My grow journey!!


Well-Known Member
Have moved cfl lights closer to plants about 5 inches away hopefully that will stop the stretching.

Def need so bat wings asap so i can have my lights on there side for better lighting. But just considering in buying a hps light kit and ac unit instead then use cfls just for clone box.



Well-Known Member
Ordered 600 watt hps digital ballast kit. Within 2 weeks will have to buy a portable ac unit.. summer is coming.


Well-Known Member
Just routed my exhaust to vent out a window as when i start using hps it will raise ambient temp exhausting in same room.

Doing some tests now to see temps.

Here is a pic.20180804_162144.jpg

Also germinated Special Kush and Lemon Kush. Should be showing by tomorrow or the next.

Seems like slow growth on ak47xwhite widow and bubble gum. But ak47 starting second set of leaves.

Hope i can get a good yield from these fwm seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ak47x white widow & bubble gum have gone really pale and droopy suspected from overwatering. :((

Have trabsplanted into new soil and leave till fully dry to see if they can bounce back.


Well-Known Member
Flushed all plants last night with plain water.. once dry will feed again.

Have a ph and soil moisture reader and ppm pen on order so keen to get these to items..

The 2 big plants are bouncing back and getting greener and stretching again.



Well-Known Member
Decided to transplant as previous soil was no good had to many woodchips..

Transplantes into scotts pure organic soil with some coir, peat and perlite to add excelent drainage.

Invested in a moisture reader so now over watering will not be an issue..

Probably have to wait another week after transplant shock to see progress..

God dam already behind by 3 weeks easy...

Will upload pics when it allows me too.


Well-Known Member
Day after transplant for the 2 that may survive.

20180906_191127.jpg 20180906_191118.jpg

Hope these 2 bounce back.

Have a moisture reader now so def will only water when it reads dry.

Also ordered another 20 mix reg seeds so will try again and hopefully get a good start on these next ones..

Def gonna have to kill 2 of the smallest they just look like they wont recover will give it another week.


Well-Known Member
Just recieved my 600 watt MH bulb so i replaced my 600 watt HPS hopefully this will help grow abit quicker through veg..

All plants survived and bounced back and just popped another 2 seeds in just going go keep vegging until i can do a scrog.

Here is a pic will upload individual pics after.20180917_181445.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey guys been just shy of a month now since my last updates.

Almost been a month under my 600 watt mh under a dimmable ballast.

Here are a few pics.

Also have clones going in soil under dome and water method.
Been 7 days in soil and 3 days in water.
Hope some take root.



Well-Known Member
Plants a real perky 2 days after feeding of thrive all plant food nutrients and added trace elements. I think i was under feeding using power feed seaweed and kelp organic ferts. So may just stick to thrive until i can buy some better ferts.

Love checking the plants daily seeing the differences over night.

Thinking i may veg to knee height then flower so they will be roughly 2 feet from pots.

Also considering topping the biggest plants again one more time to try get some better clones then i have already.


Well-Known Member
Todays pic


Thinking of potting up to 5 gallon then flower the big ones.

Also going to invest in a small veg tent soon.

Struggling with temp issues so only can run my lights on 250 watts during the day and bump to 400-600 watts over night.


Well-Known Member
Have changed my setup by venting in outside air and exhausting into garage. Which now lets me run 400 watt at night at 28 deg on cooler days i will bump to 600.

I will be flowering within the next two weeks.

Also few of my clones are now showing roots through peat pellets.