my grow thread


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is just a place for me to dump pics and share my grow with anyone who is interested or anyone who wants a chat.

heres my new setup.

im going to be growing the flying dutchmen's dutch delight first up.


Well-Known Member
cheers guys.

nah this will be my first grow in this tent. just set it all up this morning. temps and humidity are all perfect. looks like i got everything just the way i wanted it. oh and yo-yo hangers are the bomb i used chains last time and they were a pain in the arse.
Very sweet set up! I have a similar one that I'm setting up later today. I have a growlab 80L 2 400w MH/HPS over G13 labs pineapple express. BTW any tips for a newbie grower would be much appreciated. Good luck op


Well-Known Member
hey stonewelder im only fairly new at this myself but i feel like i have a pretty good grasp of it now. if u do a log post a link in here and i will sub up to it. otherwise feel free to post up as many pics or whatever u want in here i would love to see how u go.


Well-Known Member
lets see if i can get this back up to speed.
photos might be in a funny order cause i cant be going through them all again properly

morning glory purple undersides on the leaf

bubba 76

blue widow

dutch delight

morning glory (queenie)

sun maiden

that about brings us back up to speed


Well-Known Member
ok so i got smashed with some root rot. it spread through every pot very quickly. im pretty sure i got it under control now and all plants have improved in vigor and are looking good again.

here is my clone box. i panicked and took clones of all my strains. so there is 4 dutch delight 4 sun maidens and 4 morning glories

i use an old fish tank it works a treat these clones didnt wilt or look shocked at all.

the girls have all picked up a little

morning glory

dutch delight picking up again. still looks mangy especially since i raped it for clones

dutch delight again

sun maiden

sun maiden again.

loving being back under cmh


Well-Known Member
sweet hook-up, as Napolean Dynamite would say. be safe, be secret, and best of luck with your grow. we'll be watching..........


Well-Known Member
cool. don't have time to properly weave my current grow.......must...........escape......
my gardens tie me down. i like good weed, but indoor gardening is a 12 week prison


Well-Known Member
All three screens are down. I got a 1.1m screen with 3 morning glories and a Bubba 76 under it with a 600w hps
A 1m screen with a sun maiden under a 400w cmh
And a 3 foot x 1 foot screen with the Dutch delight with a 400w hps.
In going to be a busy boy


Well-Known Member
screens are down

dutch delight

sun maiden

an of course the other motley crew. these guys were hit hardest by the rot. they are picking up but the heights are a little uneven with one being bigger and the bubba 76 being a fair bit shorter but im sure after a week or 2 of weaving it will all work out.


Well-Known Member
flipped to flower.
screens probably wont be maxed out but i dont really care. im more just hunting for which strain im going to keep for my future grows.

at this stage its looking like the morning glory or the dutch delight.

^^^^ sun maiden is abit lanky and not as much branching as i would have liked^^^^

^^^dutch delight with loads of tops maybe even too many for the space^^^

^^^^ main screen with the morning glories, bubba 76 in the back left was started a few days behind the others. but branching is not as good on this one either anyway^^^