My growsite was discovered


Well-Known Member
agreed, i know ppl who use motion detector cams all around their outdoor site. Its a shame u already killed ur babys. You could have gone to a radio shack and u could have solved all your problems and found out who was messing with you...


Active Member
damn that sucks that sum1 found ur plants.mine r on sum1 elses property and i never c any1 go into the woods so i hope there safe. but the woods are very small like 2 acers. i really hope no1 discovers my plants. if so i wont destroy them i will wait till night and move them!


Well-Known Member
doesnt make sense for someone to leave a rope or string. it is obvious that you would discover it. maybe you caught a thread on your sweater and it unraveled all the way to your grow


Well-Known Member
sgr, that's messed up on many levels. The dog didn't bark.. why? She knows the person and feels comfortable. I really hope they don't do anything to her, either. Korvette's right, if you've got signage posted then you are within certain rights to keep people off your property. Personally, I'd want to set up cameras after pulling the garden in order to find out who it is. I'm only on the first page, so if you've decided to do this I missed it <whoosh!>.


Active Member
Leave a note to them yourself all over there face then rip your plants out infront them moaning on the ground with their legs broke. then be like go ahead and call the cops you cant prove shit this is what you get for fuckin with other peoples business bitch then piss on his face and dump him 100yards off your property..

thats what I would do personally but ive allways been one to never take shit from any one


Well-Known Member
Leave a note to them yourself all over there face then rip your plants out infront them moaning on the ground with their legs broke. then be like go ahead and call the cops you cant prove shit this is what you get for fuckin with other peoples business bitch then piss on his face and dump him 100yards off your property..

thats what I would do personally but ive allways been one to never take shit from any one

Fuck yeah! Smack him in the face with your dick to he'll never tell anyone what happened who wants to say, "Officer I found some plants and a guy beat me down he then proceeded to piss on my face and pecker slap me"
LOL but seriously keep going in an out waiting for that person to come back when he/she does bring out the bat and point to a shallow grave

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Yea i agree, they prob didnt see you go in there but maybe saw them while walking round the area and put the rope down to know where to come back in a few months, and prob didnt realize the same place they put the rope is the same way you go.
I would definatly move them.


Well-Known Member
like no one else know's its your woods.... loads of ppl prob. go there..

if its your's make it private ;)


New Member
Get a really big dog.
Done, I've got a Rottweiler/German Shephard mix. :) I'm actually surprised she didn't bark when whoever it was did this.

korvette1977, I've got signs posted "private property" and "beware of dog".

The plants were killed. It was a sad time tearing them up into pieces and sprinkling them on the ground. I swear I heard them scream.. lol. Seriously though, I've decided its time to move indoors. I'm going to hit Lowes tomorrow and pick up some lumber. I've already got 8 27watt CFL's.
I'm all for defending myself but when it comes to talking about the plants, as far as I'm concerned, they never existed. Now if I see anyone on my property they will be introduced to my holstered gun and asked nicely to GTFO my property.

As for parents.. I wouldn't be growing at all if I still lived with parents. You shouldn't either unless you've got their permission. :-)

I'm definitely going to stay low for awhile. Why can't people just mind their own business?! :-|
Its good you have a dog. Did you see any dog prints around your where your grow was? Someone could have been out walking their dog in the woods and the dog may have sniffed you out.:roll:

I think you did the right thing. :blsmoke: Sorry for your loss. I would have been upset too.

I used to have a sign that read "BEWARE OF DOG" now i just have a sign that reads "BEWARE OF OWNER" :hump::hump::hump:



Active Member
The plants were killed. It was a sad time tearing them up into pieces and sprinkling them on the ground. I swear I heard them scream.. lol. Seriously though, I've decided its time to move indoors. I'm going to hit Lowes tomorrow and pick up some lumber. I've already got 8 27watt CFL's.
Shitty man real shitty
good luck with your indoor though


Well-Known Member
your dog sounds beasty, 2 pits know to bark when some first starts to pull into the driveway,and there not even a year old yet.

sucks to hear about your plants tho man, liek they said, get a deer camera and find out whos face pops up...then beat them within a inch of death


Well-Known Member
Eh.. screw it, the likelihood of them surfing this site is pretty slim not to mention I'd hope someone from this site would be respectful enough of each others grows and peoples personal property. It wasn't a note but rather a small but long rope beginning at the entrance of the woods and ending a foot away from one of my plants. What made it even more of an "in your face" type deal is it began where I usually enter the woods. (It's not a pathway.. nothing but dence woods) I can only assume someone saw me enter the woods a few times, wondered what I was doing, and took a look for themselves. My only guess is that it was one of my neighbors. Who knows though.
Take the rope, leave about 6ft....attach a small mirror........leave a good 10ft twisting around stuff, then tie a shotgun cartridge. Maybe the happy prankster will get the drift:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Active Member
One rule of thumb I always go by, and I have some acreage, don't grow on your own property. I'ts not worth it, especialy in your situation. It might take a while ,but I'd bet you'll figure out who it was.


