My first try at DWC


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro but it's too late now. I added a little less than what should be 1/2 dose according to the FF feeding schedule. If you are certain that it will cause me problems I'll change the res water with plain water but if there's a chance it will be ok I think I'll leave it as is. Hope for the best, you know?


Active Member
Keep the nutes out. Wait till the plant is a little bigger or shows any signs of needing them which 99.9% will not at that age.
Yeah, I agree. Even when you do start adding, start at 1/4 strength and wait a few days before going to 1/2, etc.

It's a marathon, not a sprint. :)



Well-Known Member
I hear what you're saying. It's actually a little less than a 1/4 dose. For cuttings it gives an amount of nutes which is 1/2 of a reg dose and I added half of that figuring I'd start it slow and slowly work my way up. After burning two other plants of mine (that are close to getting harvested now) I'm nervous about going full strength at all. The mistake I made though was I accidentally nuted them with full strength doses on back to back waterings and it messed them up good since I went out of town for the weekend when it happened.

I haven't given my other plants full strength nutes for this reason and will most likely not go full strength with this little girl at all either. The Hindu Skunk and Green Cush I have flowering now look great and are getting big with tons of budsites and they've only been given full strength Big Bloom, 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom and 1/2 strength Open Sesame. I will leave the nutes in the water and just top off with plain water for a week, then I'll up it a little but still probably not half strength. Once it looks pretty established I'll go to half strength and go from there. It will most likely only see 1/2 or 3/4 strength veg nutes before going into flower. If it starts to look not so good in the next day or so I'll go back to plain water.


Active Member
I hear what you're saying. It's actually a little less than a 1/4 dose. For cuttings it gives an amount of nutes which is 1/2 of a reg dose and I added half of that figuring I'd start it slow and slowly work my way up. After burning two other plants of mine (that are close to getting harvested now) I'm nervous about going full strength at all. The mistake I made though was I accidentally nuted them with full strength doses on back to back waterings and it messed them up good since I went out of town for the weekend when it happened.

I haven't given my other plants full strength nutes for this reason and will most likely not go full strength with this little girl at all either. The Hindu Skunk and Green Cush I have flowering now look great and are getting big with tons of budsites and they've only been given full strength Big Bloom, 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom and 1/2 strength Open Sesame. I will leave the nutes in the water and just top off with plain water for a week, then I'll up it a little but still probably not half strength. Once it looks pretty established I'll go to half strength and go from there. It will most likely only see 1/2 or 3/4 strength veg nutes before going into flower. If it starts to look not so good in the next day or so I'll go back to plain water.
With all the adventures my plants have gone through from coming home on 4/13, to 4/23, to 5/2 (foreground), they have maybe been in nutrients all of 6 days. Larry OG has done quite well, and to this point may be growing slower than her potential but nothing stretchy, brown or yellow and perky with new growth sprouting from every node site (slow and healthy is a good thing). Just yesterday I was able to separate smaller plants from the larger plants so the larger ones are finally back on 2/3 nutrients and my water temps are now down to 66* from 75* with my new cooling system. Hopefully we'll see some good growth!

Sorry for the hijack. :) I thought it was relevant.




Active Member
Nice thread. I have a question, can some one tell me when I am supposed to change the water in my res? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
That's a pretty good question and I have seen many different answers on here. So far I changed it when I learned that I shouldn't have nutes in the water for clones that haven't rooted yet but haven't changed it since. Some people say every week and some say every couple weeks. I will be changing mine every week since I'm now runing nutes in it again. This is in hopes of keeping good track of what nutes are in the water. My EC/PPM meter will be here in the next couple of days and that wil help too.


Active Member
Nice thread. I have a question, can some one tell me when I am supposed to change the water in my res? Thanks in advance.
I go with the label and change once per week. Some people try and stretch it out to 2 weeks but closely monitor pH, ppm, temp and signs of algae (slimy feel on hoses). I just built "coolers" around my reservoirs using rigid foam insulation (check my journals) and my water temps stay around 66* and it's pitch dark inside. Maybe I can get 2 weeks also. :)


Well-Known Member
My res temp will climb overnight (while the lights are on) to 69-70f but then I put a frozen water bottle in and it goes back to 65-66f. The lights are off for 6 hours during the day and the temp doesn't rise more than a degree during that time. It will come back up a bit in the afternoon/evening (68-69) but I put another bottle in after dinner and pull it out before bed where it is 64-65 again. I will be changing the setup a bit and the new res will be insulated. I did a test with an ice chest I have and hose water went into the chest at 62f where it sat for a full week in my garage with the lid open. The temp in a week didn't go up and down but slowly rose to 69f over five days where it stayed for the last two days. I'll be going with some sort of insulated bucket or ice chest now. Especially since the summer months are coming and it begin to get hot in my garage during the day.



Active Member
My res temp will climb overnight (while the lights are on) to 69-70f but then I put a frozen water bottle in and it goes back to 65-66f. The lights are off for 6 hours during the day and the temp doesn't rise more than a degree during that time. It will come back up a bit in the afternoon/evening (68-69) but I put another bottle in after dinner and pull it out before bed where it is 64-65 again. I will be changing the setup a bit and the new res will be insulated. I did a test with an ice chest I have and hose water went into the chest at 62f where it sat for a full week in my garage with the lid open. The temp in a week didn't go up and down but slowly rose to 69f over five days where it stayed for the last two days. I'll be going with some sort of insulated bucket or ice chest now. Especially since the summer months are coming and it begin to get hot in my garage during the day.
I would have used ice chests as well but my space is limited and I needed to find something to fit the rez's I had so I had to go custom. As it is the cabinet doors just barely close all the way.


