My fluoresent closet


Active Member
Hello everyone, this is a new grow i started in my closet with some dutch jam i swiped from my buddy. the closet is 2'x6'. In the pics you can see i got 4 and they are under 4 4' fluo tubes and 1 2' fluo "grow lights" on the wall and 2 cfl (1 23w other 1 14w) all the 4' tubes are 40 watts.

i also have 2 fans moving air around in the closet 1 small one on a shelf above the plants that is always on and a bigger osillating fan on the ground (you can see the top of it in one of the pictures) and this fan tuns off with the lights.

These plants are 4 weeks old today and up untill today they have been under 24 hrs of light of only 2 4' fluo's and now with all these lights i have it at 20/4.

One more this i would like to mention is im growing with a very low budget so most of the materials i have here are things ive been collecting to use to grow with over the last year and a half so if you look at this and think your doing this wrong its because i got this all pretty much free so im just tryin to do what i can do till i can buy better equitment.

OK so i hope to get some replys on what you guys think and maybe some ways i can imporve it with out having to spend to much money(if any)!bongsmilie


New Member
their looking good man, just hope you have room to move those floros higher and higher.....get yourself some more cfls to man.....
you can pick up 60 watters at walmart for 18 bucks and pick up a few of those cheap 4 dollar drop lights...(the ones that look like a silver so you can clamps the cfls to stuff like the floros ect......
im not positive, but i dont think that black light is a good idea, it could make your plant think differently (cause it to hermie) ect....
also change your light schedule to 18/6 until they get at least 15 to 20 inches (veg)tall IMO...and then 12/12 (flower)........ what nutes are you using? or is it in mg soil?
also keep a thermometer in their and keep your temps between 75 and 80 degrees. hope this helps ....good luck...

Ps.. im way baked so i keep having to edit


Active Member
i would remove that metal thingy.. I think the white wall is more reflective than that metal thingy.
Looks like Mylar to me. Could be wrong, hard to tell from pics. Mylar is slightly more reflective then flat white walls. :peace:

For a low budget grow, looks like you got a decent setup man. Do what you can, until you can afford to do what you want ! 20/4 will work, but is kinda an unconventional light schedule. No big deal. You will have growers going back and forth on whats the "best" schedule. I prefer 18/6 but its all good. Whatever works for you my man. Goodluck with it and happy growing my friend.


Active Member
their looking good man, just hope you have room to move those floros higher and higher.....get yourself some more cfls to man.....
you can pick up 60 watters at walmart for 18 bucks and pick up a few of those cheap 4 dollar drop lights...(the ones that look like a silver so you can clamps the cfls to stuff like the floros ect......
im not positive, but i dont think that black light is a good idea, it could make your plant think differently (cause it to hermie) ect....
also change your light schedule to 18/6 until they get at least 15 to 20 inches (veg)tall IMO...and then 12/12 (flower)........ what nutes are you using? or is it in mg soil?
also keep a thermometer in their and keep your temps between 75 and 80 degrees. hope this helps ....good luck...

Ps.. im way baked so i keep having to edit
thank you for the positive feed back n i feel ya on the :joint: thing :D but yes i def have ways to move up the flou's (you can kinda see them in the first pic they are shoe strings lol) ill def look into getting some more powerful cfl's its just like i said i got the ones i got for free from a couple m8's.
i took the blacklight out about an 2 hours after i posted this so that was replaced by a normal 4' fluo.
i also changed the timer from 20/4 to 18/6 also.
so i havent started with nutes yet but i do have MG soil (the stuff that says feeds up to 3 months). so does that mean im good here for a bit or should i get to putting stuf in.
the only nutes i have right now is normal miracle-gro plant food 15-30-15 and i know i should have something more like 30-15-15 but would what i have work?
i also did just get a thermometer in there but i am running hot (85 and im confused on how come i can lower it with 2 fans)

Looks like Mylar to me. Could be wrong, hard to tell from pics. Mylar is slightly more reflective then flat white walls. :peace:

For a low budget grow, looks like you got a decent setup man. Do what you can, until you can afford to do what you want ! 20/4 will work, but is kinda an unconventional light schedule. No big deal. You will have growers going back and forth on whats the "best" schedule. I prefer 18/6 but its all good. Whatever works for you my man. Goodluck with it and happy growing my friend.
im not sure what the material is but it came off some cardboard paper wraping shit lol but thank you also for the positive feed back.


