My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights


My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights she has been asking me if she can sit in the tent and get a tan. I have not clue but I have a feeling someone as looked in to this be for for a girlfriend. If anyone can help me get her off my back would be nice.


Well-Known Member
Yeah of course! Why else am I always in my bikini in there!! Lool :) and I'm permanently brown, even in winter!

Must wear sun glasses!!


Well-Known Member
This is the funniest thread I have come across in some time. I got me a good chuckle out of it. Lol! :clap: ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. CTRL+F5 reloads the whole page.


Ok so I should tell my girlfriend not to hang out in there to much unless she is naked with sunglass and some SPF15


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend wants to know if grow lights will work as tanning lights she has been asking me if she can sit in the tent and get a tan. I have not clue but I have a feeling someone as looked in to this be for for a girlfriend. If anyone can help me get her off my back would be nice.
Hell if that tent is that big to hell with her tanning in it - load that thing up with plants!!!


Well-Known Member
Ive been hearing that some types of UV are helpfull in tricombe production. One lamp could help maybe but i wouldnt try all of them. You dont want your plants turning orange like the hoochies :)


Well-Known Member
Ive been hearing that some types of UV are helpfull in tricombe production. One lamp could help maybe but i wouldnt try all of them. You dont want your plants turning orange like the hoochies :)
UV-B 10.0 bulbs. Bulbs for reptiles at Pet Smart. It only has effect for 20" or less so plan on a few.


Well-Known Member
Tell her that the grow lights dont give off the UV wavelengths she needs to tan unfortunatly. Dont tell her that UV LEDs are availible though ;)


Well-Known Member
BTW (old fuddy duddy here) UV is cancer causing. Keep in mind when you are near one. Wear polarized dark lenses and limit exposure of skin. Malignant melanoma is a wicked way to die.