My Hobby. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not advertising, just wondering about how my pipes are viewed whether positively or negatively, and any suggestion for pipes in the future.
good work .........just a hand for u work on carving scrimshaw or fine art deco
run off about good amount and hit some of the local fairs they have a ren fair in your area get a booth and make some wizard pipes and others (will sell at a good mark up) i know leather workers that work only the fairs and the orders they get from them for the whole year

if u can lay your hands on some of the more exotic woods u are looking 150 200 a pipe with good art work done to it
my buddy said he would practice on pine branches (soft wood ) then move to a maple or oak once he had the patterns down before he would try for a sell able piece

got to ask are u doing the heated rod down the center of the wood for stem and mouth piece .......if not u should it seals up the wood and gives it a better taste starting off

Are you Amish?
no i have not seen him at the meetings .....tho if the beard is long enough he could join

before u ask how and all that bullshit .......his name was cletus ungine lippy jr 3 .........the man was a god when it came to building or making shit from what was around...and the biggest redneck jerry rigging master i have ever met ....taught me a shit load


Well-Known Member
I am. Can I interest you in some authentically carved, artisnal, Amish, wooden dildo's? All proceeds go to tricking out my horse drawn buggy with spinny rims and shit.
I want a pimped out carriage.
And those pipes are fuckin rad!
I'd like one like Gandalf smoked, some day...

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
if u can lay your hands on some of the more exotic woods u are looking 150 200 a pipe with good art work done to it

no i have not seen him at the meetings .....
I can get you oak, maple, tulip, hickory, walnut and apple, real cheap!
good work .........just a hand for u work on carving scrimshaw or fine art deco
run off about good amount and hit some of the local fairs they have a ren fair in your area get a booth and make some wizard pipes and others (will sell at a good mark up) i know leather workers that work only the fairs and the orders they get from them for the whole year

if u can lay your hands on some of the more exotic woods u are looking 150 200 a pipe with good art work done to it
my buddy said he would practice on pine branches (soft wood ) then move to a maple or oak once he had the patterns down before he would try for a sell able piece

got to ask are u doing the heated rod down the center of the wood for stem and mouth piece .......if not u should it seals up the wood and gives it a better taste starting off

no i have not seen him at the meetings .....tho if the beard is long enough he could join

before u ask how and all that bullshit .......his name was cletus ungine lippy jr 3 .........the man was a god when it came to building or making shit from what was around...and the biggest redneck jerry rigging master i have ever met ....taught me a shit load
Thanks for the advice and kind words.
good work .........just a hand for u work on carving scrimshaw or fine art deco
run off about good amount and hit some of the local fairs they have a ren fair in your area get a booth and make some wizard pipes and others (will sell at a good mark up) i know leather workers that work only the fairs and the orders they get from them for the whole year

if u can lay your hands on some of the more exotic woods u are looking 150 200 a pipe with good art work done to it
my buddy said he would practice on pine branches (soft wood ) then move to a maple or oak once he had the patterns down before he would try for a sell able piece

got to ask are u doing the heated rod down the center of the wood for stem and mouth piece .......if not u should it seals up the wood and gives it a better taste starting off

no i have not seen him at the meetings .....tho if the beard is long enough he could join

before u ask how and all that bullshit .......his name was cletus ungine lippy jr 3 .........the man was a god when it came to building or making shit from what was around...and the biggest redneck jerry rigging master i have ever met ....taught me a shit load
And no, although it had crossed my mind to try the heated rod. It's very difficult to drill a hole of any substantial length without the grain pushing a drill bit off course. I've had bits come out everywhere. lol But these are actually my first 3 attempts at any type of woodworking/hand carving aside from a knife handle I made for a straight razor. Had never done anything with wood aside from cut it with chainsaws, or a table saw. I've been a welder/fabricator for 10+ years though, so I have ideas of basic concepts of manipulation, it's just that wood seems to be so much less forgiving when you fuck it up.


Well-Known Member
And no, although it had crossed my mind to try the heated rod. It's very difficult to drill a hole of any substantial length without the grain pushing a drill bit off course. I've had bits come out everywhere. lol But these are actually my first 3 attempts at any type of woodworking/hand carving aside from a knife handle I made for a straight razor. Had never done anything with wood aside from cut it with chainsaws, or a table saw. I've been a welder/fabricator for 10+ years though, so I have ideas of basic concepts of manipulation, it's just that wood seems to be so much less forgiving when you fuck it up.
hence why work on pine branches first then move to a harder wood that is cheap then go to production

the trick to making a long stem is to use a decent size strait branch......u will need to make your own rig holds the branch strait up tight then have the iron heated rod come down pressing into it ......put like 20 30 lbs of weight on top and just heat press heat press to make sure 100% strait only the first 4 inches of the rod is seen the rest is in a sleeve type thing so as it goes down it goes over the wood keeping it strait no matter how long the wood is

to do it with drill bits u are looking at sectional pipes

I can get you oak, maple, tulip, hickory, walnut and apple, real cheap!
wood was for him .....i have no left brain skills in art or music .....i am all science history and general why things work/ppl do what they do

