago,(shocking right?), and i noticed that the bathroom smelled really strongly of fresh laundry. I walked over to a white plastic fixture on the wall way up high and started messin with it. The bar owner had put a thumb tack in the wall and it was just hanging on it. I opened it up and there was an areosol can inside of it with a controler that would dispense a spray at whatever time increment chosen. I hung it back on the wall and went out for another drink and googled it. The thing cost like fifty bucks and then the aerosol replacements were twelve. The replacements last two months on the lowest setting and thats what i have mine on. You can also get a cheaper dispenser for around thirty bucks and get some more nose friendly scents from yankee candle for a couple more bucks, if you got a couple more bucks id go with a yankee scent if its in your house and your smelling it all the time. Otherwise they can get pretty strong if its in your bedroom for example. My veg area was stinking up my whole house and one of these little guys took care of that with no carbon filter. My bloom has a carbon filter but i put one near it in a huge room and nothing but fresh laundry scent even with me smoking in there all the time. These things mask odor great. Needless to say when i left the bar that night i bought my stupidest friend a tequila shot and he stole the one from the guys...and the girls bathroom. Problem solved for five bucks.
haha if you read what has been said i have a proper size carbon filter. my problem is the room pressure. and the thing ninja bowler was talking about. i have one at my front door :)

thanks for the opinions
my carbon filter is rated for 195 i think. i looked it up and posted in this thread. the fan on the filter is the issue. its just a shitty inline duct fan. the filter its self is maybe a month old. like i said- its room pressure. i have more air coming in than i do going out and therefor its pushing air out and into my house.
Ona gel and spray is the cheapest and easiest way to control it, an air purifier inside my tent also works. Go with both and you wont smell anything.
2 plants is stinking up your house? damn man ... what strains are they may i ask? It's not worth the headache growing the danky dank strains indoors imo go with something low odour ,sure sour d or w/ever is nice ,but nlxhaze will get you just as high and not half the smell ,ya dig
Have you considered installing a scrubber? Very easy to accomplish. Get a small carbon-based Can-Filter, place it on the floor and set a fan motor on top. Turn it on. It will draw the air in the room through the carbon filter, up and through the can fan, essentially "scrubbing" the air. Very, very effective and simple.

Before using scrubbers I went the Ona gel route - too much stinky for the Ona - had a neighbor complain that there "must be a skunk around here somewhere". Since installing scrubbers no stinky, no problem.
