My Grow Journal


Active Member
its says that it is great for root development helps improves stress tolerance and increases plant's resistance to disease soooo i figure it will work out good
Shit ya i'd say so. lol the transplanting keeps those roots going too. When you transplant, do you loosen the soil ball, or cut it or anything? I tried the whole cutting the roots up and i'm anxious to see how it goes...


Active Member
Shit ya i'd say so. lol the transplanting keeps those roots going too. When you transplant, do you loosen the soil ball, or cut it or anything? I tried the whole cutting the roots up and i'm anxious to see how it goes...
well i have one bigger plant that i started a while ago and i ripped a bunch of the roots off by accident and it took about two weeks for it to heal but it seems to be ok right now i also feed her with some of my vigoro a couple dqys ago sooo that should help with her roots.... its more of a live and learn type of lifestyle i guess just dont freak out if it goes bad you will just know for the next time happy growing bongsmilie


Active Member
ok last night i added my timer to the lights. the tiny plants were on a 24hr light schedule for two weeks now they are on a 18/6 hr schedule. after the transplant, the vigoro, and the change in light schedule i think this will be a good start to making these little plants begin there bushy journey. i will post some pics in a couple days.happy growing all they need? if they seem bushy enough i wouldnt do it. If the leaves start to wilt or die fast i'd say juice them girls. lol but otherwise just let em grow. Oh so u kept ur 1st one then huh? I thought u tossed it...anyways ya man I think my plants my got a purple thing goin on, im not sure...the bud i got the seeds out of was supposibly from a purp plant. Personally i didnt give a shit if it was from a GDP plant, the bud still had seeds in it, but i tell you what, that shit got u high and 100 bucks a zip cant be beat. Untill NOW! lol got my own supply. Well shortly. Hey what do you think i should do."Kiana is gettin fuzzy all over the place, especially on top, but i wanna use her as a mother now so shes back on 18-6, u think i should top her? I just know 9its bud developing on top and its hard to bring myself to just cut that off. :( anyways guys...let me know what u think. Happy growing.


Active Member
ya i kept my first one i gutted out a pc and stuck her in there i lost a lot of roots when i transplanted the plant so she was growing real slow but i am LSTing the plant so she will be able to stay in the pc. check it out....


Oh shit! awesome dude. Love the macgyver shit. lol It looks good though man. It looks healthy enough to make it. Do you put the cover back on when your done? Cause if you have a marijuana plant growing in what looks like a plain ass computer, u might be the coolest dude i've ever known. lol Seriously man. Nice. I wish i could load pics of mine...there doing surprisingly good...
Hell ya i got some pics! There shitty but its something. The first one is Kiana, she got droopy from the transplant, but you might droop if u had a razor go through ur viens. lol Im not worried about it too much...shes still healthy. The 2nd pic is of the rest of the girls. Im gonna top them all probably later today. The 3rd pic is the plant i adopted...the thing was so tramatized i'm not sure its gonna come back. The pic is kinda like the middle of it. U can see why i would hope it makes it...Its idk...bushy.



Active Member
ya i put the side cover on when ever im not screwing around with it... i added a fan that i actualy took out of the same computer.. haha im just now puting it back in. i'm using the fan as an exhaust fan cause im sure it gets hot in there... i added another cfl so there are now 2 in the pc. i also duck taped the shit out of the pc its self so that there are no light leaks. i trashed the plant that was in there i was too worried that it was going to end up a hermi.. so i moved one plant from the closet into her new home the PC. so now i have 3 plants in the closet there doing great now. i moved the slowest plant into the PC. i have two spots i have to keep up on now but both are small so no big deal ill post some pics here soon peace man happy growing.
ya i just gone topping 4 of the plants. the other 2 i'm going to be moving to thier own home where the lights will be turned to 12/12, i want some weed. lol it'll be at least a quarter.


Active Member
oh shit. right on dude. that shits legit. It looks like the plants getting plenty of light, cuz the space is so small.
ya it is and the fan i rigged up is sucking a tone of hot air out so its just the right temp in there. the one in the pc was growing a lot slower then the others so i figured i would just start a fresh grow for my first pc just to see how it goes. after about a week or two i'm going to put the timer on to 12/12 in the pc so the plant wont out grow her area. if i can do it right i would say i could grow a plant in the pc and harvest her in no more than 2-2 1/2 months. if it works out good ill have buds until i can harvest my other ones... hahabongsmilie


Active Member
i'm thinking about transplanting my plant back into a 16oz party cup so i could maybe fit two plants in my PC grow box..... what do you guys think good/bad idea????
Exactly what i'm doing. I got 2 girls on 12/12 that should be harvest able by january and the other 4 are growing on 18/6 and then my one male i've decided to keep is on 24/7. But idk about that man. Id say just give it time. Cuz u just transplanted them not too long ago right? It might put too much stress on her. If u think it can handle it...go for it. But i mean waiting a week wont really put a damper on things. Losing a plant might...


Active Member
yes true but i said screw it and did it any ways last night haha. i am also thinking of doing some adjustments to my pc to marrow i could have the lights set up a little better... i threw it together kind of fast so now after i have taken a better look at it i could do some things differently... ill post some pics to marrow of both the pc and the closet... peace happy growing all