it is enough to fill the chamber but only if its been closed for at least a few pause and mist cycles, and it is cool with no air movement. i actually bumped it up slightly after the video was shot.
there is a ton of air movement in this greenhouse,at the moment, an i am embarassed to admit my chamber isnt completely sealed between the lid and chamber, im going to fix it tomarrow though.
im sure in the video you noticed that the solar coleus plants on the right wall of the chamber arnt doing so good. i presume this is because the mist is being sucked out along the gap of the chamber/lid, and the plants in the middle are sort of sheltered as they are farther away, also the plants in the corners above the nozzles are definitely deprived of water.
i figure i have another month before my climate becomes inhospitable to aeroponic adventures and my buddy stops trying to keep this place cool.
here are some things i want to do before then
*start cooling my compressed air with the cooler in the video, and see how much this effects chamber temp with out adding top insulation, i think its to late to implement that without damaging my plants
*seal up my chamber tight
*find a way to control the runoff so that i can periodically test it. i think the roots are ready for that.
*make panda plastic hats for on my neoprene collars