My Girlfriend

mookie brown

Active Member
Be 100% honest with her, if she gets mad & gives you an ultimatum then you can quit smoking & still have your girlfriend if she is the love of your life & more important to you than weed . If she is cool with it & says that she has known then just be surprised & tell her you'll do a better job without letting anyone else know. Keep your weed out of her sight. Respect her so don't all of a sudden become a dick & have her seeing weed all the time, let alone any time. Out of sight, out of mind. Good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm glad the shit didnt hit the fan when you told her. But, it is still WAY to soon to think about telling her about growing. You may still not be out of the woods on this deal. Women are fucking nuts and she could do a turnaround on your ass. So take it slow.


Well-Known Member
don't chastise a guy for watching his back! do you know how many people i "trusted" fucked me? I've been to jail 3 times.
1. Mom found out i was dealing
2. Girlfriend got into some trouble and i tried to help her and got pinched (not her fault, but she's made threats)
3. Brother found large stash, turned it in cause i wouldn't pay him off


Well-Known Member
and... if she loves you she'll deal with it. it's fucked up to tell sum1 not to smoke pot. pot is the prefect plant. Hemp. Seed Oil, Smoke, it's THE perfect plant. What if you asked her to stop wearing makeup or lose weight or dye her hair or change her friends? well? that's ridiculous! smoke weed, and if she can't deal with it, that's tough. I'm probably going to break up with the second girl I really cared about cause of weed. I love growing, smoking, i love the politics of it, I love the way it affects societies, etc.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
im not goin to check back ehre and be your councellar or nythin but..

if shes your gf she should no what your like you shouldnt have to hide shit from her, i would tell my g/f straight up so dont act fake to her and dont be scared to tell her if you feel like havin a blaze up


Well-Known Member
Live your life like you want to and be man enough to admit it and deal with it, or wait untill she finds out she has been with someone that has been lying to her, and deal with that. Let us know how that works out for you. I'm outa here too.