My grow advice needed


Active Member
I think i might have made a bad job of making a grow room. Its been 8 days and my seeds have not grown very much.

This is my grow room
i have two 20w CFL lights which =200w
they are 3500k

I have another fixed on the wall which is 15W which = 75w that is also 3500k

I ordered a 32w 6500k which is coming monday

This is the wall light

I have my 60w fan

and here is a lowryder at day 8

Where am i going wrong? will the plants grow and will the crop be low?

I ideally want a good light setup good enough to grow but i want CFL because
they are safer too leave on for long periods of time.

Also money is a issue. I have 50 a month spare for my grow the reason i started my grow is for medical.
I would usually just go out and buy green
but no one has any coz the south east is dry from what people i know have told me.

So this was my only hope to feel better and i think i messed it up.

Any advice for a n00b to help me better my grow would be very much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Your CFLs are the wrong color. The color you have is good for flowering. You need the ones with the 6500k(cool white). Remeber white/blue for vegg and orange/red for flower. Hope this helps ya


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Well-Known Member
Would This one do?

I ordered one and it is coming monday. I just hope my plants can stay alive under the current light until it shows up
With CFL's you need to get them about 2" from the top of your little guy now. They were good for the germination and once you see the sprout you gotta get some light down on it. It's just going to keep stretching like that until it finds a light.

I would try to gently dig it out (one big scoop) and then dig it a nice little hole so that you can bury it down until it's about 1" or so tall, then get a light down on it. It should then be fine.


Active Member
Hey theres lots you can do with 50 bucks. What do you have around the house? Nails, wood, pallets? Anything that you can think of to create an enclosure? What stores are in the area? I started off really cheap, 2 utility clamp lights (7 Dollars a piece) and 2 pack of GE 28w 6500K( also around 7-8). I used a tall laundy container for my enclosure and lined it with foil. The rim of the container worked great for clamping lights to. This worked great for about 3 weeks, then it started to get too big. If i had it to do over again i would've purchased a 32 gal garbage can(about 15-17 dollars). Anyway, the next time I had spare cash I went and bought another 2 pack of 6500k bulbs and 2 Y-light splitters (3 dollars x2), Emergency heat blanket x2(2.25 per) The next time... 2 more utility clamp lights and this time 2 65w 2700k CFL (16.50 x2) Yesterday I added a 70 watt HPS for 37 dollars and wired it up. All these supplies were bought from walmart at first. I got the y-bulb splitters from lowes and the HPS. You got to get something to hold in the lumens so that your plant can soak it up. Here is a link to my site, I got the more current photos up but I'll post pic of my early days (still in the laundry container) as well.
I just put this site up(about 30 min ago), dont beat me up on it yet.
*Site pictures were taken with different lights on, the cfl 6500k /hps, cfl 2700k/hps just for contrast.


Active Member
I got ya, either will do. I like the 2nd option but the first is fine. Even just moving your exising lights closer. Just get the light closer and keep it warm. It will pick up.

Hey try moving your seedling into the corner and placing your lights on the outside of the plant. The wall will reflect approx 70% light back.


Well-Known Member
do yourself a favor and buy a HID for flowering(hps) please. The real question you have to ask yourself is how much do you spend on smoking you're favorite herb? Say you spend $50/wk for a lill chronic. Instead of being disappointed with harvesting a joints worth of weed after 3 months of growing, spend the same ammount you would on smoking for a month(after you save up some extra coin) on a HPS and grow thick, fat, mouth watering buds, that will smoke for months on months. The $100 bucks for a 250hps or 200 for a 600hps is WORTH it.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
do yourself a favor and buy a HID for flowering(hps) please. The real question you have to ask yourself is how much do you spend on smoking you're favorite herb? Say you spend $50/wk for a lill chronic. Instead of being disappointed with harvesting a joints worth of weed after 3 months of growing, spend the same ammount you would on smoking for a month(after you save up some extra coin) on a HPS and grow thick, fat, mouth watering buds, that will smoke for months on months. The $100 bucks for a 250hps or 200 for a 600hps is WORTH it.

Mine paid for itself with 2 plants.
I got almost double from the HPS then I did with the CFLs. I had some plants at my moms that we flowered with the CFLs and it was good smoke but really fluffy. She got about 3/4 of an ounce off of each plant. I had a smaller plant and got about 1.25 ounces. So about a half ounce difference on the same strain. My pot was a little better in my opinion also but that coulda just been the growing rooms. Or my own bias lol


Active Member
Mine paid for itself with 2 plants.
I got almost double from the HPS then I did with the CFLs. I had some plants at my moms that we flowered with the CFLs and it was good smoke but really fluffy. She got about 3/4 of an ounce off of each plant. I had a smaller plant and got about 1.25 ounces. So about a half ounce difference on the same strain. My pot was a little better in my opinion also but that coulda just been the growing rooms. Or my own bias lol
HPS are the way to go for sho! ;-) Im upgrading slowly myself, currently on my first indoor attempt, all other experience was gained outdoors.


Active Member
do yourself a favor and buy a HID for flowering(hps) please. The real question you have to ask yourself is how much do you spend on smoking you're favorite herb? Say you spend $50/wk for a lill chronic. Instead of being disappointed with harvesting a joints worth of weed after 3 months of growing, spend the same ammount you would on smoking for a month(after you save up some extra coin) on a HPS and grow thick, fat, mouth watering buds, that will smoke for months on months. The $100 bucks for a 250hps or 200 for a 600hps is WORTH it.
I dont spend anything on weed coz i cant get any. When i did it was $30 a month.
coz i made it last.

I thought HPS/HID can overheat and burn the palce down.

I want something thats is safe i can leave on when i am out and not worry that the place will burn to the ground.


Well-Known Member
I dont spend anything on weed coz i cant get any. When i did it was $30 a month.
coz i made it last.

I thought HPS/HID can overheat and burn the palce down.

I want something thats is safe i can leave on when i am out and not worry that the place will burn to the ground.
hid lighting is safe its when stoners rewire them cheap lights to make remote balasts and steal streat lights and half ass wire em thats when they burn the house down


Well-Known Member
hid lighting is safe its when stoners rewire them cheap lights to make remote balasts and steal streat lights and half ass wire em thats when they burn the house down

haha tusseltussel speaks the truth, ventilation is key with hps, not because you'll burn your place down without it, because your plants don't like 90-100deg temps. A/C can fix the ventilation issue but you'll hardly have a problem at all with a 150 or 250w hps. My 600hps would get my room pretty warm, and my 700cfm wind tunnel would get my room pretty cool. Patching the hole btw the walls in my apartment only took an hour so don't let that stop you either. :lol:


Well-Known Member
your CFLs are fine for now, just get them really close to the plant. As you can see it's stretching for the light, its growth is all vertical. You need to take them out of the soil and re-bury them up to about an inch below the leaves (the stem will root). Get your lights in nice and close and watch it take off. Warm white CFLs are the best, but a couple of 6500K daylights are good for vegging. If you're on a limited budget you're going to want to put most of your money into warm whites because you'll need all the light you can get for flowering.



Active Member
Iv put the CFL's close to my plants which should tide them over until thursday when i can a 2 foot Grolux Fluorescent Tube. I dont think you can go wrong with a grolux they use them to grow all sort of stuff.