My First Stealth Cab (Work In Progress)


Active Member
nice man im subbed gives me a good idea for when i get a 250wmh/hps . Can you believe ima trade my 400w for a 250w .
the 400watter just pulls to much energy! but i love what your doing. and i think the scrog method its the best it totally takes after its worth the wait.

i have my micro grow going right now with some cfls pc/grower
and my 400w grow going too. after this grows ima go for your setup for 250w grow!
if you wanna see it its Pc/ultimate scrog grow yield. sorry cant link??
its my first time doing scrog? so could use some tip on scrog growing.
if you know a little or alot of knowledge would love some advice?
and good luck on your grow will be tuned! happy growing!!