My grow idea


Well-Known Member
OK so im def going to start a grow soon and its not going to be just for me. I have many connects from prior deals when i was a middle man in dealing kb, and i know i can move wieght.

Heres whats been going threw my mind. I want to start a grow in a single bed apt but im not going to live in it due to me not having a room to sleep in since it will be the flowering room. Ill be doing atleast one 8x8x8 vert hydro grow and plan to grow 30-40 plants inside. i aim to use 2 1000 watt hps but may add a 600 or 400 watt in the middle. I want to use another 8x8x8 but im afraid im going to be useing to much electric. what do you think? If using 2 rooms I could alternate the lighting schedules to compensate for the high usage. i fig 6000-7000 total wattage.

My goal is to produce around 2 pounds per month... but with 2 rooms i can grow more strains and more weed. one I plan to be all bubblegum and the other half blueberry and half Whitewidow.

My question is what problems am i over looking?

I dont think i would have a problem with nieghbors due to i wouldnt ever see them (If i did i would great them nicely)

I know my useage would be high but as long as i pay my bill i should be fine right?

also no one would know about this grow. Not a soul. I would just make up a story about how i have a connect up in the sticks or something like that.

So how risky do yall think this is? Im def going to do atleast 1 Grow room but how risky would it be to do 2


Well-Known Member
why the hell not, your already going one which is illegal and with that many plants your already looking at 20 yrs soooooo just go balls to the wall man. What you could do to have a constant flow of dope is section off your one room with big ass pieces of foam and have one side vegging while the other flowers. just a thought though.

As for risk, the only forseeable one is if they have you get into your apt for any reason to fix shit. Im doing the apt stealth grow but I live here so i can monitor if people are coming and going and know my cycles. If they gotta get in your fucked, period. And as long as the electric bill is in your name your good, especially if your not living there which means they wont really notice the difference between people living there or your grow shit.

Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Please don't take offense at this, but have you ever grown weed before? Because you don't strike me as someone who has grown before. If this is your first experience with growing, then you need to give yourself a bit of a reality check. In order to pull off what you have planned and get the return you are expecting, you really need some experience. Growing the caliber of weed you are thinking of on a larger-scale production basis will require flawless execution and detailed planning, both things that come with experience and practice. Anyone can stick some seeds in the dirt and harvest some ganja, but it takes detailed, extensive knowledge and some hands-on experience to grow consistently exceptional herb on a large scale, especially when dealing with multiple varieties.


Active Member
Dude the smell is going to kill you, especially in an apartment. You might as well practice your mug shot pose.


Well-Known Member
Please don't take offense at this, but have you ever grown weed before? Because you don't strike me as someone who has grown before. If this is your first experience with growing, then you need to give yourself a bit of a reality check. In order to pull off what you have planned and get the return you are expecting, you really need some experience. Growing the caliber of weed you are thinking of on a larger-scale production basis will require flawless execution and detailed planning, both things that come with experience and practice. Anyone can stick some seeds in the dirt and harvest some ganja, but it takes detailed, extensive knowledge and some hands-on experience to grow consistently exceptional herb on a large scale, especially when dealing with multiple varieties.
Yeah i havent grown before and i dont plan on doing a small 4-6 plant grow because whats the point. People i deal with deal pounds weekly so even if i do produce 2 pounds a month chances are ill have them begging for more.

As for the experience part and growing AAA stuff I wouldnt doubt my first grow is going to be less then perfect but its a learning experience, and ive been doing nothing but learning since ive been on this site. I know growing top quality stuff is difficult but im a very intelligent person and growing plants would be a job but it would be a job that pays well so i wouldnt have a problem with it.

Maybe i should take your advice with a grain of salt and just stick with one grow and after a few grows are under my belt move into a house grow where i have more freedom and wiggle room.

I have the abilty to move weight so why not grow it myself and reap alot more profit than being some middle man. I already have the feminized seeds from dutch passion. thats step one getting high quality seeds. and imo the most important step. everything else is easy. hell it would sell its self around here. people beg for high quality budd in my state, and when it comes around it goes very fast.

I understand the risks involved but really Im at a point in my life to where i must provide for myself. making 2000 a month with a regular job just doesnt cut the mustard with me. i need extra income and i feel growing high quality budd is the key to my success. I could sell coke or worse crack but ive dealt with those types and thats not my cup of tea.

I appreaciate your concern though bro and I do understand that i must learn really fast on how to grow quality budd safely and discretly once i make the move towards my grow room. I just dont feel there is any other way for me to succeed....


