My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine


Well-Known Member
i was thinking wk 6 too your right.... i got to hurry and get together this veg chamber i have 27 seeds germinating...i should upload a pic today.....things are looking nice.... britney is still a wreck... but everyone else is doing much better.... i spread everything out to give everything some more room...i figure they can take the added distance from the light cause everything is taller. I am going to buy a new smaller tent on ebay...I gotta get crackin....



Well-Known Member
I plan on cloning the week before I flower so that after they root I can flower right away for a perpetual head stash....I also want to def clone this monster plant if its a girl anyway... and I want to clone some of my widows. we will see,...I am excited as hell to taste these plants... I am also very excited for the next batch... don't think I've ever had real blueberry before... that should be sweet. I plan on cloning in rockwool... I read that it works good enough... No fancy shit right now... can't afford it... I was thinking since I got that air bubbler if I could rig some sort of cloner on top of my res using the same water??? Just a thought... the water is really oxygenated well there... I guess light is an issue I could light it with a flourescent.... Algae???I could cover the water and use a dark plastic tub upside down suspended with holes cut in for plants and attach a timed sprayer? right? Someone?:?:?:hump::mrgreen::roll:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Your plants are going to be enormous at 6 weeks. I have 400watt mh and my plants were three feet after 30 days from seed and showed sex at day 36. I started flower the next day(two days ago). Also for cloning I got this thing that I hatched my seeds out of, the float and grow it's called, i am also using it for my first clone attempt. I'll keep you posted on it's success - it's just a styrofoam slab with peat starter plugs that float in a tray of water, they're supposed to stay perfectly moist. The whole thing cost $6.

First pic is my plants on day 36 from seed, second 2 pics are clones in float and grow.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are going to be enormous at 6 weeks. I have 400watt mh and my plants were three feet after 30 days from seed and showed sex at day 36. I started flower the next day(two days ago). Also for cloning I got this thing that I hatched my seeds out of, the float and grow it's called, i am also using it for my first clone attempt. I'll keep you posted on it's success - it's just a styrofoam slab with peat starter plugs that float in a tray of water, they're supposed to stay perfectly moist. The whole thing cost $6.

First pic is my plants on day 36 from seed, second 2 pics are clones in float and grow.
That is the perfect solution...Please keep me updated on if it works for you.... You think my plants will be to big at 6 weeks for the 7ft tent that I have them in? Have you ever grown any African Sativa strains? I am really interested in them... Growing some shit from tha motha land.... that dank zulu shit!
I found a strain called malawi gold thats gave me a chubby.:hump::hump::hump::joint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Just know that your plants will double in height during flower, sometimes sativas even more because they are stretchier with taller colas. So if your tent is 7ft, you should factor in at least 1 ft for the light + 16 inches space between the light and the plant tops + how far your containers are off the ground. Maybe the 7ft refers to actual grow space because that tent looks pretty tall. In that case I would flower when they are three feet tall like mine were. They should top out at 6 feet in that case. Many people don't know starting out that the most rapid growth actually occurs during the first two weeks of flower. I'm on the second day of flower and they've stretched a couple inches already. So just think how much it would suck to have your buds growing into your lights getting all burned up with nothing you can do about it.

For your other question, this is my first grow so it's the only strain I have any experience with. If you want to see the details of what I got it's here: Sativa Seeds-White Lady
It's supposed to be mostly sativa.



Well-Known Member
Man, your plants look amazing... this is your first grow to!!! wow!
I think next time atfter my second batch I am going to try to gro one of these sativas....
my plants are really growing fast right now... and the seeds are al ready popping, but how come the plants you are least excited about always pop first? My Afghan Mafia is already coming through the surface f the rockwool.
I may end up flowering at four weeks if they keep growing like they are... if they reach 3 ft before 6 weeks I am going to start flowering and take it al as a little divine interference!


Well-Known Member
I meant so its wednesday ...My new weed guru tells me I should flush every time I feed which is every week so I am flushing like a good little pupil. I did notice a lot of growth after my flush last week....
Also I bought 4 T5 3 ft. lights and installed them around the base of my tray so that the lights are shining on the plants from below... looks hot and I think it will encourage lower bud development once I flower.
I also have started my veg chamber.... with a 400 watt mh and a mega garden.... everything looks sexy and hot.
Under the spot lights my bitches are all stars baby!!!!!!:hump::hump::hump:


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mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking awesome man! See what I told you, those bitches are getting huge quick. And what your guy is saying about flushing is true. You have to flush at least once a month no matter what but the guys that grow the Cannabis Cup prize-winning shit flush every ten days. It makes for better weed. Most of the rest of us are too lazy for that but all the effort you're putting in will be rewarded. Keep it up!!!:joint::joint::joint:

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
One more note. The T5s are good for keeping your lower foliage alive but the buds off the lower branches are never usually any good.


Well-Known Member
thanks for that... didn't know that either... you really are a good source... now that i know that i will segregate them from the rest and feed them to the villagers. I'll call it cake.


