My first time


Active Member
Hey guys, tomorrow I will be trying Shrooms for the first time, I am already an experienced pot smoker and was wondering what to expect, and should I do something in preparation? Thanks guys.


Active Member
Tripping on Shrooms is a very comfortable high similar to ganja. As your Trip kicks in, you might see a few tracers but mostly you'l be a giggling fool. You'll just laugh and giggle until your cheeks hurt. I also like to wake and trip. About an hour before I plan on waking up, I'll set my alarm, wake up for a couple minutes, eat my Shrooms and go back to sleep. As soon as the Shrooms kick-in, you'll wake right up. Waking up tripping is f!cking incredible! You'll find a deep sense of contentment in a "perfect moment", a perfect mix of bliss and inner-peace that almost mimics heroin (but you won't pass out with a cigarette in you're hand and set your shirt on fire).


Active Member
I meant that the inner peace/blissfulness is similar. But no, it won't make you sleepy. You'll pop right awake. If anything, you'll have trouble sleeping, especially if you take them late in the evening.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, tomorrow I will be trying Shrooms for the first time, I am already an experienced pot smoker and was wondering what to expect, and should I do something in preparation? Thanks guys.
If it is your first time eating shrooms, you should only eat half an eigth, or 1/8 at the most. Some people on occasion have a higher tolerance, and need more than that, even for their first time. Chances are, however, you will need no more than 1/8.

A big part of having an enjoyable trip is you SET and SETTING. Be sure you are in an environment that you feel completely at ease in. If you are in a bad setting, you can get pretty restless. Just relax, and if you can, be outdoors. I like trippin at sunset/nighttime, listening to some psychedelic rock like Floyd or Tool, sittin around a camp fire with a couple other trippers. Good times.....

Have fun, and be carefull! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
do them with some friends, shrooms is always more fun with a couple of good people around...who are also doing shrooms. your trip won't be as much fun with people who aren't feeling what you're feeling, plus i don't think they'll get your jokes, ha.


Well-Known Member
fritos bbq twists completely masks the shroom taste. drinking orange juice helps make the colors a lil more vivid/vibrant.

if you ever start going towards the bad end, remember that its just a trip. if it does happen, put on
Blink from Infected Mushroom :hump:

enjoy yourself