My homemade Bubble Cloner


Well-Known Member
mybathroom cloner.jpg heres a pic of my aero cloner set-up, gott it in my spare bathroom works great. I like the foam idea pretty kick ass.


Well-Known Member
what do you use for lighting, and on what cycle are the cuttings in the bubble cloner on? Also, do you run the bubbler 24/7?


Well-Known Member
clone machine.jpgstems submerged use purified water bought two bottom parts which are translucent so i could have a dome for it, the bubbles and heat make the dome nice and humid as well 6.5 qt container with 4 6inch airstones


Well-Known Member
Hey Xare,

Nice Thread, heaps of cool info.
I will load up my Cloner tonight.
I clone using rockwool cubes. How far away from the water do you suggest the bottom of the r/w cube should be.
The Water is highly Oxygenated with 6 Airstones.

I had numeroud runs of cloning which were succesful and then everything went to shit.
Failure after Failure.
Went back to standard propogation ( heat mat ect ect ) and had %100 success 15 of 15.

This will be my final run with the cloner.
If it doesnt work it will be getting thrown out.

Thanks for your help.