My Grow Room... Advice?


Well-Known Member
Here is my grow room. It is 50"x26"x12". I have 5 26watt CFL's and 1 24" Fluorescent Plant Grow Light. The walls are painted flat white. I have a small fan blowing on the plants 24/7. The room that my grow room is in, has it's own AC, which runs 24/7, so it stays pretty cool. What do you guys think? Any advice you could give me? What what you do different?



Im having Trouble on growing for med use I just got a note from my doctor So Can you help me. or where could I get help.:peace:
Firstly I would suggest reading the tuts/stickies.

Secondly I would start my own thread on the forum and not whore in on others

Just suggestion...or two
i have 21 plants in that area. I have a bigger room with more lights to move the plants to when they are bigger. I figured once I weed the males out, I'd have about 10 females.
one thing i would suggest is getting those coil energy saving bulbs to save on electricty since your not using all florescents or hps
one thing i would suggest is getting those coil energy saving bulbs to save on electricty since your not using all florescents or hps

All of those lights are those "coil energy saving bulbs" (aka CFL'S). And he is using all florescents...Compact floro's and 1 tube floro's.

And to help you dude just move all of those lights and especially the tube floro 1-2 unches from the plants Closer is better. :peace::peace::peace: