my girls are dyyyyying!! help me!! PICS

ok the lowdown is this

first grow
vegged for 2 months under 250w (actual) cfl.
Temps did fluctuate but never went over 85 or under 60.

so now we're exactly one week into flowering and the girls may as well be dead where the stand.

It started on day 2 of 12/12 when I was doing my daily ball check (which is only daily because i learned that one of the bags i found seed in was Jack the Ripper....which has a tend. to herm) my homemade fungus gnat trap (apple cider vinegar) got knocked over and spilled into the soil..*they're both in the same pot*

I immediately came to RIU and learned that vinegar is used to adjust PH.
the PH was around 5 and on an immediate whim i think i need to get water thru this soil, stat, to remove the vinegar. so without thinking i ran a gallon of water thru it.....which is NOT enough water for the size addition to them not needing water in the least since they had just been watered/fed the day before..
checked the ph after running the water thru and it was a little better but not great.
as of today 11/16, the ph reads 6.5, but these poor plants look like they've been through hell and back.
Last Saturday (first day of 12/12) we added a 150w HPS to all of the CFL we used for veg (replaced the cool white bulbs in the ballast to the warm cfl) and we've been having a solid time trying to keep it cool in there. The temp under the lights has gone to 92F while the rest of the closet stayed a perfect flower room - 76F 28% humidity.
There is a huge bay window at the front of the room that we've opened a-for fresh air and b-to try and regulate the high temps in the closet.
for circulation we took the door off the closet, and velcrod a light proof tarp for the door so we could go in and out but still have no light for flower. we've got a box fan inside the closet at the end, about 2ft away, (its an L shaped walk in) gently blowing air at the plants. we've got an air purifier/ionizer thing laying down flat blowing fresh, purified air into the room and one of those silver exhaust coil things at the top on the opposite side.
any help is appreciated




Well-Known Member
I think you might have a third issue, one that began before the heat/vinegar fiasco.

What does your medium consist of?.
well...initially they were in mg organic(with no added drainage)...but we transplanted them to bigger pots, at probably a month, and since they'd been potted together since seedlings (in the mgorganic), and there was no way we were getting them seperated or getting much of the old soil away from the roots with out damaging them. so we just kinda...tipped the 3 gallon they were in and plopped everything right into the planter they're in now. The rest of the planter is filled with black gold natural and oraganic mixed with MG perlite.
the lives of these plants has been nothing but stress, you should check out my first post for FUULLLL details on how everything has been done wrong with these plants.
1st, i use MG soil and it seems that the more you water it the more chances you have with the soil getting HOT since it has slow release compounds; and it'll mess up the plants even more. So be sure to watch it close after you flush to see if symptoms worsen. I gave my plants a dry spell and they seem to be doing better after half watering with cal/mag. 2nd, keep a fan blowing across the canopy; keeping the HPS heat constantly moving from atop the plant. 92 degrees is fairly hot. Not much of a solution i am providing but just a few pointers that may help you out.
... 2nd, keep a fan blowing across the canopy; keeping the HPS heat constantly moving from atop the plant. 92 degrees is fairly hot. Not much of a solution i am providing but just a few pointers that may help you out.
how would you suggest/recommend getting that box fan to blow over the canopy? get a desk fan and prop it up on a box in front of the HPS?

would you say I should wait until the soil drys out and then do a proper flush? or you think i should let them dry out and keep my fingers crossed that they start doing better? lol


Well-Known Member
well...initially they were in mg organic(with no added drainage)...but we transplanted them to bigger pots, at probably a month, and since they'd been potted together since seedlings (in the mgorganic), and there was no way we were getting them seperated or getting much of the old soil away from the roots with out damaging them. so we just kinda...tipped the 3 gallon they were in and plopped everything right into the planter they're in now. The rest of the planter is filled with black gold natural and oraganic mixed with MG perlite.
The plant photo'd in pic 8, by itself...and only half pictured.

Is that in the same medium as the problem plants?.

I haven't used MG in many years, stopped doing so after developing ph imbalances during flowering. And their perlite also has chem nutes, but low dosage.

You might wish to consider switching mediums, peat based such as Promix is almost impossible to screw-up...but must have nutes added. I use Epsoma granule for the simple reason I don't have to hassle with yet another liquid to mix.


Well-Known Member
how would you suggest/recommend getting that box fan to blow over the canopy? get a desk fan and prop it up on a box in front of the HPS?

would you say I should wait until the soil drys out and then do a proper flush? or you think i should let them dry out and keep my fingers crossed that they start doing better? lol
Proper air circulation is not optional for cannabis, they need it for many reasons. Also, did you have that closet sealed off completely prior to installing ventilation?. If so, poor ladies were being deprived of C02 as well.
no it wasnt sealed off, but the door was closed...though opened several times a day and left open while any gardening was happening.

the plant by its self is actually a clone from the plant next to it in that same photo. its sort of got the same medium..and by sort of i mean theres zero mg soil in that pot, its all black gold and mg perlite.
You might wish to consider switching mediums, peat based such as Promix is almost impossible to screw-up...but must have nutes added. I use Epsoma granule for the simple reason I don't have to hassle with yet another liquid to mix.
as far as switching mediums goes- it is an option, but how would you go about getting all of the old soil out from between the roots with out damaging them; as i can only imagine what kind of entangled mess the roots are in at this point.