My Grow


First setback. Half of my crop is a confirmed male and has been eliminated. I had to get rid of four clones also. I should be able to tell on my other plant in the flower box soon. It seems to be stretching a little, but it is not showing sex at all yet. Hopefully....
I may try getting more clones off of it in case.
Meanwhile, back in veg....
I have been practicing a little supercropping or pinch and bend, whatever. I've got two examples that have a nice flat structure to them with four or five good bud sites in addition to the main stalk. I think I can move them over by next week.


Well-Known Member
They were looking good. No worries though, you seem to be a good beginner and will prevail with at least 1 female I hope, Good luck!!

Grow it Organic

Well-Known Member
Did i miss you saying what strain these were?

Sorry to see boys on your first grow, that was my biggest fear about 2 weeks ago but i fortunately had good news :o


I appreciate the input. I decided I may switch my grow room around and go ahead and install my 250 HPS in what is now the veg room and keep the LED and CFL's for vegging. I am enjoying the learning process. Everything growing right now is unidentified seeds from commercial dirt. I think I will go through a few more trials before buying good seed.


I didn't do a great job with the photo, but here is a picture of a curly white hair!

If I can confirm this tomorrow I will pull some more clones off of her. I am starting to see that their are a lot of things that you just need to do as you learn how to garden. I'm starting to think I have my whole system set up backwards, but that's not an issue because it is flexible space and I like to 'Get To Fabricating' anyway. Yeah I'm not Ghetto Fabulous, I just like to build shit. I realized that my flower box would work great as a nursery/vegetative chamber and the Veg room would be much better for Flower. I know that my temperatures are all over the place, my ventilation is spotty, and I'm not going to get much fatty nasty budlike material with my little LED. I am right next to the sewer stack, so I'm considering putting my stink down that hole and set up my 250 HPS. Any experience with that type of odor control?
For now here's my lone girl.


Yeah!!! We have a big healthy girl!

Next steps.
1. Fresh Nutes and move two from veg.
2. Move clones
3. Rip out Veg room and go 45" by 38" by 8' ventilated flower box with 400 HPS and CFL bank.
4. Fix HVAC issues especially pertaining to cold ass climate.
5. Go to store, buy more toys.
6. Report back to group on progress.


I've moved two more into the flower box. The clones are doing well.

Time to rebuild the veg room into a flower room. I'm also flipping the light cycle over to on at 8 pm and off at 8 am. I think it will be easier to do maintenance that way.


Well-Known Member
seems like lots of ppl use general hydroponics with good results. I am planning on switching on my next grow...they are a decent price.