Well-Known Member
I used to have a sign that read "BEWARE OF DOG" now i just have a sign that reads "BEWARE OF OWNER" :hump::hump::hump:
I like the sign "Screw the dog, beware of the 45". :D

The camera sounds like it'd be fun but honestly, its not worth the money at this point. The problem is my dog barks at everything. When the postman comes buy she barks, if theres a bird outside she barks, if theres a squirrel in a tree its definitely time to bark, oh and if the fox is around its ram the door with her head while growling and barking.. LOL.

I figure its time to keep a watchful eye over my property and obviously confront anyone I see on it. The problem with my stretch of woods is that its pretty thick and anyone seeing me go into it would probably wonder what I'm doing. It's definitely not the type of woods you go for a stroll in so I guess thats what probably led to this whole ordeal. :\


Well-Known Member
That is problematic when the dog just barks. We have neighbors who have a dog that, truthfully, I sometimes fantasize about feeding a poison hot dog to. This dog does nothing BUT bark, constantly. I've spoken with both the husband and wife about it and they basically blew me off (actually, completely blew me off). 24/7, this one dog barks. We've been their neighbors for over two years now, and this fucking dog still barks at me every time I go out front. It'll be midnight and I go to the toilet and I can hear this fucking dog barking through the vent that leads to the roof. It doesn't matter what's going on or what time of day it is.

Fuck you, Herb, fuck you.

There are times when I'll be out there watching him, and he's not barking "at" anything, he's just standing their facing up into the air and barking. I want to strangle the motherfucker, but more so his owners. And the thing is that the other two dogs they have ONLY bark if there's someone or something actually around. Not Herb, stupid ugly-ass motherfucking dog. :evil:

What makes it worse is that they're the only neighbors we're on friendly terms with, so I can't do a damned thing. I thought talking to them might help the situation, but when I get, "Well, he's my dog, not Roy's, and it's really Daisy who is the bad one." Um, no, dear, Daisy isn't the bad one, because she doesn't bark unless there's something or someone around. Herb is the bad one, and I loved it when he was in dog jail for a week because I got some fucking PEACE AND QUIET! And Roy's response is, "I want the dogs to bark so it keeps people away." Look, dude, a dog that barks just to bark isn't doing anyone any good.

I've taught my dogs that they MUST let me know when someone is near or on the property, ANYONE. I have a hard time getting the old dog to stop once I'm out there, but she's doing her job enthusiastically. They do not bark otherwise unless they're bitching at each other, and then it's more a yelp bark and we all know exactly what's going on (young dog is fucking with old dog). I know my dogs' barks and sounds, just as they know mine. :lol:

At least your dog is barking at SOMETHING, even if her barking isn't quite so useful to you. :|


Well-Known Member
Thats the thing, she doesn't bark just to bark. The problem is my dog doesn't realize that the fox poses no significant threat while the random stranger in my yard does. (ever since she hurt her leg chasing a fox shes now convinced its Osama Bin Laden himself) I usually look to see what she's barking at but sometimes I'm too lazy or I'm sleeping and say screw it. I need to figure out a way to teach my dog whats a threat and whats not. A little bird eating a worm doesn't deserve a "You're lucky I'm not outside or I'd tear your throat out" bark. I do like the fact she barks at strangers though so its kind of a catch-22. Do I yell at her when she barks at animals and risk her not barking at strangers in the future? Also, shes hard headed. If she thinks her home is in danger theres no way anyone can get her to think otherwise; she'll protect it at all costs. On the plus side shes got that rottie thunder growl/full auto bark that sends chills down my spine. If anyone did try to break into my house they'd be idiots not to back off after hearing that bark. If they continued and didn't have a gun I'd probably come home to her chomping on a femur bone.. :hump:

I do remember her going psycho earlier the day before this incident while I was sleeping so that was probably when it happened. Obviously now I'm extra paranoid and every time she barks I check out what shes barking out. I guess maybe it would be wise to just install some security cameras on the corners of my house hooked up to a DVR. Although it doesn't have a clear angle to the where this happened it'd still let me know whose on my property when I'm away.


Well-Known Member
Where we live, you can SHOOT people that come onto your property without permission, sign or no sign. God Bless America!