My Girls Seem To Be Very Sad


Active Member
My 2 skunks have become droppy in the past week. One started about 5 days ago and my biggest one began doing it yesterday. Most the leaves are still very green and my big one is still recovering from when i bent her down she is still open a good amount on the side.
My Lr Diesel and my other smaller sskunk seem fine and I actually took a cutting from the big mother just in case she doesnt make it. I used hormex



Active Member
really because they only get about 10oz of water every two days. And man i hope thats not the case b/c I also fed them today two NPK Peruvian guano teaed to about 10oz H20


Well-Known Member
you need to let the soil fully dry in between waterings, when you do water make sure there is 10% runoff. Forget about exact amounts.


Well-Known Member
IMO, it's either parched and thirsty, or bloated and drowning.
So either stop watering, or start watering. (stop?)


Active Member
well yea im gonna go w/o watering them until saturday and wait till then. I was planning on going on 2nd round of neem oil and mix with w/ blackstrap molasses, foliar spray all the plants... Even though I really only need it for my lowryder but Im hoping it will help overall... thats the thing that has got me perplexed lol its hot as the dickens down here lol record highs and I only give them couple bottles water a week so blah lets see what happens.


Well-Known Member
why would you spray the plants with molasses???
It would do nothing but mess up the plants transpiration


Well-Known Member
don't use molaases in the spray. you might water heavy and let them dry out before the next watering


Active Member
oh so you dont use molasses to foliar spray you just dilute it in the water for soil? It was just to use on my Lowryder plant which is about 40days old.
Its actually the blackstrap molasses w/o P so its the one that I have heard recommended on here. Im a little lazy to get up and check the bottle but a yellow labeled bottle


Active Member
could it be a pH problem??? my two babies have been like this for about 10 days now and i think my clone is on its death bed too but Im hoping i can still save them. Some of the bottom branches have turned yellow and fallen off. everything just got me worried about them right now and even my LR took a beating last night something was digging at the pot had her sideways almost.


Well-Known Member
If you sprayed them with what ever you might have just messed them up. why did you spray in the first place or was that trying to help them after your problem started?


Active Member
oh no no i havent sprayed with anything yet i was speaking in futuretense :) lol about my autoflowering diesel that i was gonna start feeding with the blackstrap molasses I know its good for the plant during the last 4weeks of flowering but yes i wont spray the molasses directly on the leaves im guessing thats gonna suffocate them having sugar all over the leaves but im sure watering it with the blackstrap it is all absorbed through the roots correct?
I have two strains growing thats why and its 2 of my 3 skunks that seem to have this deficiency of some sort :/ im hoping i can help them out soon b/c i think times running out and im sure florida heat isnt helping them out right now


Well-Known Member
yes the molasses helps the microbes in the soil. I use it the whole grow. Less then some I guess but it seems to do the trick. good luck.


Active Member
thx for the input i really thnk it was a case of underwatering i watered them really good today i had a feeling that everytime i watered it was just enough to wet the top soil but it most likely was not reaching the roots I gave them a good 2gallon watering this morning between the four of them im hoping this will fix everything.
The grow medium i believe im using isnt optimum im sure im just using plain MG organic and im starting to think it does not have the best drainage for the water to flow evenly. I am going to start another batch soon to join my first four. If i can keep them alive they have the potential to be monsters im just hoping they recover. This time I am gonna try and improve the medium see if i can some better circulation through the pot. adding some vermiculite or perlite to my next batch would help alot with that correct?


Well-Known Member
Does your mg soil have nutes in it? If so by watering every other day you might have been keeping the soil nutes active. I mix 1/3 perlite into my soil. water every 3-4 days


Active Member
yea it definitely was a severe case of underwatering... i was barely giving them 2 bottles of water each a week and they are big girls... Had to pick it up on the amount i was watering them looks like I am going to have to start buying more bottles of water but thx for the help I will take updated pics this week they are already standing up. I am gonna try and find a steady source of water near by so that i do not keep using up bottles of water getting kinda $$

if i use water from faucet or hose outside do i need to let it sit 24 hours?


Well-Known Member
Yah let it sit out for 24hours, or you could always invest in a filter of some sort, Brita makes one ya purchase at the food store for around 20bucks.


Well-Known Member
Ok either I'm missing something or no-one else really looked at the pics. In one of the pics it clearly shows that the stalk of the plant has been bent. Like if you bent a straw.... Well that stalk IS just like a straw, and if its bent like that its not going to work. I would think that THAT IS the problem.


Active Member
lol yea i was a little too rough with the bending of the plant but that was like 3 weeks ago and she really didnt show any sideeffects besides the browning a little around the stem but she is healing really good there and the growth coming from below the bend are growing really good she may look goofy but I think she is gonna be alright now

But ja i actually thought about the brita filters over at walmart my rents have one at the house for water pitchers and im guessing it does the job.... Or i could go the cheap route go the the local gas station fill up about 10 bottles of water :-D