New Member
hmmmm....yeah 85 is a little on the high side.....the reason it wont cool down with the 2 fans is because your just blowing the warm air around. ....can you perhaps crack the closet door open a bit?
sounds like some of that heat needs to vent somehow,. keeping the door cracked a bit should do the trick. If your temp never goes over 85 then i wouldnt worry about it, but any temp over 90 is def bad.
dont worry about adding any nutes. the mg soil will feed your ladies almost until the end. you may need to start giving it extra the last couple weeks of flowering but for now your A-OK. if you feed them now you would kill them for sure.
just wait until the top of the soil is crusty, or stick your finger in the soil about a half inch , if its dry. give them water.
the water causes the mg soil to realease the nutes in the soil.

your gonna do just fine if you can find a way to vent your closet a bit and pick up a couple more cfls.

55% humidity is pretty low,
between 65%and 80% is what you want.
anything over 80 % could possably cause bud mold.

getting your temp lower will raise your humidity level.
try getting your temp between 75 and 80 degrees.
if you cant I would suggest picking up a cheap humidifier. or you could lightly mist them with water but a lot of people frown on that because it could burn your ladies although from my own personnal experiance i never burnt mine using floros and cfls.
55 % humidity will give you narrow thin weak leaves because their working so hard to preserve water...55% wont kill your plants but will deprive them of their full growth potential....... glad i can help bro....any more questions, just ask.....:peace:bongsmilie


Active Member
hmmmm....yeah 85 is a little on the high side.....78 to 80 is damn near perfect....can you perhaps crack the closet door open a bit?
sounds like some of that heat needs to vent somehow,. keeping the door cracked a bit should do the trick.
dont worry about adding any nutes. the mg soil will feed your ladies almostr until the end. you may need to start giving it extra the last couple weeks of flowering but for now your A-OK. if you feed them now you would kill them for sure.
just wait until the top of the soil is crusty, or stick your finger in the soil about a half inch , if its dry. give them water. the water causes the mg soil to realease the nutes in the soil.your gonna do just fine if you can find a way to vent your closet a bit and pick up a couple more cfls.....:peace:bongsmilie
lol i dont even have doors on the closet i have a blanket over and the blanket doesnt go to the ground so there is about a half foot on the bottom that is open and i just pulled back a corner of the top and pointed one of my fans twords that to try to get some of the hot air from the top of the room out and its still stittin at 83-84.:cuss: how much water should i be giving them pur watering? also im desperatly needing to transplant time to bigger pots so should i just stick with mg soil or go to something different?


Active Member
mg is fine can cause nute burn, but i like and seems to be working for u, get a tent get a tent get a mfing tent
i am aculy getting some nute burn and im getting worried. would using ourdoor dirt be a bad idea just to get time in some bigger pots. (bout 1 gallon pots) i worried about stunting their growth with small pots like they are in(ive done it before) but a tent is just way out of my budget right now :P i need other things like proper soil :P


New Member
get those babies transplanted into 3 gallon pots asap.. I didnt notice the size of your the mg soil will be fine as long as you dont over water.... over watering is what causes major nute burn from mg soil. Once you have drain holes,(most pots have them) (if not put a couple pencil size holes in bottom of pots)transplant them and if the top of the soil is dry and not moist, water them until you see water draining out the bottom of the pots,dont constantly pour the water steadily, give a bit then stop and wait until you see it draining... as soon as you see this STOP....... thats when you no they have had enough......:blsmoke:


New Member
lol i dont even have doors on the closet i have a blanket over and the blanket doesnt go to the ground so there is about a half foot on the bottom that is open and i just pulled back a corner of the top and pointed one of my fans twords that to try to get some of the hot air from the top of the room out and its still stittin at 83-84.

that should bring your temp down... it may take a few hours.....keep that one blowing out, get another one and point it toward that one, no what i mean.... push that hot air out....then have the other oscilating on your babies....


Active Member
i prolly am over watering them which i need to stop (me being anxious) ill see what happens with the temp but what are the risks running at 83-84 cuz that not to far off. but i have no dirt to use right now and im kinda glued to my house so im thinking about just digging up some dirt outside to get these babies in some bigger pots. would this be ok or not so smart?