My first time


Active Member
I usually put them on a crunchy peanut butter sandwich though once I got a mushroom panini from panera bread and took the normal shrooms off and replaced them with the trippy ones and that tasted great. I try not to have too much in my stomach though as it can make you nauseous.

I don't think it's ever been proven, but I've always heard vitamin C is supposed to make you trip harder, so I usually drink some orange juice, I have lots of memorable experiences in friends just about this dumb measuring cup full of orange juice that kept appearing everywhere and we couldn't figure out how it got there. we found it in the garage one time months later like what the hell is this doing out here?

Setting isn't as important as they make it out to be. It's one variable but there's so much more that can affect your trip. It really depends on what kinda person you are, if you can go with the flow, you'll be fine anywhere you are, then again, tripping can change ppl, so maybe that's not necessarily true. There is nothing for certain in the world of psychedelics. I have had trips that made me the most cocky dude ever (mostly when I was also drinking) but most of the time it's a truly humbling experience and I feel reduced to the most basic form of life. very good way to find yourself.

I've taken LSD and shrooms in party atmospheres where ppl got in fights, pulled out guns, and the cops came, cincinnati ghetto on halloween and I've been fine. but I've been with a few people, just sitting around and freaked out for no reason.

I don't like tripping in the car usually, I feel cramped and want to get out and walk around, and especially not driving though I have, don't recommend it.

being outside is the best. that's why I can't trip during the winter months anymore, I hate the cold and dislike being stuck indoors. I'm a person that gets depressed by winter and the lack of sunlight anyway.

really just keep a good attitude. as long as you stay positive, your trip will be positive. I usually like to plan out when I'm going to trip (tho I never do any of the things I planned on doing, everything becomes a trip inside of a trip while tripping because i forget what im doing and get sidetracked and too interested in something else and then eventually stumble upon what I was originally intending to find and it's like a huge epiphany), randomly having a buddy go here eat this can sometimes make for a disaster but spontaneity can be fun to. make sure you have atleast one person you trust along for the ride, preferably some who has tripped before and can guide you. know that its only a drug and that it will eventually stop and go back to normal, well as normal as normal gets after you cross over to the other side.. expect to have a new outlook on life.

if you have any kind of underlying mental condition, it might be brought out. but i wouldn't worry about that, most people who trip are crazy to begin with.

I have no idea what I'm trying to say. Expect the unexpected. Nothing is for certain when it comes to psychedelics.


Active Member
oh and I meant to say, tripping can be a party drug but it's not as rewarding to use it to just be fucked up. It's better when you can think, relax, and take something from it.

oh and you won't get hurt as long as you remember this:

you can't really fly, fire burns, and cars kill.