My Frist Closet Grow and need help


Active Member
This is my first grow and i dont know exactly what im doing but my babies have just hatched out of the soil and i have a question about one of them. there is one that is hunched over and i just wanted to know if anyone out there knows what it is caused by and if i should worry about it and if it will just pass or if i need to do something?



Active Member
Since this if my first grow i dont want to spend a whole lot of money on good lights if i fuck up so i just got 4 cfl lights 2 at 6500K and the other 2 at 2700K for flowering. Trying to keep it small since i am in a college apartment so i cant draw to much attention. The only question i have is my cfl veg lights are only 13 watt and i dont know if that will be enough i know i can buy better ones but for a small grow do i really need to?


New Member
hi harrid, you would be better off with higher watts to produce anything decent, the same goes for the flowering, you will need more lights to make it worth while and produce some decent buds.



Well-Known Member
If you plan on using CFL's 100 watts per plant or one bulb per plant. Look into Y adapters so you can house 2 bulbs at once saving money and space. CFL's are cheap but effective. As for watering just keep an eye on the top layer of the soil and make sure it's moist but not soaked. Sprouts need the dirt somewhat dry so there roots go searching.............. Also have proper airflow and keep your eye on the temps and humidity.

Do your homework and read anything you can relating to growing. Your gonna need patience to play this game. Once you learn the ropes it's fun as hell:-) Welcome to rollitup.



Active Member
Thanks for the advice...i need it.

One more question i read somewhere a way to get CO2 to the plants is to spray them with carbonated water or seltzer water. If so how often do i have to spray them, or is there an easier or better way to get CO2 to the plants?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any fans or a ventilation system? How close are your lights to the plants?

Everything sounds OK so far. Definitely go with more wattage for more bud. =D

Good luck! Keep us posted! :bigjoint:


Active Member
I still dont know how much and often i should water each plant. I gave both plants 200mL of water yesterday but the soil looks and feels dry already. Should i be watering them everyday or stick to every other? I also bought Schultz plant food plus 10-15-10. I was planning on using half a dose after the first week then not start a full dose until flowering. Is this ok both the method and the product or should i change something? I dont really want to spend to much money on a whole assortment of nutes just for this little grow.


Well-Known Member
As far as watering goes, those look like pretty big pots. I would just feel the soil about 2" down about 3"-4" away from the plant and if it's dry, water. Every other day should be plenty. If the soil gets a little dry, it should stimulate the plant's root growth. If it gets two dry, the simple solution is to water it. If it is over watered, it's a lot harder to make the soil drain and dry faster. =P

As to the nutrient question, I would at least hold off until around the end of the second week. Nute burns suck...

Good luck and hope this helps a little. :joint:


Well-Known Member
well there should be enough nutes in the soil to last up2 3 weeks so you shouldnt need to feed them yet!not till the 3rd week but if you must make sure its more like a quarter strength for the first few feeds then increase gradually,you usually dont need to give ya plants full strength nutes atall,3 quarters at most,but each to there own!its strange how ya soil gets dry so quickly!does the pot feel really light aswell?coz it could just be that its dry ontop and still nice and moist underneath!maybe theres airpockets in ya soil so the waters going straight through?if thats the case just pat the sides of ya pot before you water and if the water sits ontop of ya soil do the same and it'll sink in!dont overwater it'll suffercate the roots!they need to breath!when soils dry about 2-3 inchs down they need water.


Active Member
yea i think my soil gets dry so easily is because i have my fan pointed right at the top of my pots so its probably only the top of the soil thats actually dry. But thanks SH55 and Mrskitz for the advice on the nutes now i will def. hold off till the end of the second week cause nute burning would suck.


Active Member
the two lights i have now for flowering are 2 23watt sylvania soft white light bulbs. I was thinking about trading those in for 2 40watt sylvania soft white light bulbs. Now I know these are better but how much of a difference is it really going to make? Would it really be worth it?


Active Member
they look good but about ur nutes when ur in veg u should use nutes with a high n low p the food u have now would be better used during flowering as opposed to veg.! u should get diff food with higher N!! just a thought!!:peace:


Active Member
well i have bad news. This will be my last post for awhile, i was arrested yesterday for possession and paraphanalia but luckily they didnt find my plants but anyways i hate drug dogs and hopefully ill be able to do this next year. But anyways good luck to the rest of you and FUCK DRUG DOGS!!!