My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen one plant develope female hairs yet so nothing can be pollinated without those right?
Oh no, fuck that. Pollen is microscopic and will float around and cling to everything and get into your ventilation system. You don't want that shit and you could have females any day now.


Well-Known Member
im at same stage as you i put mine into flowering 4 days ago all mine are female clones but takes no time at all for the problems to start leaving them with male plants i know its a killer throwing your babys away but unless your wanting to breed them them needed to be out of there as yesturday.... ill up load a few pic my plant to night so you can compaire

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
males usualy show sooner try to squeeze the male part if a tiny seed comes out get them out of there but its not worth the rist waiting
Holy shit, Kirky. Check the last couple pages. We've been debating whether there is seeds in there since yesterday. Rep 4u for backin me up.


Well-Known Member
lol sorry bout that only joined this thread yesturday had a quick glance threw and its basicly the same as mine ... same start time for grow.veg and flowering so thought i would join on,,, must mist that page out..

agree tho def should get shut those not worth the risk. i would onlu use feminized seeds or clones is safer... only difference is i give my plants 36 hours dark before flowering and it works wonders when you start your 12/12 the first 12 hours light it grows like crazy

wots your views on the 36 hours dark?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
No need to apologize. I'm glad someone else has had seeds in the preflowers. Thought I had some freak plants. I've never heard of that 36 hour thing, sounds pretty extreme. My plants grew like crazy with a normal switch to 12/12.


Well-Known Member
you got any view on addin molasses to increase the taste a guy i know adds liquid vinila and his bud tastes like ice cream lol

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've heard positive things about adding it during the flushing phase in the last two weeks before harvest. Some guys on this forum who grow some really killer shit are advocates of molasses. I think I will try it in my grow.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering the same thing but i thought molasses was supposed to help make your buds thicker? I would think if you are looking for taste that you could use one of those flushing agents that are supposed to add taste like blueberry. Any one have and experience with these any good?


Active Member
Can I please ask, how do you grow the seedlings in the hydroton clay pellets? Do you use rockwool? I used rockwool and just planted them in the clay pellets after a week or so with the rockwool cubes.. is this preferred by most or not really?


Well-Known Member
update dude
hope nothing happened...
except my internet got shut off. Things are good here like four of my plants turned out to be female...but something cool happened, those new plats that I started auto flowered super early and they are probably gonna be the first plants that I smoke. Things are looking great I wish I could post pics but I had to go to a cafe to use internet... soon guys soon. All is well, shout outs to cadenza and Maraj... and everyone back soon. keep growing!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sweet setup bro! I love the ebb n flow. It looks very nice in there. How you like that system? As far as ease of use and all that? I been wanting to go that route, but dont wanna deal with all the extra ph shit, and refilling the res, and all that good stuff. Don't think I'm quite ready for that just yet. lol


Well-Known Member
except my internet got shut off. Things are good here like four of my plants turned out to be female...but something cool happened, those new plats that I started auto flowered super early and they are probably gonna be the first plants that I smoke. Things are looking great I wish I could post pics but I had to go to a cafe to use internet... soon guys soon. All is well, shout outs to cadenza and Maraj... and everyone back soon. keep growing!!!!!:hump::hump::hump::hump::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
cool my first shout ouT!!
i wanna see em already!


Well-Known Member
be nice to see a few pics to compair im on week 3 flowering real slow budding final showing a little now but huge touching 4 feet