Amfu, I've got someone who wants to meat you.
who is that .........u are fairly cool so i am not thinking set up

Any suggestions on prices for these pipes?
starting pipes 20 to 30 bucks
mid lvl 50 60
high end 100 to 150
work of art 200- 500 .......depending on the number of hours carving


Well-Known Member
They ain't bad I would probably buy one if you made them out of wood burls. I know one guy who made one from a burl and it looks sweet. Another thing is it must be easy to clean.

The burls are really only good for the bowl head really unless you find a sweet one. But I say burl wood because they have amazing unique designs and they are hard as a rock. It's like a tree cancer so I have heard just a growth on a tree supposedly they will kill the tree eventually but every pipe you make will be unique. You are going to want to work with smaller ones which are really easy to find although you cut a few full pipes out of a big burl you can really ask $100 + a piece but it's not easy to work with cause they are very hard wood.

But I wouldn't buy one simply made of normal wood nothing unique about them. The guy I know used a small burl and a piece of a deer antler for the mouthpiece I'd say it's worth about $30.

That's just my thoughts on it but now I want to try it myself I have 2 big burls on a maple tree out back. :)
I'd say they're worth about a pound
I understand that I'm not very good at woodworking, but then again, I don't ever recall professing to be the best. If you do recall such a point, please point it out at this juncture... Take all your goddamn negativity out in real life on your wife and kids who fucking hate you. I adopted a hobby at the request of my fucking therapist to avoid being idle in my spare time, see I have PTSD (Non-military), major depression, social anxiety, I could list shit for 5 fucking minutes but hopefully you've gotten my point. I only have one request for you in closing: Stop and think for a second before you open your ignorant cockhole to berate someone online, because you don't know a goddamn thing about what the other person is dealing with. Furthermore, you should thank your lucky stars that I don't know where, or who you are because I'd make sure that in future situations you held what's left of your tongue before you spouted off with your shitty fucking mouth a plethora of things nobody wants to fucking hear. Fuck you.


Well-Known Member
I understand that I'm not very good at woodworking, but then again, I don't ever recall professing to be the best. If you do recall such a point, please point it out at this juncture... Take all your goddamn negativity out in real life on your wife and kids who fucking hate you. I adopted a hobby at the request of my fucking therapist to avoid being idle in my spare time, see I have PTSD (Non-military), major depression, social anxiety, I could list shit for 5 fucking minutes but hopefully you've gotten my point. I only have one request for you in closing: Stop and think for a second before you open your ignorant cockhole to berate someone online, because you don't know a goddamn thing about what the other person is dealing with. Furthermore, you should thank your lucky stars that I don't know where, or who you are because I'd make sure that in future situations you held what's left of your tongue before you spouted off with your shitty fucking mouth a plethora of things nobody wants to fucking hear. Fuck you.
Somebody needs a nap


Well-Known Member
Somebody needs a nap
naw i think u just pushed a button with out knowing it was a button

i feel this way about tyler i would give my right nut to be the one that shoots him in the face with a explosive round to see his head pop like a watermellon with a fire cracker (want to know if the body runs around or just drops like a rag doll)

I understand that I'm not very good at woodworking, but then again, I don't ever recall professing to be the best. If you do recall such a point, please point it out at this juncture... Take all your goddamn negativity out in real life on your wife and kids who fucking hate you. I adopted a hobby at the request of my fucking therapist to avoid being idle in my spare time, see I have PTSD (Non-military), major depression, social anxiety, I could list shit for 5 fucking minutes but hopefully you've gotten my point. I only have one request for you in closing: Stop and think for a second before you open your ignorant cockhole to berate someone online, because you don't know a goddamn thing about what the other person is dealing with. Furthermore, you should thank your lucky stars that I don't know where, or who you are because I'd make sure that in future situations you held what's left of your tongue before you spouted off with your shitty fucking mouth a plethora of things nobody wants to fucking hear. Fuck you.
just to let u know a pound of weed can be anywhere from 1600-3200
and if u go on old english pound means pound of silver

so can be taken good .....i think he ment a lb of weed he grown for one ( save the rage for ppl that really earn it that way if u white out and snap the neck with 67 torque u have a mental excuse better then prison)

yes i know i am insane there fore i am not really insane as insane ppl never think they are insane

edit wahoooooo good mix of weed tonight i got to rem this one