Well-Known Member
Dude the smell is going to kill you, especially in an apartment. You might as well practice your mug shot pose.
lol isnt that why we have carbon scrubbers? i mean come on im not stupid i would take extra care of sealing my room and scrubbing the air clean before it exits the building


Well-Known Member
As for risk, the only forseeable one is if they have you get into your apt for any reason to fix shit. Im doing the apt stealth grow but I live here so i can monitor if people are coming and going and know my cycles. If they gotta get in your fucked, period. And as long as the electric bill is in your name your good, especially if your not living there which means they wont really notice the difference between people living there or your grow shit.

Good luck man
hmm i see what your saying and ive thought about that thats why i would put it in the sealed bedroom. i doubt they would need to go into the bed room. maybe ill even go a step further towards stealth and get a 2 bed room apt because the non-masterbed is always just a room with no electric box or anything. basically a 10x12 closet.

ive got a few bugs to work out but im almost sure i could pull this off


Well-Known Member
The point is that experience matters. I would agree you should try a small grow first.

Before you get to harvest with a big grow you are going to have a lot of time and money invested. Shit happens and things can go very bad astonishingly quick. You are much more qualified to salvage things if you have at least grown a single plant to harvest. A few months may seem like a very long time, but the opportunity to become a W33d Baron will still be there then.

Yeah i havent grown before and i dont plan on doing a small 4-6 plant grow because whats the point. People i deal with deal pounds weekly so even if i do produce 2 pounds a month chances are ill have them begging for more.

As for the experience part and growing AAA stuff I wouldnt doubt my first grow is going to be less then perfect but its a learning experience, and ive been doing nothing but learning since ive been on this site. I know growing top quality stuff is difficult but im a very intelligent person and growing plants would be a job but it would be a job that pays well so i wouldnt have a problem with it.

Maybe i should take your advice with a grain of salt and just stick with one grow and after a few grows are under my belt move into a house grow where i have more freedom and wiggle room.

I have the abilty to move weight so why not grow it myself and reap alot more profit than being some middle man. I already have the feminized seeds from dutch passion. thats step one getting high quality seeds. and imo the most important step. everything else is easy. hell it would sell its self around here. people beg for high quality budd in my state, and when it comes around it goes very fast.

I understand the risks involved but really Im at a point in my life to where i must provide for myself. making 2000 a month with a regular job just doesnt cut the mustard with me. i need extra income and i feel growing high quality budd is the key to my success. I could sell coke or worse crack but ive dealt with those types and thats not my cup of tea.

I appreaciate your concern though bro and I do understand that i must learn really fast on how to grow quality budd safely and discretly once i make the move towards my grow room. I just dont feel there is any other way for me to succeed....


Well-Known Member
I'd get a house and live in it...

with a traveling salesman for a roommate...:o
Dude.. be safe... live somewhere no one else has a key... all they need is a bogus reason and 24 hrs notice and they have the RIGHT to inspect your apt... all of it... and if you deny access, you will be raising suspicions...

Move 45 min out of town and get a house... shouldn't be any more expensive than an apt in the city....

my other 2 cents...:o


Well-Known Member
The point is that experience matters. I would agree you should try a small grow first.

Before you get to harvest with a big grow you are going to have a lot of time and money invested. Shit happens and things can go very bad astonishingly quick. You are much more qualified to salvage things if you have at least grown a single plant to harvest. A few months may seem like a very long time, but the opportunity to become a W33d Baron will still be there then.
ahhh i know im acting hardheaded with this grow idea. Maybe i do need to start a small grow. problem is if i do a small grow i have to buy materials that i could use ina large grow. which makes it less worth it because cost would be very high compared to my profit. I guess its better to test the waters before you jump in with two feet huh?

Well let me ask this: what strain is better to grow? DP White Widow or BlueBerry? Ive smoked both and i must say i like them both very much, but which is easier to grow so i can gain experience without running into trouble


Well-Known Member
ahhh i know im acting hardheaded with this grow idea. Maybe i do need to start a small grow. problem is if i do a small grow i have to buy materials that i could use ina large grow. which makes it less worth it because cost would be very high compared to my profit. I guess its better to test the waters before you jump in with two feet huh?

Well let me ask this: what strain is better to grow? DP White Widow or BlueBerry? Ive smoked both and i must say i like them both very much, but which is easier to grow so i can gain experience without running into trouble
I would say whichever you prefer. You're smart, you'll figure it out. Some are harder than others, but those two are pretty stable. What strain would you grow on a big scale? Maybe try that.


