My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine


Well-Known Member
These plants are just really growing you can really see the difference from day to day..
the problend from botanicare is the shit...
its got my ebb and flow rockin. the 600 watt mh i am running is massaging these sexy bitches to maturity...
I am going to start a veg chamber in the next three weeks with a 400 watt mh and a 2x2 ebb and flow... you think I can get away without odor cntrol and fans on this one???
I am to be growing blue berrie from dutch passion and the special offer Diesel ryder from the attitude... they are also sending me some free exodus and some afghan mafia... That place is the shit.... so anyway without further adieu here are my girls today... I got the fan blowing on them...yeah shake those asses ladies!!!:hump:



Well-Known Member
should I flush????

The brown spots or ends have now started on the second set of leaves on a few plants... what should do, cause big mama is looking good... she is a set of leaves in front of everyone else.... she's a super model. shoud I flush or are these leaves important.. I am giving 50/50 progro and calmag... 15ml per gal
is it ok or good to clip dying or dead leaves at this stage so that all energy can go to new leaves?
Or should I just leave alone?



Well-Known Member
I hope that the fast healthy looking ones with thick stems are my women...
I hope the big ones don't turn out to be a sausage fest.


Active Member
Looks like something could be wrong there... how often are they getting watered, how far away is the light and whats the temp in there? Is the water PH'd? Half strength nutes?

Clip dying leaves sparingly, take just the dead part off... half a leaf works just fine. Is this your first grow?


Well-Known Member
YES this is my first grow... they are in ambient temp of about 77 - 80
the ebb and flow is set o timer to go evry 15 minutes.
the light is a good distance away... not to close... will take a pic and send this morning...
honestly the amount of new growth on them makes me wonder if everything is fine...Is it normal for some leaves to die on just some of your plants????


Well-Known Member
please do... i am so damn excited about this growing that I am now setting up my veg chamber so I can start my next grow... I got 20 plants right now coming up great...


Well-Known Member
I don't know what to do, most of my plants look great but a few look like shit. One of the plants, the one right next to the mutant is a monster. It grows so much everyday and is a full set of leaves and a half ahead of the others. Its stem is already a stalk and it just looks radiant and healthy. Then some of the others that were small all along just look like ca ca... dead leaves and small stature... but even they have new growth. I don't know what to do should I flush??? You know I though that I would get a lot more comments from this forum... everyone just seems to look and keep it moving... but I need some help.. this is my first grow...Please guys a word?:peace:



Well-Known Member
well im a noob but the leaves of this sick plant look very different from the rest.
they are fat and discolored.
could just be bad genetics
its not always what you do that makes the plant bad.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Yes I do think that the plant has bad genetics... I came to that conclusion by observing the differences between my monster plant and the rest.... Obviously the monster plant has better genetics than the rest and the widdows are doing ok for the most part...
My ppm meter arrived today... it showed me that my ppms were at 3000 using the botanicare feeding schedule. So now I am kind of ass out... that was my major resource... So I drained the system cleaned everything down really good with bleach water... rinsed really well and am flushing for 6 hours with 120z clearex in my 30 gal res. I came to the conclusion on my own (with no help from the forum members) that any death from the bottom of the plant up is from nute burn....any death from the top of the plant down is from lights. after the flush i really don't know what feeding schedule im gonna use... maybe i'll just use my ppm meter to get the right end goal... like a 50/50 split of 100 ppms of progro and 100ppms of cal mag and i don't know how much karma? cant be as much but.... i think i wanna shoot for 2000 ppm as end goal considering they are coming from a 3000 ppm....


Well-Known Member
my goal for my res is much like obama's, to achieve the largest tent of approval.... so I am gonna bring the window in to help the weak and the strong....


Well-Known Member
yea it seems like the forum people only pay attention to the most "famous" people on here
they dont seem to pay any attention to the new guys or anything.



Well-Known Member
yeah its weird... this forum... i have reservations about.... so now things look better... i don't know, i know its t early to tell. but the plants have a healthier vibe and luster today.


Well-Known Member
everything looks better.
i flushed the system got the ppms down from 3000 to 1020
i cut off most of the dead leaves.
everything looks good. I had to give all of them names.... to tell them apart. next grow I will label them with strain and birthdate....
but for this one they are all stars.... i think it will be good for their self esteem.:hump::hump::hump::mrgreen:

