My fucking neighbors are pushing it with their grow

Not trying to sound like a bitch or a snitch, but if you asked them to to tone it down and keep their grow discreet and they told you to Fuck Off, then I'm sure the landlord would like to know about them destroying his or hers rental properties value.

I know from experience that confrontation with unruly neighbors can get real ugly, so be prepared, however you chose to deal with the issue.
This is sound advice.

You already talked to them and got attitude, so the next step is to move up the chain of ownership.
With what you described in the original post .....I'm more curious to know what the neighbor was smoking that asked if it was your house:shock:......especially with dead lawn and shit like that laying around.....what in the actual fuck are people thinking.....can't believe you just popped a pic and posted lol ........just a heads up for next time .....don't ever tell the people you know anything about what there doing next time......that could back fire in a bad way in your direction....even though they obviously have dildos for brains....if they get caught and your the only one that had said anything to them.....your automatically the rat in there opinion ......good job not telling them you grow .....but next time just act oblivious .....that way when they get busted or you have to get all ghetto on there ass won't get back to you .....GL

Keep us posted
With what you described in the original post .....I'm more curious to know what the neighbor was smoking that asked if it was your house:shock:......especially with dead lawn and shit like that laying around.....what in the actual fuck are people thinking.....can't believe you just popped a pic and posted lol ........just a heads up for next time .....don't ever tell the people you know anything about what there doing next time......that could back fire in a bad way in your direction....even though they obviously have dildos for brains....if they get caught and your the only one that had said anything to them.....your automatically the rat in there opinion ......good job not telling them you grow .....but next time just act oblivious .....that way when they get busted or you have to get all ghetto on there ass won't get back to you .....GL

Keep us posted
Who cares if it goes back to him? If the problem gets solved then fuck whatever they have to say about it.
Obviously never had a shitty neighbor. I also fail to see how this isn't his business.
Whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is nobody's buisness. He's the dude taking the risk if he gets caught that's on him. As long as no women is getting beat and nobody's life is at risk, i could give a fuck about what you choose to do on your own property. I mind my own business, I don't like getting involved in other people's lives.
Not trying to sound like a bitch or a snitch, but if you asked them to to tone it down and keep their grow discreet and they told you to Fuck Off, then I'm sure the landlord would like to know about them destroying his or hers rental properties value.

I know from experience that confrontation with unruly neighbors can get real ugly, so be prepared, however you chose to deal with the issue.
You're not trying to sound like a snitch but your advise is to snitch? That's like saying "not trying to sound gay, but let me suck your dick till you nut in my mouth." Bad advice, bro.
Whatever you do in the privacy of your own home is nobody's buisness. He's the dude taking the risk if he gets caught that's on him. As long as no women is getting beat and nobody's life is at risk, i could give a fuck about what you choose to do on your own property. I mind my own business, I don't like getting involved in other people's lives.

have you ever grown while living next door to someone else who has grown?
I mean if they are total jerkoffs I guess you could but I don't see what the fuck that has to do with this conversation.
Not at all. I'd be more worried if I told on somebody and got them in trouble.

well, if you've never had that concern over a careless neighbor, then you should probably consider what that would be like first.

i don't want the cops or a thief at my door because they mistook the smell of my neighbor's grow or something.
well, if you've never had that concern over a careless neighbor, then you should probably consider what that would be like first.

i don't want the cops or a thief at my door because they mistook the smell of my neighbor's grow or something.
I see what you're saying, but you got to at least consider the fact that many people are dead for fucking with people's grows. Personally, I wouldn't, but I don't grow more then I'm permitted. If the cops came I wouldn't care, they cant even give you a ticket anymore. First they have to give you a warning if you're not in compliance. There's alot to weigh before you make a decision like calling the cops on a dude that's doing the same thing you are. It can really backfire, plus he already talked to them and they told him to fuck off. They're going to know who called the cops. But I do understand what you're saying, if I had to pick between them or me I'd pick me, too.