My Ghetto Grow Room is finally DONE & Pics of My Girls Total Spents $57


Well-Known Member
Alrighty here we are... I have learned alot and my next grow will be slightly less ghettofabulous but..... I may not change to much if this ends up being decent smoke, not that I'd know I'll be inviting everyone I know who smokes over to give me a rating.

The over bright picture is my table with a tent of emergency blankets around for light capture. The odd picture of lights is a shot into one of the vent holes at the top lights and the rest our of my girls while we were moving them.



Active Member
What type of lights and what wattage, they look very tall with not much density to them at all. Hope you get a good yeild.


Well-Known Member
Right on man nice looking girls. I'm sure you will get some usable bud out of them.

How do you keep that thing light tight?


Well-Known Member
Wattage is 16 23w 2700w CFLs 1/2 bright white and 1/2 warm white, a 6.99 grow flouro tube and 2 really long 75 watt flouro tubes in a garage ballast. They are tall, before I found this board I was growing alll 10 ( had 3 boys) under 4 23 watt cfls and 1 grow tube (Its a long story, hubby had me on a budget to prove I could do it) 4 of my lights are moveable and I use them for underneath and side lighting. I can not tell U how much better they are doing since I found this board! U should have seen how spindly and bare they were when I found this board Heck they vegged almost totally in Dollar General $3 soil and now my best looking girl has 54 bud sites!

I do not have light leaks during sleep time, they are in a spare bedroom and the windows are blacked out completely and I keep a towel on the floor outside the doorway so hall light doesn't get in.

I do not expect perfect bud but I hve lerned sooooo much I can not wait until my next grow with my Attitude seeds! I am brand new to this so every little thing excites me!


New Member
switch to a hps light you can find them at junkyards. i have some 20 600w hps and mh agro bulbs and 600w hps + mh ballast free from a junkyard


Well-Known Member
good luck man ill stick with my 1khps and 1kmh over 4 blooming plants, 400mh to veg. hope you achieve your goals;)


Nice plants ...they look like they are coming along great with such a ghetto grow room lol...fuck it there growin great


btw you can get a 150w hps at your local hydro shop for under 90 bucks and it give out around 16000 lumens that will be great for your flowering


Well-Known Member
Good luck Kimi, we all start somewhere. Do you know what you're growing?

No Idea, just started with a few seeds from my lil brother and my son. Stuff they said was pretty good. I am 99% sure they are all Indica strains from the way the plants look but thats about it. Its also why I wont smoke any of this grow, I want lower THC and Higher CBD for pain and I've no clue what is here.



you should have your lights at least three inchs away because thoughs lights are not strong they will work though. i got 12 oz of bud from four plants us floresences


Well-Known Member
i call bullshit
12 ounces seems pretty steep using fluros, was that dried weight? were they at least t5's. Seemorebuds is a moderator here also has several books and videos out, his first book was titled grow 8 ounces of cannabis for less than a 100.00$ dollars,

you can download it here,
but If you like his book, or any of the others, please support the author and buy a hard copy.

mucho love guys, New Mexico=)