Well-Known Member
The starting ppm of the water is 180
I brought the ph down using the juice from two lemons and some acid solution the end ph is 6.0
I added 600 ppm gro or 450 ml
I added 70 ppm floral nectar
I added 180 ppm cal mag or 150 ml
I added 300 ml of hydro guard
End ppm is 1000

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
thanks for that... didn't know that either... you really are a good source... now that i know that i will segregate them from the rest and feed them to the villagers. I'll call it cake.
Don't give it away or anything, it'll still be potent weed. I just meant the buds on low branches are smaller even if you give them the same amount of light.


Well-Known Member
no i know... i get it... thanks... hey i got my veg area i will call it cause its not enclosed as the other... but i figured i would appreciate it later if i just got it going now rather than later... anyways so i put the seedlings in my new mega garden ebb and flow with a 400 watt mh on them... I had some issues germinating the seeds... i tried to just stick the seeds down into the wet rockwool... the problem came in when the seeds started to pop...even though i had them facing the right way...yes i'm sure!.... the seeds had a 85% successful germ. they were pushing down instead of up... and some like opened under the rockwool and rotted... i tried to take out and turn them but only able to save a few...anyways its probably better cause as you can see i ran out of space a=nd had to put a few in soil.
I d like to comment that my mutant plant is looking very interesting... developed three main stems from the beginning and shows promise of developing three main colas... I hope its a girl... I wonder if it could be a poly??? I have to do more reading when I find the time. Also I meticuosly labeled everything this time so that I know what each plant is... No more stupid pop star names... I don't like the mega garden so don't buy it... Its cheaply made... and it sucks my nuts... and the water doesn't come up high enough... you have to wick everything with those strips... and it sucks my nezuts... :roll: I am gnna work with it though... whatever.... rock on! Yeah! Grow some shit up ! Come on!:hump::hump::hump::joint:
I do love the plant in the corner, I call her janet jackson... I think shes a white widdow.. she is a monster and beautifully shaped....



Well-Known Member
no i know... i get it... thanks... hey i got my veg area i will call it cause its not enclosed as the other... but i figured i would appreciate it later if i just got it going now rather than later... anyways so i put the seedlings in my new mega garden ebb and flow with a 400 watt mh on them... I had some issues germinating the seeds... i tried to just stick the seeds down into the wet rockwool... the problem came in when the seeds started to pop...even though i had them facing the right way...yes i'm sure!.... the seeds had a 85% successful germ. they were pushing down instead of up... and some like opened under the rockwool and rotted... i tried to take out and turn them but only able to save a few...anyways its probably better cause as you can see i ran out of space a=nd had to put a few in soil.
I d like to comment that my mutant plant is looking very interesting... developed three main stems from the beginning and shows promise of developing three main colas... I hope its a girl... I wonder if it could be a poly??? I have to do more reading when I find the time. Also I meticuosly labeled everything this time so that I know what each plant is... No more stupid pop star names... I don't like the mega garden so don't buy it... Its cheaply made... and it sucks my nuts... and the water doesn't come up high enough... you have to wick everything with those strips... and it sucks my nezuts... :roll: I am gnna work with it though... whatever.... rock on! Yeah! Grow some shit up ! Come on!:hump::hump::hump::joint:
I do love the plant in the corner, I call her janet jackson... I think shes a white widdow.. she is a monster and beautifully shaped....



Well-Known Member
So here it is week 4 and I want to start flowering soo bad...
I am going to try to wait another two weeks. ouch!
But I have just been loading my girls with attention and love...
They are really responding... notice that my plants around the perimeter of the tray and in the back are much taller than the rest that is because when I noticed one was blocking light from the shorter I moved them around so that the tall ones were furthest away from the light...
For some reason this week my res is very cloudy... I think its because of the floral nectar I put in has molasses in it... I also put in hydroguard for the first time this week. I still am not to clear on what it does....but my weed guru told me not to worry about it just trust him and put it in.
I have noticed also that this week I am not putting in a gallon of water everyday yet... maybe the plants are not drinking so much, or maybe it has to do with the weather and less evaporation.
my veg set up is looking the mega garden, I haven't added any nutes to my seedlings yet, just have the lights on 24 hours and fresh water ph'd with lemons. They are looking good for the most part...
Has anyone ever grown blue berry before can offer some advice... I read something about topping them being necessary? I am not very sure of myself when it comes to topping pruning and making cuttings... I would love to find some good precise reading material in that regard... I will post pictures later tonight or tomorrow... not much change for last post though.
I def think I have become obsessed with this growing...
I sat and thought about how silly it is that we live in a country that attempts to tell people what plants they can grow... Who should have the right to take something so beautiful away from us...this gift from god...stripped, outlawed, forbidden...
one day this time period will look crazy to the time of prohibition does to us now..
the tree of knowledge indeed...only thing is America is far from Eden.
Who should have the right!?!