My Grow Room Desing (questions)


Active Member
Yo people,
I got my self a place that I could grow in big-time, but I´m not sure about a few things regarding it. The room´s dimensions or 8x5x3 foot and a volume of about 120 cubic feet. It´s not a part of my house, therefore it´s not heated. I´d like to know if I were to insulate it t´with 2" thick polystyrene, and use a 400W HPS if it would be enough to make 10 plants happy and to heat a place, if the diference in temperature would be IN 20 celsia and OUT (max - very unlikely) -10 Celsia, but the most inportant thing is for the light to be strong enough, I really ain´t sure about it. So please someone help me make my dream come true:D

Thx in advance

sure, the foam insulation will work. but how are you going to ventilate? you need a constant supply of fresh air coming into the grow room. if this area isn't attached to your house, in the middle of winter you will need to come up with a workaround for that cold air coming in.

also, i'm a little confused about your dimensions. do you mean 8 feet length, 5 feet width and 3 feet high? if you've only got 3 vertical feet to work with, this will cause issues with your HPS possibly burning your plants.

if you have pictures, that would be most helpful :)

My room is 8 feet long, by 5 feet high by 3 feet wide, I was hoping the light would keep the room hot enough, but I think buying a Small heater with a termostat TeplovzduÅ¡ný ventilátor HYUNDAI CON 09 T za 970,- Kč | would keep a room with 120 cubic feet hot enough. But what I´m most worried about is the 400WHPS with 56500 lumens(and a wider light spectrum(veg./flower) being enough to vegetate and flower at least 5 plants of Mary.I will upload photos, but I´ve just been so busy the past few days, School/Work/Sleep - repeat, not to mention I still can´t find my camera. So if there´s anyone who can anwer at least a few of my questions a.s.a.p. I´d be really gratefull

Thx in advance

ok, now that we have the dimensions straightened out, i think that it would be fair to say that i think you would could cut this space in half, thereby making it two rooms of 4x3. This would allow you the ability to have a veg room in one half, and a flower room in the other half. This way, you could have a perpetual harvest going on. And by cutting your space in half, this would allow you the maximum amount of efficiency for your light. this way, you would be looking at 4708 lumens per square foot. however, if it were me, i would be using a 600 watt setup putting out 95,000 lumens which would give you 7916 lumens per square foot. the sun puts out about 10,000 lumens per square foot, so you could expect nice, tight buds.
OK but, if I would cut this space in half I´d need to lights, whitch I can´t have due to low cashflow and also because I couldn´t pay my electric bill - I know I´m a cheap bastard, but Do you think one 600w HPS(with a wider spectrum of light) with 95000 lumens would keep 6 plants happy and healthy in this room without having to divide it into to two seperate rooms, cause I would like to grow once from vegetating to flowering, than have a brake use up what I gained and than start all over again. Does this light produce enough heat to work like a radiator in a well insulated room with these dimensions( 8 feet long, by 5 feet high by 3 feet wide)? - that´s an important thing for me
That isn't even a close conversion. To go from c to f you multipy 1.8 and add 32. so -10 x 1.8 = -18+32 = 14 f. None of this makes a difference. You still need fresh air in. VV
Ok, listen up everyone.
I´ve got ventilation figured out, I´ve got everything thought thru, exept I´m not sure if a 600W HPS with 92000 lumens is suficient enough to give enough light a room witch is 8" long, 5" high and 3", I´d also like to know if the 600W HPS is hot enought to warm up a place with these dimensions...
So these are my questions, could someone answer me with something that would be helpfull to me, and not reply to a question, with a question - damn them people aggrevate the hell outta me... (gonna go smoke :joint: to get my blood presure down from all´ya responses :mrgreen::peace:
Ok so I finally found my camera, made a few shots and posting´em up as we speak. The questions regarding these shots are in my previous comment. Thx for all possible answers, and do have in mind that I´d like to have this finished by the end of november please someone help me.
Wow, what a bunch of stupid ass holes. Any one should have been able to guess you were talking about an area under a porch that has a brick exterior. Why can't they just answer the fucking question. We must have all done this before. Fucking stupid people don't they know anything but how to ask questions. They should have known what the outdoor temps were, especailly given your location. Ass holes.
Listen up, bet you get a lot of responses now. VV
Wow, what a bunch of stupid ass holes. Any one should have been able to guess you were talking about an area under a porch that has a brick exterior. Why can't they just answer the fucking question. We must have all done this before. Fucking stupid people don't they know anything but how to ask questions. They should have known what the outdoor temps were, especailly given your location. Ass holes.
Listen up, bet you get a lot of responses now. VV

Thanks for clearing this up for´em, but I´d still be very pleased if I´d get a descent answer. But maybe I figured out how to heat the pleace up, look I´m gonna drill a 20 inch hole thru the wall seen on the right side on the picture with the second door. There´s a living space behind that wall, I´m gonna get my self a fan to shove air down the hole inside(warm air heated by the boiler) therefore I need to know if a 600W HPS would be able to heat the room to a higher temp, if the room would be insulated by polystirine and panda-plastic..

Thx for future "normal" replys

I know a thing or 2 about insulation and r values. But I am not an experianced grower and dont claim to be. First, it looks like the area is partially in the ground, so it will not be as hot in the summer time, and not as cold outside in the winter. The ground acts as an insulater as well as the masonry structure of the room. Second, the heat from your lights might be enough to keep the area warm in the coldest months. My brother grew for years in nothern america inside his unheated garage. But the garage was properly insulated. And in the coldest months, he brought in a little elec heater. But some years he didnt even need to do that. So to answer your question, go ahead and install some R-8 to R-10 ridgid insulation on the interior of the room.
I know a thing or 2 about insulation and r values. But I am not an experianced grower and dont claim to be. First, it looks like the area is partially in the ground, so it will not be as hot in the summer time, and not as cold outside in the winter. The ground acts as an insulater as well as the masonry structure of the room. Second, the heat from your lights might be enough to keep the area warm in the coldest months. My brother grew for years in nothern america inside his unheated garage. But the garage was properly insulated. And in the coldest months, he brought in a little elec heater. But some years he didnt even need to do that. So to answer your question, go ahead and install some R-8 to R-10 ridgid insulation on the interior of the room.
thanks for your answer it really helped me alot, even thou I´m not gonna be able to use R-8 as to a relatively low budget the most I can use is 50mm thick polystyrine but thanks anyway you did help me alot
you should not use polystyrene for this type of area. You need a closed cell formula like STYROFOAM Or Formular. There will be moisture issues in that area and this will break down the polystyrene. The as manufactured "R" value of 1" thick STYROFOAM is 9.09. So somewhere between 8 and 10. VV