My Grow Room


Well-Known Member
Albsure - Got started with hydro by readin around stinkbuds posts here and on his own board. Very informative and ive had nothin but good luck with my entire system. You can build the whole thing with stuff you get from either home depot or lowes (minus teh pumps and timers). And its a very minimal investment for pretty decent returns. Ive been really happy with my whole stinkbud system. Stinkbud has detailed plans for everything ive built. Google the name Stinkbud and you will have all the information about the systems i have. I dont mind questions at all either, were all here to learn and grow. Also too, Everyone has their own methods, Stinkbuds methods worked for me really well, but the only way youre going to learn what works for you is by tryin a few different styles. I first tried soil and hated it, could never get the nutes right, but it was also much more forgiving then my current setup. Aeroponic setups like mine encourage very strong growth and good yeilds, but if theres a power outage you stand to lose all your plants without backup power. Just some food for thought.

Crazar - Due to funding issues i had to make use of what i had. You dont HAVE to utilize a HPS for flowering, but it is a good idea considering that the photospectrum of HPS lighting for the most part mimics the autumn sun and gives the plant more of the red spectrums of light. I have a warm spectrum bulb in my MH light and it sends out more of the red spectrum too. Also, when you use MH to flower your buds tend to turn out frostier, from what ive been told. If i had the cash to spend on a 1000w HPS setup id do it though. It will be my next purchase once i come into a lil more money.

Also wanted to thank everyone for lookin at my thread and for all the kind words. Being my first full grow I was really nervous, especially since this is the first time utilizin the whole stinkbud system in every stage.


Well-Known Member
nice grow m8! you want your light closer though, the plants look like they are stretching for the light.


Well-Known Member
theyd fry if i put them any closer. those are 1000w mh. they get hot as hell even with venting. ive got 6" hose hooked up to my other one with an inline fan and it still runs pretty hot.


Well-Known Member
no prob albsure. Im a newb and i dont have the experience that alot of the guys here do, but ill tell ya about my experiences and let ya know whats worked for me.


Well-Known Member
2011-09-02 09.24.12.jpgsuper lemon haze a week and a half into flowering
2011-09-02 09.23.20.jpgtotal grow room
Lost 2 plants due to them bein male.....8 out of 10 isnt bad though.
The warlord plant in the back is 37" tall.....crazyness.


Well-Known Member
Hey would you say those seeds are worth it to get them? I'm thinking about getting one of every strain from that guy lol

What strains where male? The MOAB, Exile, Warlord, Camelot? How are those strains going?
2 MOAB seedlings, 1 exile seedling, 1 warlord seedling, and one camelot seedling.