Well-Known Member
I went to check on the little plant today and was surprised to see that the root had broke/fallen off. I saw it floating around in the res and then noticed that the nutes had separated somewhat from the water and was coating the sides and bottom of the res. I'm sure I messed it up and I know it's my fault but since I didn't like what I was seeing and I really want to grow the Sour Grape, I pulled it out and put it in soil. I got my seeds today and will germ 1 or 2 in the next few days to a week with the intention of running another plant in a DWC setup. I'll probably put "The Church" in a basket, in a bucket by itself. I really want to give DWC a fair shot but I also need to keep things rolling so it will have to wait a couple weeks.


Well-Known Member

Smoke a bowl before you do anything.

Keep your pH in check daily - no to extremely little nutes to start (for example I put 5 ml of grow in my 8.5 gal res just so something was there for them) - an other then that... leave them alone! lol

At this point I check my res every two days because I've kept track of it so well and no what to expect for now. Once I go into flower in the next couple days - that will change.

You are probably just killing them with to much care. Pulling them in and out of the res checking for roots... etc. Check your stuff... and forget about them for 24 hours. Check your stuff... forget about them for 24 hours. You will do just fine!


Well-Known Member
I know, I know, lol.

I had to open it up a couple times a day to put a frozen bottle in the res to keep the temp normal. That's when I would notice the root. When I didn't see it yesterday I panicked a bit. I didn't pull the basket all the time though, just pop the lid on the res enough to slip a bottle in the water.

Like I said, I'll give it another go with a single plant in a week or so with a smaller setup. I'm thinking probably an insulated bucket to keep temps in check easier and then I'll just need to check the Ph once a day.

Thanks man, I appreciate the comments.


Active Member
I know, I know, lol.

I had to open it up a couple times a day to put a frozen bottle in the res to keep the temp normal. That's when I would notice the root. When I didn't see it yesterday I panicked a bit. I didn't pull the basket all the time though, just pop the lid on the res enough to slip a bottle in the water.

Like I said, I'll give it another go with a single plant in a week or so with a smaller setup. I'm thinking probably an insulated bucket to keep temps in check easier and then I'll just need to check the Ph once a day.

Thanks man, I appreciate the comments.
Hey Dez,

Check out my custom coolers for my reservoirs in my Cabinet Build. They are at the end (just finished) and they work great and all the steps to build them are there too! Not sure if they are something you need but I only have to put in an ice bottle every 2 to 4 days when the temps get up to 69*. Mostly it stays at 66-67*.




Active Member
Interesting grow.

Starting something remotely similar, just on a less intense scale, ore so a hobby grow.
Sub'd and will follow for reference! I'll post my DWC Journal when I get started.


Well-Known Member
DSCN0219.jpgDSCN0216.jpgDSCN0227.jpgPicture 022.jpgPicture 029.jpghey dez i just dropped in to see what youre up to i did a bubbleponic grow & had problems ive done it all from clone-2-bud for 3 dirt grows,1 bubbleponic grow & last but not least im on e&f rockwool grow #4 with a set up i made my self if you need help ask i only know whats worked 4 me but i can show you simple stuff that works & you can get ideas & maybe add your own personal ideas & use my ideas as a building block to get started i try to use simple low-tech ideas to get it done here is a few pics of start to finish of my last e&f grow i call it the lazy mans hydro very simple & effective

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Nice Job, JSGamber !
I see more ppl using the 2 inch styrofoam insulation to cover/surround their totes.
I just use two 12gal Igloo Marine coolers, w/ UV Block built in, at $24/ea
A 4ft x 8ft sheet of that styrofoam costs $24 at Lowes too.
Temps stay 62F - 64F !
One 1/2 gallon frozen bottle of water at lights on.


Well-Known Member
I've decided I'm going to give this another go in the next week or so with the auto seeds I got as freebies. I've got some of the 5gal igloo coolers and a couple 1gal ones. I might have a 2gal but not sure.

Anyway, I have some extra space in the flower room between the hydro tray and the door. It's big enough to fit a few of the 1gal igloo jugs in a row so I'm thinking of doing a couple autos in the 1gal jugs.

I'll wrap the jugs in reflective insulation to be sure to block out the light and add a little extra insulation. I'll remove the lids and make tops with the foam insulation, covered with mylar to block light. Not sure how I'm going to address res temps yet but I know I don't want to be sticking a bottle in them every day, PITA.

It has to be simple or it's not worth it to me...I've simplified everything about my grow op and I'm not about to mess it up now.


Well-Known Member
I know 1gal is not very much or big but they're autos and you can grow autos in big styrofoam cups, small pots, cut milk jugs etc. when in soil so I'm sure it'll be fine. The biggest hurdle will temps given there's not a lot of volume for heat to disperse in.

I'll put up pics once the seeds are germ'd and sprouting in rockwool.