My Grow Cabinet.


Well-Known Member
So last night I got around to building my cabinet. I'd like some feed back on it. I built it too look like an upright closet for coats. It sits right next to my open hanging closet. So it doesn't seem to outta place.

Went shopping today and got mylar film for the walls. Got a nice little duct fan from an old fireplace. Most importantly I got my first light. It'll get me going for my first grow. It's a 70 HPS security light from home de-pot. Cost me only 45 bucks. A little creative wiring and it'll be good to go.

So without further ado here is my cabinet in it's current bare form.

The cabinet is 28" wide x 21" deep x 5' 8" high.

And since I was building this myself I decided to throw in a false bottom just for the fun of it. It's about 3 inchs deep but it looks really good. I'm happy with how it fits.

I can't decide if I want to paint the inside of it or not. I'm going to make a tray for the bottom to collect any water so water damage isn't gonna be a problem. I'm going to cover the sides with mylar so I got a big ass shiny box.

Any thoughts and comments are apprecitated.


Well-Known Member
wow looks really good...
looking forward to see this get going.
love the false bottom.



Well-Known Member
wow looks really good...
looking forward to see this get going.
love the false bottom.


I'm looking forward to this getting going to. But I still got alot to do.

Thanks for the comment. I have a background in woodworking and a wood shop at my disposal so it only took about 2 hours to get it all together. The face of it is oak too. haha. I wonder how many people have a custom oak cabinet for their grows.

The way I built it I had dead space on the bottom so it was needed a floor no matter what. I cut it and set it in there and it fit so well I decided not to permanently attacthe it. So false bottom was created. Sneaky little bit of work.


Well-Known Member
well i guess your plants deserve the best lol
well either way ... alot of work or not
keep pics posted man. id love to see this grow take off
and see how your final setup is
u doing a soil grow?
u think u can take some picks of the fan and hps?
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Well-Known Member
I rewired the light and mounted it last night. The ballast now stays near the fan and I can adjust the light up and down. The fan is kinda mounted. I used eyelets to pull cord though and suspended the fan on that so it's not touching any wood. That way it'll reduce vibration to hopefully make it as quite as possible. Just need to wire the fan up to the fan controller/dimmer switch that I have.

I also need to hang the mylar sheeting after I get everything wired and set.

Then it's time for a tray for the plants to catch excess water. After that It'll be time for plants.

I'm going with a soil grow from seeds because my source for clones stopped growing about 4-6 months ago. I'm going to start probaly 4-5 plants in hopes that I will get 2-3 females. Just a few since I'm only using a 70W HPS light.

I start trade school today so I've got to go hit the shower and I'm off to my first class. I'll post pics this afternoon of what I have so far and any further work.


Well-Known Member
Tested out the light. Works pretty well.

I hung the mylar in my cabinet. But I'm curious if it has to be smooth or not. I had to use and emergency blanket as thats about the only thing available in my area. and it's got the creases in it from being folded into a little ass square.

I'm thinking it'll be fine. It'll reflect the light more directions.

Any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
alot of ppl dont advise doing it but whatever... itll work.
they say itll make hotspots. but it is a hell of alot better then nothing


Well-Known Member
Not doing scrog this time around. Probably only going to start 4-5 plants. Hoping for atleaset 2-3 females.

But I can't start anything till I get some seeds. My hookup is all out.


Active Member
What might be nice to do is to add a shelf in the middle, cut the front door in half and hinge the two parts separately. Make it completely light proof from top to bottom. That way you can keep a mother plant at the bottom and grow clones up top. I was going to go this same route with building a cabinet from scratch but I lucked out and they had some damaged kitchen cabinets which just needed a new back.

Just my 2cents. :joint:


Well-Known Member
If I split my cabanit I would need 2 lights which I don't have the income for right now. I'd have bought a proper 250W if I had the money.

Also the 2 spaces would not be tall enough. For Clones sure no problem till they were about 12-15 inchs tall. But deffinetly not for a mother. This cabinet is about right for a start to finish grow of up to 4 plants max. I don't really have the light for 4. So i'm going with 2-3 and see how they do with the 70W.

I'm not putting alot into this cabinet cause I'm hoping to move soon. That way I can maybe have a proper grow room.

So far I've got about 54 dollors invested into my 28w x 21d x 68"h oak cabinet with 70W HPS light and 250CFM fan. I'd say thats a pretty good deal so far. So for that plus some power and neuts I'll get some goods and some experience. Sounds like a hell of deal to me.


Well-Known Member
If I split my cabanit I would need 2 lights which I don't have the income for right now. I'd have bought a proper 250W if I had the money.

Also the 2 spaces would not be tall enough. For Clones sure no problem till they were about 12-15 inchs tall. But deffinetly not for a mother. This cabinet is about right for a start to finish grow of up to 4 plants max. I don't really have the light for 4. So i'm going with 2-3 and see how they do with the 70W.

I'm not putting alot into this cabinet cause I'm hoping to move soon. That way I can maybe have a proper grow room.

So far I've got about 54 dollors invested into my 28w x 21d x 68"h oak cabinet with 70W HPS light and 250CFM fan. I'd say thats a pretty good deal so far. So for that plus some power and neuts I'll get some goods and some experience. Sounds like a hell of deal to me.
you have it down bro.
good stuff
any more pics?


Well-Known Member
No pics for now. gotta finish the mylar. Need to do the back of the door. almost forgot about that. Then I need to mount the fan in there somehow and wire it to my controller switch.

I had the fan hanging on rope so it wasn't touching any wood so it would not vibrate. Dunno though. Need to look at it and make a final decision.

Need to make my drip tray as well for any run off.


Well-Known Member
No luck yet. I got a buddy trying his hookups.

I just need to find someone on here who live in the NW and want's to make a few bucks. That way I'd at least know what the fuck I was getting.

I really don't want to have to resort to ordering online.


Well-Known Member
yea the guys who "said" they would get seeds for me. took 2 months to do it. i dont want to order online either. seems dangerous