. Yea my buddy who Jus happen to stay the night smelled the fire and woke us up from a dead sleep , 1 or 2 min later we would be dead .glad ur ok fellow legal grower my buddy almost did this too but he forgot to swicth from 120 to 240 volts when plugged into light controller it blew side out half inch hole coil n melted a part of 10gauge metal table it was on scary stuff
Short answer .. yes , long answer , I've patched up the kitchen best I can , can't really do much more, the inspecter came today and condemed the place lolso isnt there a big whole in your floor now?
. The water heater had nothing to do with the grow but is where the fire started , it is located on the first floor with the garage,the apt I was staying in was upstairs and so was my grow , the fire it self was put out before it went all the way up in flames , but that left my plants there sitting in nasty rubber plastic smoke for over an hourHow does your water heater have ANTHING to do with your grow? I'm missing that part?!?
ill get a couple pics but I don't wanna post anything that would show much of the house for security reasonsNeed to see burnt house pictures bro, All ur grow equipment chared, Hurry up and and post a shit load of pictures ...We will hook ya up if the pictures touch our heat....hell we even sent funds to the guy that broke his wheel chairjust because he posted pictures and had good story
just becarefull That you do not show numbers or anything that would give ur location away .... Lots of people have a heart on this site, some may or are wise asses like me, but i mean well, hell if ya lived next to me i would hook ya up with what i had extra of. lord knows i have way more then i needill get a couple pics but I don't wanna post anything that would show much of the house for security reasons
Yea definetly some good kharma floating around me , I beleive everything happens for a reason , I'm amazed at the circumstances and still in shock, my gf's baby Jus happen to b with grandma for the weekend, my buddy Jus happen to wake us up in time , the fire fighters put out the fire before any real damage was done to our belongings
Here's a pic of where the water heater waswhen I jumped out the window I could see nothing but flames here through the back door
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Yea we do , never thought to check them though .... Never gonna not check them again, they didn't go off thoughglad u guys are safe
did smoke alarms go off?
u do have those?
it is very important to do that could have gave u earlier warningYea we do , never thought to check them though .... Never gonna not check them again, they didn't go off though
sounds like u need one of these [h=1]Flame Defender Grow Room Fire Extinguisher - 26.4 lb / 12 KG[/h]At least you didn't start the fire. I started one once with a golden bb of a joint coal. Was in my bathroom where I was also beginning some work on a dry rot area. And damn if the coal didn't bounce down into the dry rot, out of sight. A hr later, snoozing on the couch, I woke to a house full of smoke. Some how, keeping my shit together, I ran low through the house till I could locate the thickest smoke. Then some double hand fulls of water from the sink solved it. There was visible flame. Coulda died that day.
Then yesterday, I was doing maintenance and forgot to un-plug the ballast. The light came on with 1'/2 full Fresca Sol water cooled light and no flow!!!
When I checked it, just by sleepy habit at 6:30 am, the light had been on almost an hour and the water was boiling.
Multiple layers of care must be taken when there's fire danger. Good on you for being such a trooper.