My Grow Room Need Help Lots Of Pics


Well-Known Member
sorrt mate them plants look ill, id get them proper lires or move them closer to the lite, them plants look ill.


Active Member
I posted to you're other forum but just so you know, Those roots on those plants need more room to grow friend. Get something bigger and like i read on you're other post, It does look like you could be overwatering. Get some bigger pots, bury those things deeper and get some fresh soil. On;y water when you're top layer of soil about one inch deep is relativly dry, or you could be over watering. Get some cfls and string them above, to the side, and maybe towards the bottom of the plant. Also, what kinds of nutes are you adding, watch those, and for more info on plant nutes, just make some new posts and ask around. Well, don't just listen to what i tell you, i'm just a nube who's done some research. Listen to the more expierenced growers, And welcome to the Forums.


Well-Known Member
That does not look good,,looks stressed & starched to me.....get help and do research,fool..that does not look healthy...