Well-Known Member
Both... I want to grow bubblegum too

i hear people love bubblegum. Ive never had bubblegum but i hear it is very nice

.... i did some thinking on the toilet and came to the conclusion i need to get my priorites strait. in the next couple months im going to do a small grow. Prob blueberry and WW. Im debating if i should just do a small closet grow or try to yield as much as possible and go with a small vert grow. 4x4x6-7 or maybe 3x3x6

anyone know of any threads on a small vert grow? i would like to yield over 1/2 pound with a 600 watt hps


Well-Known Member
I hate to recommend a full room set up to someone who has never grown before...

But if you are dead set on doing it... and have the cash to invest... and you will not mind if you fuck up your first 3 batches...

Go big...

I started small... invested in a small set up... and I had great success.... I got 1.2 oz of lovely buds from 4 plants 6 inches tall...

Only to wish that I had grown them to 3 feet instead... and so now I have re-invested in a bigger set up...

If you are hardheaded enough to know you are not going to give up at the first sign of trouble, then go for it...

But I will say, forget the 2 feet... jump head first... otherwise you might have a hard time...

Get everything you need... a kick ass space age room is worthless without a reliable pH meter... you know what I mean... don't skimp on the details or cut corners... they will cost you a lot more later in headaches... start with a fault free blank canvas... it's the best bet for acceptable results...

You are baking a cake... make sure you have all the ingredients before you start... also make sure you are willing to stick to the recipe, at least until you can start tweaking it, based on experience....

Just a thought man... I hate upgrading, especially expensive equip...

Best of luck...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Bubblicious/Bubblegum is my favorite strain of all.

You get a nice little grow under your belt and you'll be in great shape to do what you want.

Both... I want to grow bubblegum too

i hear people love bubblegum. Ive never had bubblegum but i hear it is very nice

.... i did some thinking on the toilet and came to the conclusion i need to get my priorites strait. in the next couple months im going to do a small grow. Prob blueberry and WW. Im debating if i should just do a small closet grow or try to yield as much as possible and go with a small vert grow. 4x4x6-7 or maybe 3x3x6

anyone know of any threads on a small vert grow? i would like to yield over 1/2 pound with a 600 watt hps


Well-Known Member
I hate to recommend a full room set up to someone who has never grown before...

But if you are dead set on doing it... and have the cash to invest... and you will not mind if you fuck up your first 3 batches...

Go big...

I started small... invested in a small set up... and I had great success.... I got 1.2 oz of lovely buds from 4 plants 6 inches tall...

Only to wish that I had grown them to 3 feet instead... and so now I have re-invested in a bigger set up...

If you are hardheaded enough to know you are not going to give up at the first sign of trouble, then go for it...

But I will say, forget the 2 feet... jump head first... otherwise you might have a hard time...

Get everything you need... a kick ass space age room is worthless without a reliable pH meter... you know what I mean... don't skimp on the details or cut corners... they will cost you a lot more later in headaches... start with a fault free blank canvas... it's the best bet for acceptable results...

You are baking a cake... make sure you have all the ingredients before you start... also make sure you are willing to stick to the recipe, at least until you can start tweaking it, based on experience....

Just a thought man... I hate upgrading, especially expensive equip...

Best of luck...:leaf:
Thanks for an honest answer man... much appreciated

I would have to dive in head first becuase i wouldnt want to fvck anything up becuase i want to yeild as much quality product as possible.

Im going to do a small grow first in the house im at now and see how things go. I fig by march-april i should have a decent amount of knowledge on hand to Step it up to alteast 20 plants in a vert grow. im also leaning towards growing outside during the summer while growing indoors. Kinda scary though becuase people hunt all the time around here and people wonder the woods too. so its scary that someone might stumble upon my grow and steal it or worse set me up to catch me.


Well-Known Member
anyone know of any threads on a small vert grow? i would like to yield over 1/2 pound with a 600 watt hps
I just built a tent with a 600 watt HPS...

I have not flowered it yet, but I am getting ready to...

Last grow I got 1.2oz out of 4 plants 6 inches tall... with CFLs and low watt HPS

Now I have room for 16x 35" tall plants... under the 600 ... you do the

here is a pic of the tent... HPS off...




Well-Known Member
I just built a tent with a 600 watt HPS...

I have not flowered it yet, but I am getting ready to...

Last grow I got 1.2oz out of 4 plants 6 inches tall... with CFLs and low watt HPS

Now I have room for 16x 35" tall plants... under the 600 ... you do the

here is a pic of the tent... HPS off...


Dude a tent isnt a bad idea.... how big is that? 4x6x6? is that a vert grow? hmmm 16 35" plants should produce a nice yeild :weed:


Well-Known Member

and you could very well stack the end tubs on books, but I doubt you will need it...

I am running 120 watts/square foot... 19,000 lumens /sqft... I am not worried about lights... lol...

I gotta run...but I will be back...

check page 21 of my grow for the tent build... easy....
