My flower tent blows up like a balloon...


Is positive air pressure a bad thing? It is good for my temps and I have the odors under control, but I was wondering if +/- air pressure effects the growth in any way?


If you have positive pressure you WILL have smells not getting filtered through your carbon scrubber, other than that no negative effects.


If you have positive pressure you WILL have smells not getting filtered through your carbon scrubber, other than that no negative effects.
Not if the tent is under positive pressure and the room is under negative, which I did by making an exhaust outlet into the ceiling/attic and another blowing into the houses' central air intake. That's how I eliminate the odors. Thanks for the answer though. I have been wondering about that for a while.


But if its flowing into your central heating wouldn't it then spread the smells through the house? Not saying you are wrong, just curious how you got that to work.


The air filter on the intake eliminates odors, but the odor that escapes into the exhaust under the intake is so slight that even without the filter the smells aren't noticeable. I have a separate 8 in. blower exhaust for my lights which are sealed in tubes. The intake for this comes from the cool night air from an separate intake I installed on the roof above the room. This is the exhaust blowing into the central intake. The negative air pressure in the room is actually created by another 8 in. blower exhaust into the attic, which then escapes freely outside. It will be better if I post some pics, I don't really feel like this is explaining things. But I had to go to all of this trouble to beat the summer heat here in Arizona.


No worries about pictures i can see it in my head pretty well. My only question is why are you using the tent and not the whole room? lol, to each their own! Glad it works for you, i couldn't imagine trying to deal with those temps.


I could use the whole room, but I have a veg and flower tent with different lighting, schedules, temperatures, co2. I try to keep it on the D/L and with tents I find I have more control of environmental factors. But if I had a few extra rooms instead of just one and was single instead of married, I would use the rooms instead definitely.:)


Mine too, well it did until that time Child Protective Services stopped by, telling my wife where the grow was. Came in looking and still couldn't find it. Now i love my little room and my BIG carbon filter.