My girlfriend ate a dog....


Well-Known Member
The charge of cannibalism makes it sound like you're calling her a bitch ... cn
If she's a cannibal dog she is a bitch. It's the proper terminology.

I thought it was so funny how Hepheastus was getting so strung out about it earlier on in the thread.


Ursus marijanus
If she's a cannibal dog she is a bitch. It's the proper terminology.

I thought it was so funny how Hepheastus was getting so strung out about it earlier on in the thread.
It's the whole "equating a human with a dog" bit that tickles my sense of cognitive dissonance. cn


Well-Known Member
It's the whole "equating a human with a dog" bit that tickles my sense of cognitive dissonance. cn
Yes, being an actual cannibal and eating a four legged animal are quite different in my thinking as well. Lol.

I mean introducing a woman to a dog the norm around here either but, okay let's get back to the subject.


Well-Known Member
I eat this girl the other night, damn she tasted so good, just soon as it started to get a lil dry all sudon it got really wet again. hope i can have left overs tonight..mmmmmm I will keep a post it leftovers are just as good as when the juices where squirting out


Ever since Walt Disney people have been equating human feeling with animals. If you had raised a deer or a cow from birth and that animal keeps coming up to you and licking your face does that mean you will never eat deer or beef again, or pork? Get over it! I would be more concerned if she screwed a donkey while she was in Mexico. ;-) I am totally saying that with a wink but I think you get my point. Please don't take offense.

I think I just feel like a dick since I made her sad/mad about something that I shouldn't have been so shocked about. I'm just trying to find a way to get over this, it's kinda hard for me though.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
did she really get pissed at you for being a little freaked out about it? so i assume she will be announcing to everyone that she ate dog, because it's so acceptable in this country and all...silly women. it's not like eating cows and goats because dogs are widely known as "man's best friend". they're barely a rung below humans in this country. the coast guard actually inlists their dogs as bonafide members of the armed forces, gives them the fancy burial, the whole nine. not judging what people do in other cultures, but if you announce that shit here you need to be prepared for some is the op the bad guy? i don't get it.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Cows are sacred in India. People keep them as pets. We eat them like they are the only food source on the earth. It's all in perspective. I'd eat a dog. Right now, in America. You gotta understand when you have very little, eventually everything becomes food. Just ask that soccer team that partied in the mountains. They ate John...and I bet at that moment...John was delicious. I have read the first page. So I'd say yes, you shouldn't be upset. I would try it. Curiosity gets the best of us. Never could be delicious with some hot sauce and potatoes.